邊下樓梯我邊說we are going downstairs.? Let us count. 我倆一起數(shù)到ten.
跟她玩時赦肋,邊撓癢癢邊說 tickle tickle,? my wiggly fingers are coming to get you. 撓肚子時發(fā)現(xiàn)不管用但撓格機窩就管用,我說 you are ticklish in your armpit but not your tommy, huh? 看她被撓得哈哈大笑糠睡,我說: look at you giggling. 娃反過來攻擊我忌警,最受不了她拿舌頭舔我了绰沥,我一邊投降一邊說Stop it. it tickles.
UU的進步: 在seven那提示一下就能數(shù)到ten啦筷转。
邊玩球邊說 throw 和Catch.指著她的小桶和鏟子說bucket和shovel. 表演了turn left筐喳,right催式,back函喉,over. 讀了Biscuit and the baby.
UU的進步: 聽到glasses,biscuit荣月,puddles后能在書上找到管呵。聽到stop后會停下來。聽到put on your slippers時會去穿拖鞋哺窄。
我的內(nèi)心戲: 給寶寶輸入和寶寶輸出的時間差可真詭異捐下,讓我摸不到頭腦。
洗澡過程中萌业,自己說了一堆: Time to have bath. Ywant to look nice and clean. In you go. The water is a bit hot. let me add some cold water. There! you can sit down now. it is very risky and you will fall over if you don't sit down. let me wet your hair first. Then add some shampoo. See, there are lots of bubbles. Hold this towel. You can dry your eyes if you feel uncomfortable. Lift your arms so i can wash your armpits. Raise your head. Ok坷襟,your neck is clean. now i wash your butt. oh,so smelly. Look at your feet生年,so much dirt between your toes. don't splash the water. my clothes are getting wet婴程,naughty baby. Ok,you are all clean抱婉,stand up. let us show daddy how clean and nice you are.
UU進步: UU今天心情好档叔,在我邊唱邊表演one little finger 這首歌時開始跟著我做動作了。
心情好時晚上會和我一起洗漱蒸绩,我說了一堆: Time to get clean. let us bring your little stool here. Now you step on it. we first brush our teeth. Here is your electric toothbrush. Let me put some toothpaste on it. There! Brush the upper teeth and lower teeth. Oh衙四,don't forget the inside. Rinse,spit out. Now wash your face. No you don't need soap for your face. Ok患亿,here is your towel. Dry your face and hands. All done. Let us show daddy how nice and clean you are. I can also give some face cream.
UU的進步: 沒發(fā)現(xiàn)
玩得無聊了届搁,忽然看到墻上的地圖。于是就開始了: Hey窍育,Let us do the map reading. UU太矮看不到卡睦,求抱抱。我告訴她: say carry me. 她大概說了個出不多漱抓,我就抱起來了表锻。問: Can you find the capital city Beijing ?她左瞅瞅又看看乞娄,顯然已經(jīng)忘了瞬逊。我夸張地一指,大聲說: here! 接著說: we are in Nanjing now. Can you find it仪或? 她又想不起來啦确镊。我又夸張地說: Down here. 之后又有意地拍著地圖說了幾遍Map.
UU的進步: 聽到open the door 會開門。我抱著她的玩偶猴子說了幾遍monkey范删,她也抱起來說monkey.
下班回來在樓下碰見UU跟奶奶去看鴿子像棘,問她: Did you visit your pigeons again? Are they all well宙橱?人家說: 鴿子睡覺了黔攒。我說Ok, Time to go home. UU抬頭一看,正好發(fā)現(xiàn)爸爸開窗在看我們巨缘,于是說: 爸爸眼睛我! 爸爸眼睛我! 我一驚,趕緊說: 是爸爸看到你采呐,不是眼睛你若锁。UU忽然發(fā)現(xiàn)我手里拎著炸雞腿(我本來是想背著她自己解饞的,不料……)斧吐。我說: Yes, chicken leggs. Deep fried chicken legs.
自己備課: 給UU買了一些玩具實驗用品又固,但我不會英文。于是只能查查, 有: test tubes with stoppers煤率,test tube rack口予,straw, measuring cylinder/bottle/cup,beaker and triangular flusk涕侈。
UU的進步: 會抱著熊貓說panda,看到地圖上的圓圈會說circle.
看完小豬佩奇《pancakes》這一集煤辨,UU也要吃pancake. 面對一個最近不愛吃飯的娃裳涛,我只能起身,想著正好互動英語众辨。讓她和爸爸去玩一會端三,我又偷偷看了幾遍這一集,記了記臺詞鹃彻。接著就把上演了一遍郊闯。我說,Let us make the batter first. Now i put some flour in the bowl. I have to do it carefully otherwise it will be a mess. Ok蛛株,here is an egg. 她突然來搶雞蛋了团赁。我說 No no no. It is raw. You will make it when you grown up.
What a shame. Milk is not available. Fine, we can add water instead. Now you do the stirring with this chopstick. 她攪了幾下,我發(fā)現(xiàn)用力太猛谨履,實在做不到豬媽媽那么淡定欢摄,于是不斷叮囑 lightly. 還把手放在碗旁邊,生怕發(fā)生什么笋粟。終于UU不耐煩了怀挠,手一松,筷子掉了害捕。我說:Oh绿淋,you dropped the chopstick on the floor. 她眼疾手快,拿起來尝盼,想接著攪吞滞。我說: leave that to me. i have to wash it before you use it again. 又掉了兩次筷子后終于可以了。
You can watch standing on your little stool.
Here is the frying pan. Are you watcing? Ok盾沫,Now let me turn on the ignition. Add some soybean oil in the pan. Pure some batter. Now we have to wait. 一邊確認(rèn)她站地穩(wěn)當(dāng)冯吓,一邊打開櫥柜倘待,let us take one plate out. Are you watching? I am going to flip it over. The pancake will go into the air. 說完發(fā)現(xiàn)剛買的這個麥飯石鍋太沉了,壓根沒力氣掂起來组贺,只能用鏟子翻面凸舵。還好娃不介意。
Ready! it is very hot. You have to wait. On the count of twenty失尖,it will cool down.
內(nèi)心戲: 如果看到這你還認(rèn)為我真的可以hold住啊奄,那只能說太高估我的能力了。實事是我手忙腳亂掀潮,又想讓她參與菇夸,又怕她搞砸,又怕她燙到仪吧,摔倒庄新。所以沒說幾句。上述這些英語大部分是事后腦補的薯鼠。
UU吃完一塊蛋糕后還想再吃择诈,我鼓勵她說: more cak please. UU讓我畫蘋果,畫完后我指著說apple. 讓畫房子出皇,我邊畫邊說, roof, wall, window羞芍,door. 要跟我來泡奶粉,我告訴她take your little stool and come along. 想喝水了郊艘,我鼓勵她說: water please. 讓我拿牙膏牙刷時荷科,我給牙膏時說toothpaste,給牙刷時說toothbrush. 開水龍頭時我說turn on the tap. 關(guān)時我說turn off the tap. 外面有人敲門纱注,她說是別人, 我說是our neighbour.? 一天要說無數(shù)遍:? put on your slippers.
UU的進步: 沒發(fā)現(xiàn)