// CoreTextArcView.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <CoreText/CoreText.h>
@interface CoreTextArcView : UIView {
UIFont * _font;
NSString * _string;
CGFloat _radius;
UIColor * _color;
CGFloat _arcSize;
CGFloat _shiftH, _shiftV; // horiz & vertical shift
struct {
unsigned int showsGlyphBounds:1;
unsigned int showsLineMetrics:1;
unsigned int dimsSubstitutedGlyphs:1;
unsigned int reserved:29;
} _flags;
@property(retain, nonatomic) UIFont *font;
@property(retain, nonatomic) NSString *text;
@property(readonly, nonatomic) NSAttributedString *attributedString;
@property(assign, nonatomic) CGFloat radius;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL showsGlyphBounds;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL showsLineMetrics;
@property(nonatomic) BOOL dimsSubstitutedGlyphs;
@property(retain, nonatomic) UIColor *color;
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat arcSize;
@property(nonatomic) CGFloat shiftH, shiftV;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame font:(UIFont *)font text:(NSString *)text radius:(float)radius arcSize:(float)arcSize color:(UIColor *)color;
// CoreTextArcView.m
#import "CoreTextArcView.h"
#import <AssertMacros.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#define ARCVIEW_DEFAULT_FONT_NAME @"Helvetica"
@implementation CoreTextArcView
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.text = @"Curva Style Label";
self.showsGlyphBounds = NO;
self.showsLineMetrics = NO;
self.dimsSubstitutedGlyphs = NO;
self.color = [UIColor grayColor];
self.shiftH = self.shiftV = 0.0f;
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame font:(UIFont *)font text:(NSString *)text radius:(float)radius arcSize:(float)arcSize color:(UIColor *)color{
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
self.font = font;
self.text = text;
self.radius = radius;
self.showsGlyphBounds = NO;
self.showsLineMetrics = NO;
self.dimsSubstitutedGlyphs = NO;
self.color = color;
self.arcSize = arcSize;
self.shiftH = self.shiftV = 0.0f;
return self;
typedef struct GlyphArcInfo {
CGFloat width;
CGFloat angle; // in radians
} GlyphArcInfo;
static void PrepareGlyphArcInfo(CTLineRef line, CFIndex glyphCount, GlyphArcInfo *glyphArcInfo, CGFloat arcSizeRad)
NSArray *runArray = (NSArray *)CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
// Examine each run in the line, updating glyphOffset to track how far along the run is in terms of glyphCount.
CFIndex glyphOffset = 0;
for (id run in runArray) {
CFIndex runGlyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount((CTRunRef)run);
// Ask for the width of each glyph in turn.
CFIndex runGlyphIndex = 0;
for (; runGlyphIndex < runGlyphCount; runGlyphIndex++) {
glyphArcInfo[runGlyphIndex + glyphOffset].width = CTRunGetTypographicBounds((CTRunRef)run, CFRangeMake(runGlyphIndex, 1), NULL, NULL, NULL);
glyphOffset += runGlyphCount;
double lineLength = CTLineGetTypographicBounds(line, NULL, NULL, NULL);
CGFloat prevHalfWidth = glyphArcInfo[0].width / 2.0;
glyphArcInfo[0].angle = (prevHalfWidth / lineLength) * arcSizeRad;
// Divide the arc into slices such that each one covers the distance from one glyph's center to the next.
CFIndex lineGlyphIndex = 1;
for (; lineGlyphIndex < glyphCount; lineGlyphIndex++) {
CGFloat halfWidth = glyphArcInfo[lineGlyphIndex].width / 2.0;
CGFloat prevCenterToCenter = prevHalfWidth + halfWidth;
glyphArcInfo[lineGlyphIndex].angle = (prevCenterToCenter / lineLength) * arcSizeRad;
prevHalfWidth = halfWidth;
// ensure that redraw occurs.
-(void)setText:(NSString *)text{
_string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",text];
[self setNeedsDisplay];
//set arc size in degrees (180 = half circle)
_arcSize = degrees * M_PI/180.0;
//get arc size in degrees
return _arcSize * 180.0/M_PI;
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
// Don't draw if we don't have a font or string
if (self.font == NULL || self.text == NULL)
// Initialize the text matrix to a known value
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
//Reset the transformation
//Doing this means you have to reset the contentScaleFactor to 1.0
CGAffineTransform t0 = CGContextGetCTM(context);
CGFloat xScaleFactor = t0.a > 0 ? t0.a : -t0.a;
CGFloat yScaleFactor = t0.d > 0 ? t0.d : -t0.d;
t0 = CGAffineTransformInvert(t0);
if (xScaleFactor != 1.0 || yScaleFactor != 1.0)
t0 = CGAffineTransformScale(t0, xScaleFactor, yScaleFactor);
CGContextConcatCTM(context, t0);
CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, CGAffineTransformIdentity);
// Draw a black background (debug)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor blackColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, self.layer.bounds);
NSAttributedString *attStr = self.attributedString;
CFAttributedStringRef asr = (__bridge CFAttributedStringRef)attStr;
CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(asr);
assert(line != NULL);
CFIndex glyphCount = CTLineGetGlyphCount(line);
if (glyphCount == 0) {
GlyphArcInfo * glyphArcInfo = (GlyphArcInfo*)calloc(glyphCount, sizeof(GlyphArcInfo));
PrepareGlyphArcInfo(line, glyphCount, glyphArcInfo, _arcSize);
// Move the origin from the lower left of the view nearer to its center.
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, CGRectGetMidX(rect)+_shiftH, CGRectGetMidY(rect)+_shiftV - self.radius / 2.0); //注意這是要修改的一行
// Stroke the arc in red for verification.
CGContextAddArc(context, 0.0, 0.0, self.radius, M_PI_2+_arcSize/2.0, M_PI_2-_arcSize/2.0, 1);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// Rotate the context 90 degrees counterclockwise (per 180 degrees)
CGContextRotateCTM(context, _arcSize/2.0);
// Now for the actual drawing. The angle offset for each glyph relative to the previous glyph has already been calculated; with that information in hand, draw those glyphs overstruck and centered over one another, making sure to rotate the context after each glyph so the glyphs are spread along a semicircular path.
CGPoint textPosition = CGPointMake(0.0, self.radius);
CGContextSetTextPosition(context, textPosition.x, textPosition.y);
CFArrayRef runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line);
CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(runArray);
CFIndex glyphOffset = 0;
CFIndex runIndex = 0;
for (; runIndex < runCount; runIndex++) {
CTRunRef run = (CTRunRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runArray, runIndex);
CFIndex runGlyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount(run);
Boolean drawSubstitutedGlyphsManually = false;
CTFontRef runFont = CFDictionaryGetValue(CTRunGetAttributes(run), kCTFontAttributeName);
// Determine if we need to draw substituted glyphs manually. Do so if the runFont is not the same as the overall font.
if (self.dimsSubstitutedGlyphs && ![self.font isEqual:(__bridge UIFont *)runFont]) {
drawSubstitutedGlyphsManually = true;
CFIndex runGlyphIndex = 0;
for (; runGlyphIndex < runGlyphCount; runGlyphIndex++) {
CFRange glyphRange = CFRangeMake(runGlyphIndex, 1);
CGContextRotateCTM(context, -(glyphArcInfo[runGlyphIndex + glyphOffset].angle));
// Center this glyph by moving left by half its width.
CGFloat glyphWidth = glyphArcInfo[runGlyphIndex + glyphOffset].width;
CGFloat halfGlyphWidth = glyphWidth / 2.0;
CGPoint positionForThisGlyph = CGPointMake(textPosition.x - halfGlyphWidth, textPosition.y);
// Glyphs are positioned relative to the text position for the line, so offset text position leftwards by this glyph's width in preparation for the next glyph.
textPosition.x -= glyphWidth;
CGAffineTransform textMatrix = CTRunGetTextMatrix(run);
textMatrix.tx = positionForThisGlyph.x;
textMatrix.ty = positionForThisGlyph.y;
CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, textMatrix);
if (!drawSubstitutedGlyphsManually) {
CTRunDraw(run, context, glyphRange);
else {
// We need to draw the glyphs manually in this case because we are effectively applying a graphics operation by setting the context fill color. Normally we would use kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, but this does not apply as we don't know the ranges for the colors in advance, and we wanted demonstrate how to manually draw.
CGFontRef cgFont = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(runFont, NULL);
CGGlyph glyph;
CGPoint position;
CTRunGetGlyphs(run, glyphRange, &glyph);
CTRunGetPositions(run, glyphRange, &position);
CGContextSetFont(context, cgFont);
CGContextSetFontSize(context, CTFontGetSize(runFont));
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5);
CGContextShowGlyphsAtPositions(context, &glyph, &position, 1);
// Draw the glyph bounds
if ((self.showsGlyphBounds) != 0) {
CGRect glyphBounds = CTRunGetImageBounds(run, context, glyphRange);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
CGContextStrokeRect(context, glyphBounds);
// Draw the bounding boxes defined by the line metrics
if ((self.showsLineMetrics) != 0) {
CGRect lineMetrics;
CGFloat ascent, descent;
CTRunGetTypographicBounds(run, glyphRange, &ascent, &descent, NULL);
// The glyph is centered around the y-axis
lineMetrics.origin.x = -halfGlyphWidth;
lineMetrics.origin.y = positionForThisGlyph.y - descent;
lineMetrics.size.width = glyphWidth;
lineMetrics.size.height = ascent + descent;
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
CGContextStrokeRect(context, lineMetrics);
glyphOffset += runGlyphCount;
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor clearColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, rect);
@synthesize font = _font;
@synthesize text = _string;
@synthesize radius = _radius;
@synthesize color = _color;
@synthesize arcSize = _arcSize;
@synthesize shiftH = _shiftH;
@synthesize shiftV = _shiftV;
@dynamic attributedString;
- (NSAttributedString *)attributedString {
// Create an attributed string with the current font and string.
assert(self.font != nil);
assert(self.text != nil);
// Create our attributes...
// font
CTFontRef fontRef = CTFontCreateWithName((CFStringRef)self.font.fontName, self.font.pointSize, NULL);
// color
CGColorRef colorRef = self.color.CGColor;
// pack it into attributes dictionary
NSDictionary *attributesDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
(__bridge id)fontRef, (id)kCTFontAttributeName,
colorRef, (id)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName,
assert(attributesDict != nil);
// Create the attributed string
NSAttributedString *attrString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:self.text attributes:attributesDict];
return attrString;
@dynamic showsGlyphBounds;
- (BOOL)showsGlyphBounds {
return _flags.showsGlyphBounds;
- (void)setShowsGlyphBounds:(BOOL)show {
_flags.showsGlyphBounds = show ? 1 : 0;
@dynamic showsLineMetrics;
- (BOOL)showsLineMetrics {
return _flags.showsLineMetrics;
- (void)setShowsLineMetrics:(BOOL)show {
_flags.showsLineMetrics = show ? 1 : 0;
@dynamic dimsSubstitutedGlyphs;
- (BOOL)dimsSubstitutedGlyphs {
return _flags.dimsSubstitutedGlyphs;
- (void)setDimsSubstitutedGlyphs:(BOOL)dim {
_flags.dimsSubstitutedGlyphs = dim ? 1 : 0;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame font:(UIFont *)font text:(NSString *)text radius:(float)radius arcSize:(float)arcSize color:(UIColor *)color;
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, CGRectGetMidX(rect)+_shiftH, CGRectGetMidY(rect)+_shiftV - self.radius / 2.0);
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, CGRectGetMidX(rect)+_shiftH, CGRectGetMidY(rect)+_shiftV);
- 首先我們創(chuàng)建一個作為背景的UIView對象筷屡,這個view的尺寸決定了弧形文字視圖的尺寸,view的高度和弧度半徑radius有關簸喂,view的寬度和張角arcSize有關毙死,詳細解釋后面會提到
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
UIView *arcBgView = [[UIView alloc] init];
arcBgView.bounds = CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 600);
arcBgView.center = self.view.center;
arcBgView.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
[self.view addSubview:arcBgView];
- 接下來,在要繪制文字的文件中引入CoreTextArcView.h頭文件喻鳄,并調用接口創(chuàng)建CoreTextArcView實例并添加就可以了扼倘,例如
CoreTextArcView *arcViewTest = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑200張角45" radius:200 arcSize:45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcViewTest.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcViewTest];
- 一條文字可能不足以對比出效果袄简,我們固定張角,調整半徑泛啸,繪制多條文字
CoreTextArcView *arcView1 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度0張角30" radius:0 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView1.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView1];
CoreTextArcView *arcView2 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度50張角30" radius:50 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView2.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView2];
CoreTextArcView *arcView3 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度100張角30" radius:100 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView3.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView3];
CoreTextArcView *arcView4 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度150張角30" radius:150 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView4.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView4];
CoreTextArcView *arcView5 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度200張角30" radius:200 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView5.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView5];
CoreTextArcView *arcView6 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑250張角30" radius:250 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView6.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView6];
CoreTextArcView *arcView7 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑300張角30" radius:300 arcSize:30 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView7.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView7];
CoreTextArcView *arcView1 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑0張角45" radius:-0 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView1.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView1];
CoreTextArcView *arcView2 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑50張角45" radius:-50 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView2.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView2];
CoreTextArcView *arcView3 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑100張角45" radius:-100 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView3.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView3];
CoreTextArcView *arcView4 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑150張角45" radius:-150 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView4.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView4];
CoreTextArcView *arcView5 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑200張角45" radius:-200 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView5.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView5];
CoreTextArcView *arcView6 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑250張角45" radius:-250 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView6.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView6];
CoreTextArcView *arcView7 = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑300張角45" radius:-300 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcView7.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcView7];
CoreTextArcView *arcViewOutFull = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑150張角360弧度半徑150張角360弧度半徑150張角360" radius:150 arcSize:360 color:[UIColor blueColor]];
arcViewOutFull.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcViewOutFull];
CoreTextArcView *arcViewInFull = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑-150張角360弧度半徑-150張角360弧度半徑-150張角360" radius:-150 arcSize:360 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcViewInFull.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcViewInFull];
- 添加CoreTextArcView文件(可以是其他名稱)和代碼(根據個人喜好決定是否修改源代碼來增強使用效率)
- 添加一個view作為繪制弧形文字的背景底版踊谋,弧形的中心將是該view的中心點蝉仇,view的寬高設定一定要符合弧形文字的尺寸需要(寬度對應文字的張角arcSize,高度的一半對應文字的弧度半徑radius)
- 調用接口-initWithFrame:font:radius:arcSize:color: 來創(chuàng)建和配置所需要的弧形文字(注意半徑和張角的正值或負值將決定文字的繪制方式和樣式)
- 將創(chuàng)建好的弧形文字視圖的背景色設為透明色(否則會以餅狀形式覆蓋住圓心到文字之間的區(qū)域V巢稀)
- 添加到底版view上顯示即可
// 弧形圓心位于底版view正中心扳剿,適用于所有繪制情況旁趟,尤其是弧形文字張角大于180度的情況(比如上面繪制一整個圓形)或者弧形文字跨越水平線(左弧形或右弧形)
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, CGRectGetMidX(rect)+_shiftH, CGRectGetMidY(rect)+_shiftV);
// 弧形圓心位于底版view底部中心,適用于上弧形
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, CGRectGetMidX(rect)+_shiftH, _shiftV);
// 弧形圓心位于底版view頂部中心,使用與下弧形
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, CGRectGetMidX(rect)+2*CGRectGetMidY(rect)_shiftH, -_shiftV);
CoreTextArcView *arcViewTopTest = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑280張角45" radius:280 arcSize:45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcViewTopTest.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcViewTopTest];
CoreTextArcView *arcViewBottomTest = [[CoreTextArcView alloc] initWithFrame:arcBgView.bounds font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20] text:@"弧度半徑300張角45" radius:-300 arcSize:-45 color:[UIColor redColor]];
arcViewBottomTest.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[arcBgView addSubview:arcViewBottomTest];
Github - Apple CoreText Framework CoreTextArcView
Github - XMCircleType
stack overflow - Curve text on existing circle