Lesson 23-2 One man’s meat is another man’s poison
The idea never appealed to me very much, but one day, after a heavy shower, I happened to be walking in my garden when I noticed a huge number of snails taking a stroll on some of my prize plants. Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert. Robert was delighted to see me and equally pleased with my little gift. I left the bag in the hall and Robert and I went into the living room where we talked for a couple of hours. I had forgotten all about the snails when Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner. Snails would, of course, be the main dish. I did not fancy the idea and I reluctantly followed Robert out of the room. To our dismay, we saw that there were snails everywhere: they had escaped from the paper bag and had taken complete possession of the hall! I have never been able to look at a snail since then.
/?l?s?n/ 23-2 /w?n/ /m?nz/ /mit/ /?z/ /??n?e?r/ /m?nz/ /?p??z?n/?
/ei/ /a??di?/ /?n?v?r/ /??pild/ /tu/ /mi/ /?v?ri/ /m??/, /b?t/ /w?n/ /de?/, /??ft?r/ /?/ /?h?vi/ /??a??r/, /a?/ /?h?p?nd/ /tu/ /bi/ /?w?k??/ /?n/ /ma?/ /?gɑrd?n/ /w?n/ /a?/ /?no?t?st/ /?/ /hju?/ /?n?mb?r/ /?v/ /sne?lz/ /?te?k??/ /?/ /stro?l/ /ɑn/ /s?m/ /?v/ /ma?/ /pra?z/ /pl?nts/. /??kt??/ /ɑn/ /?/ /?s?d?n/ /??mp?ls/, /a?/ /k??l?kt?d/ /?s?vr?l/ /?d?z?n/, /p?t/ /e?m/ /?n/ /?/ /?pe?p?r/ /b?g/, /?nd/ /t?k/ /e?m/ /tu/ /?rɑb?rt/. /?rɑb?rt/ /w?z/ /d??la?t?d/ /tu/ /si/ /mi/ /?nd/ /?ikw?li/ /plizd/ /w?e/ /ma?/ /?l?t?l/ /g?ft/. /a?/ /l?ft/ /e?/ /b?g/ /?n/ /e?/ /h?l/ /?nd/ /?rɑb?rt/ /?nd/ /a?/ /w?nt/ /??ntu/ /e?/ /?l?v??/ /rum/ /w?r/ /wi/ /t?kt/ /f?r/ /?/ /?k?p?l/ /?v/ /?a??rz/. /a?/ /h?d/ /f?r?gɑt?n/ /?l/ /??ba?t/ /e?/ /sne?lz/ /w?n/ /?rɑb?rt/ /?s?d?nli/ /s?d/ /e?t/ /a?/ /m?st/ /ste?/ /tu/ /?d?n?r/. /sne?lz/ /w?d/, /?v/ /k?rs/, /bi/ /e?/ /me?n/ /d??/. /a?/ /d?d/ /nɑt/ /?f?nsi/ /ei/ /a??di?/ /?nd/ /a?/ /r??l?kt?ntli/ /?fɑlo?d/ /?rɑb?rt/ /a?t/ /?v/ /e?/ /rum/. /tu/ /?a??r/ /d??sme?/, /wi/ /s?/ /e?t/ /e?r/ /w?r/ /sne?lz/ /??vri?w?r/: /ee?/ /h?d/ /??ske?pt/ /fr?m/ /e?/ /?pe?p?r/ /b?g/ /?nd/ /h?d/ /?te?k?n/ /k?m?plit/ /p??z???n/ /?v/ /e?/ /h?l/! /a?/ /h?v/ /?n?v?r/ /b?n/ /?e?b?l/ /tu/ /l?k/ /?t/ /?/ /sne?l/ /s?ns/ /e?n/.