最讓我欣賞的地方王滤,除了是這小姑娘作為弱勢但仍不愿息事寧人的勇氣雷酪,她還說討公道主要是想為其他在美華人受歧視待遇的做個(gè)挺身鳴不平的先例try to make a difference涝婉。這姑娘文筆流暢思路清晰,雖然頭篇有點(diǎn)激動(dòng)憤怒吩跋,但后面兩篇回應(yīng)態(tài)度不卑不亢言辭大體。
Dear Gloria,
I can tell you that your Principle, Mr. Kelly and Mr. H have both expressed to me that they themselves see this as an intolerable injustice and that it is racism and bullying. Their initial position was that this was an unfortunate incident among students and that Mr. H felt that he was just trying to diffuse the incident. ?He believed if this were to occur again, that by asking you and your friends to acquiesce to the demand to move, it would have made the situation more tolerable to you, and that subsequently telling him about it would allow you to be defended. ?It has been pointed out them, Mr. Kelly, Mr. H and Dr. Trigg (superintendent of HPISD) that the message he sent was:
1- The same message you received from the boys (which by their own admission was deplorable racism)
2- By his inaction, Mr. H, condoned the boys action,
3- That in fact this was a way to sweep it under the rug,
4- That the same individuals who assaulted you, thus felt EMBOLDENED by his lack of action,
5- Lastly, he as an administrator had violated his primary directive to you and ALL students at HP, which is to provide a safe environment and to feel that if any of you feel threatened, that the administration can be RELIED upon to protect each and every student.
To this, both Mr. Kelly and Mr. H have already acknowledged that there has been significant damage to the trust between students and Mr. H. ? ?In fact as I discussed this with other parents who’s children are about to start their journey through HPHS this coming year, I realize that these actions have broken a trust between administration and future children and their parents.
I will tell you they were sincerely very apologetic. ? To this I responded that an apology to me was not necessary. ?Mr. Kelly asked me what I felt would be a positive step forward. ?I told them, that by bringing this issue forward, Gloria Liu and her friends have given them an incredible opportunity. ? This is an opportunity to be leaders of young men and women and to show the entire student body that we can all learn and educate ourselves so as to remove the stain that is bullying, racism or any other variant from your wonderful school. ? I suggested that the true apology should be to the entire student body, such that every student will see from this action that Mr. H truly acknowledges his error, the boys inappropriate behavior, and that he himself can change and learn, and therefore he and the administration can be trusted to protect them. ?I also pointed out that this action would clearly inform the entire student body that you were telling the truth and you had EVERY right to DEFEND yourself. ? Finally, when a student reports to him or any other administrator that they investigate diligently, enforce the code of conduct and thus the student will not fear being subsequently ostracized by their fellow classmates (which we know has already happen in your case). ?Mr. Kelly and Mr. H. acknowledged that this is a positive way to proceed and that they will do this at the minimum. ?Mr. Kelly also offered that the incident will be thoroughly investigated and that the SCHOOL’s code of conduct will be enforced.
Because you took a stance, ?your administrators have begun to reevaluate their position of inaction on racism, bigotry, and bullying behavior. ?I want you to know that this is because YOU chose to take a stand. ?If your action leads to Mr. H to change his view, than you as a young lady will have had a powerful impact on one individual but as well as your fellow students. ?For further consideration, imagine if Mr. H takes this forward and does keep his word to carry this process forward with action, this may impact the lives of hundreds if not thousands more students under his watch in the future. ? Those students may not know it, but you will have had an effect on their lives and experience as a student at HP.
Some have stated that your actions have made HPHS look bad. ?I say your actions make your school better, not worse. ? If you bringing this to our attention and effects change in the form of removing the stain of racism, intolerance, ignorance and bullying from your school than it will make your school even better for ALL the students. ?They can attend without the fear of bigotry and intolerance and ignorance. ? They may even be able to say that when these things happen OUR administration will protect each and every student, not just some. ?If your actions lead to administrators who will not condone such behavior and enforce the schools existing conduct policy – without fail, that will make for a better school.
I will tell you, most people exist and only dream of making a difference in the world. ?I believe, through your actions you have already impacted the world and more importantly in a positive way. ?You have taken a stance against an injustice and more significantly the lack of response by those who are tasked to protect you from injustice. ? You are NOT alone in this, as evident by the number of people who have shared your story. ?I know I will continue to take vigil of the actions of the administration, and thus you have made a difference in my life. ?What an incredible thing you have done.
Through your stance you have reminded all of us that doing nothing about injustice is even more deplorable than the act itself. ?You are to be commended for your stance in this matter. ? It takes great courage and strength as a young person to stand up and shine a light on injustice. ? It could not have been easy for a young Asian lady to challenge and take action against an administrator with the power of those at HP. ?It is weakness and fear that makes people shy away and not challenge authority, yet you chose leadership at the risk of being sneered and ostracized or to borrow Mr. H’s word “ uncomfortable”. ? It is strength of character, not to stand idly by, as you could have, since you have just a few short months before graduation. ? I remind you that Rosa Parks did not get up when the bus driver told her to, and history looks much more fondly on her than those that supported the bus driver. ?If the Rosa Parks of this world are a beacon of strength and light and hope, you too should know that you stand in esteemed company.
Finally, I hope that this experience has not made you forget all the wonderful friendships, memories, education and experiences that HPHS has already given you and continue to move forward and be a leader of men and women and continue to make incredible contributions.