1.He had half a mind to call the police on the people blasting music at 3 AM.
2.Now, he can only make a living delivering coal.
3.Dad was a huge nerd in college.
4.If he thinks he can hit it big without paying his dues, he's got another think coming.
5.Despite the protests in the country's streets, the despotic regime will continue to sit pretty unless an international intervention is mounted.
6.Teachers relieved to hear the news K-12 staff can get a COVID-19 shot.
7.He's still gun-shy from his divorce.
8.See why this Google exec loves being a single mom by choice.
9.He can't seem to get it through his thick skull that he has to study to pass the exam.
10.I don't know why you think I don't trust you. I can assure you that it's all in your head.
11.You can't just shut your eyes when your kids make bad choices—you have to find ways to help them do better.
12.For some reason, I'm flashing back to fourth grade.
13.The show's pretty outrageous, but I don't think it crosses the line.
14.I've been working with the new software for hours, but I still can't make heads or tails out of it.
15.That's why all the chopsticks used by the emperor were made out of silver.
16.You use analytical skills when detecting patterns, brainstorming, observing, interpreting data, integrating new information, theorizing, and making decisions based on the multiple factors and options available.
17.There are many causes of sleep deprivation. The stressors of daily life may intrude upon our ability to sleep well, or perhaps we trade sleep for more work or play. We may have medical or mental-health conditions that disrupt our sleep.
18.Characteristics of the Academically Gifted Child:
can memorize large quantities of information and apply it即横;
possesses advanced comprehension噪生;
acquires skills rapidly;
has read widely to self-teach in an area东囚;
high success in his preferred academic area跺嗽;
pursues his interest with perseveration and enthusiasm.
19.I'd say that people become busier than before. The labour market has become intensely competitive, and the unemployment rate has been rising constantly.
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21.Achieve Your Ambitions: Don’t Let Others Dictate Your Life
22.When to see a doctor following a head injury?
23.Hi there, I'm Kendra! I've created this blog to share recipes, wellness tidbits, lifestyle, beauty and fashion tips for the career driven woman. My goal is to minimize your stress and cut through the information overload, on how to achieve a healthy productive lifestyle, by breaking it down into simple bites to fit your individual needs so that you can focus on making a difference!
24.The consultation was launched in order to gather first-hand information on the barriers which may hinder the development.