Since kindergarten I started studying the game of go untill I studied at the junior high school . It' s been a long time . Actually I like the game of go not at all , but my mom like it , so I continued to study the game of go . And I really didn't remembered why I must study this stuff . So let 's talk about my road of I-go .
At first , I studied this stuff start from kindergarten . My mom hope me can more smart than others , so I apply a class about the game of go . But that time I just used this?way?to kill time , even I didn't know that teather speak what . When I studied in grade school , my mom didn't given up this idea , she found a new teather instead of mine . At that time , I start the real road of I-go . I met a amazing teather , and it's he bring me the first pleasure from the game of go .?He?have good at let a game of go become a story which is?a?fiction about rivers and lakes?. This story?used to let me continued to studied this stuff for a long time?. But good times don't last long , this teather change his job and I never saw him again .Then I met a lots of teather , but no one better than that teather . I almost want to give up , but I met a new teather . And this teather let my level high increasingly .?He helped me built steady basis . Let me have been benefited because I built steady basic . I built the basis spent four years probably . Actually I can play a game to gain ranking early , but my teather didn't offer me to join that game ,he hope me can gain these ranking together at last . And I did it . When I studied in junior high school , because I went home every two weeks , I given up the game of go , just when I?had a hoilday I will go back to school and exercise the game of go . In the end , I went to SiChuan , I never study that again .
The game of go bring me a large number of advantage . For example , when you play the game of go you need see farther , so you can use this way in your life .