今天晚上记靡,我自己來預習一下這本經典繪本《down by the station》。
先看看封面樱溉,A train紫谷,a seegull炬藤,a blue bird,a dog碴里,some flowers,anything more? A track(railway).
看看蝴蝶頁,什么叫down by the station上真?在火車站的旁邊咬腋,看看這張圖,這就是down by the station.
這首歌朗朗上口睡互,可以說只要聽過一遍我們就會唱了根竿。翻開第一頁,我自然就唱了出來就珠】芸牵看看右邊,洞洞書里只有puffer trains妻怎!什么是puffer train壳炎?高鐵(fast train)是不是puffer train?think about it逼侦?puff是什么動作匿辩?
右邊圖里還有什么腰耙?a women is walking her dog.
第二頁,buses are here铲球!who needs to take the bus? They are standing in line.
第三頁挺庞,tractors are here!tractors是干什么的稼病?是貨車truck嗎选侨?有什么不一樣?they have big wheels and small wheels.And they have trailers.
what are they loading 然走?carrots援制?maybe they are radishes.
第四頁,Taxis are here丰刊!polish怎么做隘谣?拿塊布來把動作做出來!
第五頁啄巧,Here are the trucks寻歧!parcels?Do we have parcels at home?
Find some!
第六頁秩仆,fire engines码泛,fire trucks!climb up the ladder澄耍!動作做出來噪珊!邊走邊發(fā)出聲音!Nee nor齐莲!nee nor痢站!很搞笑的效果!
最后一頁的拓展芒填,先預習一下單詞:police car呜叫,road sweeper,motorcycle殿衰,bulldozer朱庆,tricycle.