As I sat frazzled in the front of this packed room of nine, grading endless papers and writing reports in banal expressions, I often wonder what triggered me into coming here in the first place.
Then I would remember--when I sat in those very chairs, a greenhorn myself in the business of TOEFL and such-- how I would retire from my homework and secretly watch my own TA do his work. It all seemed so meaningful somehow, like it was a worldly must-have. I remember being held in a rapt gaze, out of curiosity and admiration for his work.?
Not for the work he actually did, of course. But for the concept that people refer to as "work".
My job was not as fun as I thought it would be. No great feeling of helping out, no magnificent joy of leadership, not really. It's more of a chore, and in this sense, it had no difference from "school", ?from which I thought I graduated a long time ago.
Get up, go to work, take my notes, grade dictations, warning students not to use their phones during class. That's pretty much it, my glorious contribution to the society.?
Although I indeed intended to make it sound unworthy and trivial, I do miss it, in a way.
I miss "work". I miss the deep, hidden, and surprisingly familiar sensation that I have always failed to put a word to it.
I miss waking up before my alarm clock in the morning. I miss being the first person to walk around in the apartment, fully dressed and wide awake. I miss breathing in the first bit of crisp morning air, and getting the feeling that everything today would go as well as it did in that first few minutes.
I miss waiting for the bus, and I miss going somewhere. I miss watching other people streaked away from the window as I close in on my destination. I miss arriving. And I certainly miss checking my phone to realize I must be the first one to come in today.
And I miss carrying out the "chores". I miss every minute having its own purpose and uses. I miss the work schedule--not a cloud of to-do list, but a unshakable, locked series of duties.?
I miss catching the last bus home, knowing that people I love would be waiting for me, with good food and sometimes a nice movie. I miss finally being able to watch a TV show that I have been looking forward to all day.I miss dozing off to my dreams feeling content because I had not failed my schedules.
Before this job I had two months without school or work. It was a time I took no pride in, and the most jumbled time in my life.
I was living in clatter. I was supposed to drop off a dozen of papers for the American universities, but I wasted my days on games and shows. I had plans, but no will strong enough to enforce them. I had only deadlines, and so most of my essays were cranked out on the same night of that deadline and lacked refinement. I was stuck in a circle, and I lost myself to distractions. Without me noticing it, hours, days, even weeks passed. And the only time I would work a few hours was when my guilt grow so vehement that I simply couldn't suppress it no matter what else I do. My weakest days.?
I needed to "work". I think all human beings need "work". We need this concept to keep ourselves running, our emotions and energies circulating, and our lives moving and progressing.?
Tomorrow the recession ends and I will be back to work. I am very excited about it.