Talking about the news
I usually find out the newsb?on television and mobile phone.
Television news?are very?detailed.
I heard the news about Trump, somebody impeached Trump.
Yesterday I heard that trump was impeached by someone. This news is very?surprising for me.
Somebody impeached Trump.
In America (USA).
Other people think his behavior is not good, so they impeached him.
Yesterday, I?heard some news about Covid-19.
At what time?
What happened?
I want to know, where did the news take place?
In the news, how many people?were there?
What happened next?
I like to use my smartphone to find the news.
I usually usean application.
Recently, I heard news about corona virus, ithas become more and more serious in China recently. Our government announced a new policy that we have to get a new test certificate to travel during the Spring festival.
Several days ago I heard?some news about a new policy.
Our government announced that we have to get a certificate to prove we are not infected, and then you can go back hometown.
I think it is effective from Jan 28th to March 8th.
Because?the corona virus?has become more and more serious?recently in China.
I usually find out the news?on some apps, such as social media, it always has a hit list.
Recently I heard a small game is very popular in China, it's called combined watermelon.
Many people?are addicted to it.
So, when?will this new policy be used?
So, why?did the government?introduce this policy?
So, for us how should we??respond to this new policy?
I seldom watch news on TV, I usually hear the news from the people around me or through the newspaper or internet.
Target language / Vocabulary
a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.
Please do one of these things every day to improve your English:
1.READsomething you enjoy. You can read a book, an article or a magazine about a topic or story you like or are interested in. You don't have to read a very long passage in a single day. Read to understand and if you don't understand, please look for the meaning of words in the dictionary.
2.SPEAKas often as you can with people who speak fluent or average English. You can go to shopping malls, restaurants, social areas or places of entertainment where you can meet new people and chat in English. Think about what you will say before you say it.
3.LISTENto English audio books, music, news and watch movies. Do not use subtitles when you watch movies.
4.WRITEsummaries of things you have read and listened to in your own words. Or you can keep a journal in English.
5.VOCABULARYis only kept through continuous use. So use the word many times in different sentences all the time e.g. the word "great". I had agreatday today. My weekend wasgreat.I feelgreat.
/new vocabulary
dish =food (e.g. Pasta and sausage)
appetizer =starter (e.g. soup or some small dish)
Sentences about tasting food
T: The apple tasted fresh
G: The green peppers I ate yesterday tasted fresh
L: I ate fish it tasted very salty
A: I ate salad. It looked stale and the taste was too oily.
T: The food in my favourite restaurant smelled fresh
G: The steak in my favourite canteen tasted undercooked
L: The chicken in my favourite restaurant tasted delicious
A: My favourite restaurant cooked the hot pot it is delicious and spicy
/sentence corrections
I really like eating meat
we would include food from regular places like Hubei province
the dish? tastes
can be made...
Descriptions of food
some spicy beef on the noodles
the chef makes the beef very delicious and spicy
I think noodles? are very delicious and convenient
verbs =v-er-b-s
undercooked =under-cook-t
appetizer =a-p-ti-zer
/final task
Teacher and Lillian
T: How was the main course in your favourite restaurant?
L: My favourite restaurant main course include hot pot and barbecue
T: What about the hot pot. Is it nice?
L: The hot pot is very nice. The hot pot tasted very delicious, especially in winter to stay warm
Grace and Andy
G: How's theappetizer in your favourite restaurant?
A: I never ate an appetizer but I can describe my favourite food; like barbecue...it tasted rich/delicious
G: What do you think of the beer?
A: It's so so, I don't like drink beer
I think this would be a dangerous place if you don't know how to swim.
I think it is safe because dolphins are loving and friendly. But I can't swim.
I think this is a dangerous place to work. Dolphins are big animals and if you can't swim or don't get along them they would be dangerous.
I think if you are not an animal professional it would be dangerous because you don't know how to communicate.
This year there was an accident with a worker who fell and broke their arms and stayed in the hospital for 2 months.
Last semester a classmate broke his arm playing basketball.
There were 2 leg injuries at work this year but I don't know what happened.
I work in an office where there is little danger.? A colleague did slip and fall on a wet floor and suffered some bruises.
I think a car accident is very common here. People drive too fast and cars crash.
I think getting the Corona virus has been common last year.
There have been many people who have fallen into the river because of melting snow and had to be rescued.
In my city there have been many car accidents this year due to the high speed of cars. Six people have died, many have been hurt.
This year many people have been injured when misusing equipment and cars at work. What can we do to prevent these injuries?
I think it would be a good idea to take a bus or taxi to work and be extra careful.? Make sure you go to the hospital if injured.
How can people protect their feet from injury? Many have been hurt by equipment.
I think paying attention at work and wearing heavy boots will help.
It is important to train employees well on how to use equipment.
That's a good idea, we need training weekly.
There were some students fighting resulting in leg injuries. How can this be prevented?
I think students should respect each other communicate to problem solve. It is important to make rules about behavior and ensure students follow them.
I think warning labels should be posted when the floor is wet and provide employee training weekly.
Is this a safe place to work?
Wild, big animals
Can't swim?
Lots of water
Easy to fall on wet surfaces
Professionally trained - familiar with the animals
Build good relationships
Animals can become out of control
Accidents at work
Didn't recognise the danger of a machine
A colleague was hurt
His finger was cut
Obey the safety rules
I always get a paper cut - it really hurts.
We could use technology
Safety Advice
You'll need this pass in order to
In the event of a fire
Make sure
Take great care
Whatever you do, don't go back
Please ensure
As long as
S + (has or have) + been + past participle
She has been hurt
He has been electrocuted
They have been attacked on the street
I have been hurt
He has been hurt playing basketball
She has been crushed by passengers
She has been crushed
She has been electrocuted at work
He has been hit by a car
Safety Advice
You'll need this pass in order to
In the event of a fire
Make sure
Take great care
Whatever you do, don't go back
Please ensure
As long as
You need to be careful when
Please make sure that you
S + (has or have) + been + past participle
Some students have been fighting
Many people slipped on the ground
S + (has or have) + been + past participle
Many people have been slipping
Many people have been burned by the fire.
Many people have been injured at work.
Many people have been killed
He has been beaten
S + (has or have) + been + past participle
TV viewing habits
How many hours of TV do you watch each week?
-3/4 hours a week
-1/2 hours a week
reality programmes, shows
entertainment programmes
soap operas
TV genres
with hosts: news, talk shows, game shows
without hosts: soap operas, movies, sitcoms
Who wants a billionaire? - game show
I like to do exercise and play badminton
I am l earning English in order to improve myself
I like to do exercise and play badminton
I like cooking and running
I like reading books and travelling
Sometimes I enjoy watching movies
I am learning English
I am working for
I am learning English in order to learn some communication skills
I enjoy watching TV and movies
I like to hike with my daughter
I work at a military hospital
I am very interested in English
I like reading, going fishing and travelling
I like reading books, listening to music, watching movies, playing sports, going shopping, riding a bicycle in the mountains, going to the gym, going hiking, eating out, travelling, spending time with my family, jogging, going to the beach, swimming and hanging out with my friends
gerund == a noun with an ing ending
My worst bad habit delaying doing something
My colleague always plays games on his mobile phone very loudly
My uncle likes to watch
she continues
a singular uses a singular verb
adverb + present continuous
endlessly, continuously, permanently, eternally, relentlessly, ceaselessly, forever, forevermore
My father is always forgetting to turn off the light
People are always smoking in the public places
My grandmother is forever watching TV
The heavy traffic is always making me late for work
My friend is continuously teasing me
?I'm very busy in my job.
?In my job I can earn lots of money to buy things.
?When I have lunch I usually just play on my cellphone.
?My father always forgets to turn off the lights.
Vocabulary corrections:
?Unfortunately my boss constantly interrupts me at my work.
Sometimes I have to work overtime.
?However sometimes I have emergencies I need to take care of.
Final conversation corrections:
?Some people are always cutting in line.
Some people see me as a fierce woman.
?I think maybe they don't respect their teacher.
It can really influence people lives.
Are you taking the bus to work?
I have been worrying about my life because of Covid 19, I should make more money for a living?
I've been worrying about my career path because sometimes I just feel like I'm on the wrong career path. My technical background is in engineering but it's difficult for a girl to do it?
I've been worrying about my physical health because I'm older, my physical health is not good?
?right now I'm worried about this year's...I need to do something to prepare for this?
I have been worrying about the virus in...I'm alone in ...I haven't seen my family since last year... because of the virus I cannot afford?
You need to balance your major and your life
I have been worried about my physical health, my physical health is not very good, do you have any suggestion??
I'm very sorry to hear that, how long has this been happening, i think you should cut back on sweets...I'm not very happy with the work I've been doing
Lately I have been feeling tired because I have a lot of work to do, I even have to work overtime,?
Grammar tips:
How have you been feeling lately?
I?have been feeling tired lately
Photography lessons
I have been feeling a little excited
I don't have been worrying about
I haven't been worrying about anything
I'm just wondering how long this has been happening
Those kinds of foods are not good for your health
You can sometimes relax
How long have you been feeling like this
What will the future look like?
Robots will do a lot of work for us.
Robots will perform operations.
Medicines will cure difficult diseases.
There is going to be more pollution.
We will have a lot of high technology.
We will have robots.
Technology will change life.
We will use technology.
The living environment will get better and better.
We will be more green.
Future technology and current technology: genetic engineering, robots, smart homes, electric cars,
?spaceships, a new power source, ray guns, teleporters, flying cars
?auto driven cars, time machines, high speed transportation
?robot pets, phone projectors, artificial intelligence, electric bikes
intelligent smart robots,
Affirmative statements using will + be + adverbs of certainty:
There will certainly be …
There will definitely be…
There may be …
There will probably be.
What will the world be like in 20 years?
What are you certain about?
What do you think won't happen?
There will be a new kind of electronic currency.
The world will be worse.
We will have more robots in use.
People will use their brain less because of the technology.
There won't be flying cars because car and oil companies won't have an interest in them.
Everyone will stay at home and you can use your smartphone to do everything.
We will use too much technology.
Nobody will walk or travel to places which will cause more health problems.
Nobody will want to leave their homes.
We will certainly have smart cars.
We will have personal robots.
Robots will help us in our daily lives.
There probably won't be travel through time.
People won't grow wings.
People won't die. People will live forever.
?Talking about predictions for the future
?1 There probably won’t be ray guns.?
?2 There may be teleporters.
?3 There probably will be a new power source.?
?4 There certainly won’t be flying cars.
?5 There definitely won’t be flying cars.
?6 There may be spaceships.
?I agree.
I disagree.
Which of these technologies would be beneficial to the world?
Which would be harmful? Say why
?Questions about the future
Which of these technologies would be beneficial to the world?
Which would be harmful? Say why
Which technologies would you most to see developed in your lifetime?
What are your predictions for the future of your industry?
?corrections (corrected notes or sentences)
ge-ne-tic (ger-neh-tik)
What will the future look like?
Robots will perform operations.
We will have lots of advanced technology and it will improve our lives.
Robots will help us in our lives.
We will use mobile phones to control things.
We could teleport to other countries (not need to use transport)
People can go to Mars and other planets.
A lot of work could be done by robots.
The environment will be destroyed if we don't take some action to stop some behaviours, which could hurt our environment.
Some animals could become extinct (disappear).
Endangered animals could become extinct.
electric cars
a new power source
ray guns
genetic engineering
underwater cars - drives under the water
immortal - live forever
drone - flying robots
Intro task:
What will the world be like in 20 years?
What are you certain about?
There will certainly be remote working.
Robots will certainly do the daily work for us.
There will certainly be a new energy sources.
The world will be worse. People want to be immortal.
I think all the dangerous jobs will certainly be done by robots, such as driving cars, working in the mines etc.
Robots will do these kinds of jobs.
What do you think won't happen?
There probably won't be? underwater cars.
There probably won't be people living on Mars, because it's too difficult. The distance between Earth and Mars is too great/ big.
It will be dangerous and require high/ advanced technology.
It goes against the laws of nature.
It probably won't happen.
It may come true.
?People will interact with robots.
drone - flying robots
If could help clean windows of skyscrapers.
It can be a double edged sword - good and bad points about it.
It is difficult to dispose of or break down.
plastic pollution in the sea
environmentally-friendly products
Task: What were you like as a child? When I was a child....
Strong - Expressive
Good boy
Intro: Do you children? What do you think is important when raising children?
a) How might you deal with a problem child?
b) Use one of the phrases below in your answer...
Bring up
Drop out
Grow up
Set up
Talk over
Turn out
Raise (Present tense) - Raising (Present continuous tense)
High expectations
High standards
Following the rules
Utilize all resources helpful for them...
Children don't listen...
Practice: Complete the sentences with one of the phrases...
1.bring up
2.turn out
3.drop out
4.set up
5.talk over
Final Task: Your friend just had a baby and is asking you for advice on raising their new child...
Student A: I really don't know anything about bringing up a child. What can I do to make sure he/she turns out okay?
Student B: Well, one thing you can do is talk over...
Summary: How can you protect your children from negative influences?
inferior - /in-?fir-ē-?r/ - when you feel worse than someone else.
hire - h-eye-re.
Useful Phrases
bring up – /br?? ?p/ - to look after a person from childhood to adulthood. – “We need to bring our son up well.”
drop out – /dr?p a?t/ - to stop doing something before it’s finished. – “I will not let them drop out of school!”
grow up –/ɡr?? ?p/ - the process of becoming an adult. – “Our daughter wants to be a doctor when they grow up!”
set up – /set ?p/ - to build something, or make sure something or someone is ready – “We need to set up the rules!”
talk over – /t??k ???.v?r/ - to talk about something carefully, to try and reach an agreement or decision –?“When he’s annoyed, our son tries to talk over me, but I won’t take it!”
turn out – /t??n a?t/ – to happen in a particular way or to have a particular result, especially an unexpected one. – “Even after everything, I think our children will turn out okay!”
When I was a child, my character was more wild.
When I was a child, I?played volleyball.
I have been married for one year.
They need to learn about?being independant.
They need to learn about independance.
I have a?child.?He is 3 years old.
I can set up some rules so my children?l learn ?well and?behave?well.
Parents and?their?child?should set up a good relationship.
When I bring up my child, he?talks to?me alot. I don't always know what he said.
You should?be?more patient.
If you can give them?a happy family,they will be optimistic in the future.
I'm not sure if I should hear someone to look after my child.
You could prepare something?for?baby.