Lesson 9-2 Royal espionage
Alfred stayed in the camp a week before he returned to Athelney. The force there assembled was trivial compared with the Danish horde. But Alfred had deduced that the Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle: and that their commissariat had no organization, but depended on irregular raids.
So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy. He was constantly on the move, drawing the Danes after him. His patrols halted the raiding parties: hunger assailed the Danish army. Now Alfred began a long series of skirmishes -- and within a month the Danes had surrendered. The episode could reasonably serve as a unique epic of royal espionage!
/?l?s?n/ 9-2 /?r???l/ /??spi?nɑ?/
/??lfr?d/ /ste?d/ /?n/ /e?/ /k?mp/ /?/ /wik/ /b??f?r/ /hi/ /r??t?rnd/ /tu/ Athelney. /e?/ /f?rs/ /e?r/ /??s?mb?ld/ /w?z/ /?tr?vi?l/ /k?m?p?rd/ /w?e/ /e?/ /?de?n??/ /h?rd/. /b?t/ /??lfr?d/ /h?d/ /d??dust/ /e?t/ /e?/ /de?nz/ /w?r/ /no?/ /?l??g?r/ /f?t/ /f?r/ /pr??l??d/ /?b?t?l/: /?nd/ /e?t/ /e?r/ commissariat /h?d/ /no?/ /??rg?n??ze???n/, /b?t/ /d??p?nd?d/ /ɑn/ /??r?gj?l?r/ /re?dz/.
/so?/, /fe?st/ /w?e/ /e?/ /?de?n??/ /?d?v?ns/, /??lfr?d/ /d?d/ /nɑt/ /r?sk/ /?o?p?n/ /?b?t?l/ /b?t/ /?h?rid/ /ei/ /??n?mi/. /hi/ /w?z/ /?kɑnst?ntli/ /ɑn/ /e?/ /muv/, /?dr???/ /e?/ /de?nz/ /??ft?r/ /h?m/. /h?z/ /p??tro?lz/ /?h?lt?d/ /e?/ /?re?d??/ /?pɑrtiz/: /?h??g?r/ /??se?ld/ /e?/ /?de?n??/ /?ɑrmi/. /na?/ /??lfr?d/ /b??g?n/ /?/ /l??/ /?s?riz/ /?v/ /?sk?rm???z/ -- /?nd/ /w??e?n/ /?/ /m?nθ/ /e?/ /de?nz/ /h?d/ /s??r?nd?rd/. /ei/ /??p??so?d/ /k?d/ /?riz?n?bli/ /s?rv/ /?z/ /?/ /ju?nik/ /??p?k/ /?v/ /?r???l/ /??spi?nɑ?/!