ESLint 主要有以下特點(diǎn):
默認(rèn)規(guī)則包含所有 JSLint辟犀、JSHint 中存在的規(guī)則俏竞,易遷移;
規(guī)則可配置性高:可設(shè)置「警告」堂竟、「錯(cuò)誤」兩個(gè) error 等級(jí)魂毁,或者直接禁用;
包含代碼風(fēng)格檢測(cè)的規(guī)則(可以丟掉 JSCS 了)出嘹;
可以通過(guò)以下三種方式配置 ESLint:
使用 .eslintrc 文件(支持 JSON 和 YAML 兩種語(yǔ)法)疚漆;
在 package.json 中添加 eslintConfig 配置塊酣胀;
規(guī)則的嚴(yán)重性(rule severity)
or 0 - turn the rule off 不驗(yàn)證 "warn"
or 1 - turn the rule on as a warning(doesn’ t affect exit code) 警告 "error"
or 2 - turn the rule on as an error(exit code is 1 when triggered) 錯(cuò)誤
( 如有) 規(guī)則的選項(xiàng)(additional options)
"quotes": [2, "double"]
以下是.eslintrc 文件示例和解釋?zhuān)?/p>
"env": {
"browser": true,
"node": true,
"commonjs": true
"ecmaFeatures": {
// lambda表達(dá)式
"arrowFunctions": true,
// 解構(gòu)賦值
"destructuring": true,
// class
"classes": true,
"defaultParams": true,
// 塊級(jí)作用域娶聘,允許使用let const
"blockBindings": true,
// 允許使用模塊闻镶,模塊內(nèi)默認(rèn)嚴(yán)格模式
"modules": true,
// 允許字面量定義對(duì)象時(shí),用表達(dá)式做屬性名
"objectLiteralComputedProperties": true,
// 允許對(duì)象字面量方法名簡(jiǎn)寫(xiě)
/*var o = {
method() {
return "Hello!";
var o = {
method: function() {
return "Hello!";
"objectLiteralShorthandMethods": true,
var foo = 'bar';
var baz = {foo};
baz // {foo: "bar"}
// 等同于
var baz = {foo: foo};
"objectLiteralShorthandProperties": true,
"restParams": true,
"spread": true,
"forOf": true,
"generators": true,
"templateStrings": true,
"superInFunctions": true,
"experimentalObjectRestSpread": true
"rules": {
// 定義對(duì)象的set存取器屬性時(shí)丸升,強(qiáng)制定義get
"accessor-pairs": 2,
// 指定數(shù)組的元素之間要以空格隔開(kāi)(,后面)铆农, never參數(shù):[ 之前和 ] 之后不能帶空格,always參數(shù):[ 之前和 ] 之后必須帶空格
"array-bracket-spacing": [2, "never"],
// 在塊級(jí)作用域外訪問(wèn)塊內(nèi)定義的變量是否報(bào)錯(cuò)提示
"block-scoped-var": 0,
// if while function 后面的{必須與if在同一行狡耻,java風(fēng)格墩剖。
"brace-style": [2, "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }],
// 雙峰駝命名格式
"camelcase": 2,
// 數(shù)組和對(duì)象鍵值對(duì)最后一個(gè)逗號(hào), never參數(shù):不能帶末尾的逗號(hào), always參數(shù):必須帶末尾的逗號(hào)夷狰,
// always-multiline:多行模式必須帶逗號(hào)岭皂,單行模式不能帶逗號(hào)
"comma-dangle": [2, "never"],
// 控制逗號(hào)前后的空格
"comma-spacing": [2, { "before": false, "after": true }],
// 控制逗號(hào)在行尾出現(xiàn)還是在行首出現(xiàn)
"comma-style": [2, "last"],
// 圈復(fù)雜度
"complexity": [2,9],
// 以方括號(hào)取對(duì)象屬性時(shí),[ 后面和 ] 前面是否需要空格, 可選參數(shù) never, always
"computed-property-spacing": [2,"never"],
// 強(qiáng)制方法必須返回值沼头,TypeScript強(qiáng)類(lèi)型爷绘,不配置
"consistent-return": 0,
// 用于指統(tǒng)一在回調(diào)函數(shù)中指向this的變量名书劝,箭頭函數(shù)中的this已經(jīng)可以指向外層調(diào)用者,應(yīng)該沒(méi)卵用了
// e.g [0,"that"] 指定只能 var that = this. that不能指向其他任何值土至,this也不能賦值給that以外的其他值
"consistent-this": 0,
// 強(qiáng)制在子類(lèi)構(gòu)造函數(shù)中用super()調(diào)用父類(lèi)構(gòu)造函數(shù)购对,TypeScrip的編譯器也會(huì)提示
"constructor-super": 0,
// if else while for do后面的代碼塊是否需要{ }包圍,參數(shù):
// multi 只有塊中有多行語(yǔ)句時(shí)才需要{ }包圍
// multi-line 只有塊中有多行語(yǔ)句時(shí)才需要{ }包圍, 但是塊中的執(zhí)行語(yǔ)句只有一行時(shí)陶因,
// 塊中的語(yǔ)句只能跟和if語(yǔ)句在同一行骡苞。if (foo) foo++; else doSomething();
// multi-or-nest 只有塊中有多行語(yǔ)句時(shí)才需要{ }包圍, 如果塊中的執(zhí)行語(yǔ)句只有一行,執(zhí)行語(yǔ)句可以零另起一行也可以跟在if語(yǔ)句后面
// [2, "multi", "consistent"] 保持前后語(yǔ)句的{ }一致
// default: [2, "all"] 全都需要{ }包圍
"curly": [2, "all"],
// switch語(yǔ)句強(qiáng)制default分支楷扬,也可添加 // no default 注釋取消此次警告
"default-case": 2,
// 強(qiáng)制object.key 中 . 的位置解幽,參數(shù):
// property,'.'號(hào)應(yīng)與屬性在同一行
// object, '.' 號(hào)應(yīng)與對(duì)象名在同一行
"dot-location": [2, "property"],
// 強(qiáng)制使用.號(hào)取屬性
// 參數(shù): allowKeywords:true 使用保留字做屬性名時(shí)毅否,只能使用.方式取屬性
// false 使用保留字做屬性名時(shí), 只能使用[]方式取屬性 e.g [2, {"allowKeywords": false}]
// allowPattern: 當(dāng)屬性名匹配提供的正則表達(dá)式時(shí)亚铁,允許使用[]方式取值,否則只能用.號(hào)取值 e.g [2, {"allowPattern": "^[a-z]+(_[a-z]+)+$"}]
"dot-notation": [2, {"allowKeywords": true}],
// 文件末尾強(qiáng)制換行
"eol-last": 2,
// 使用 === 替代 ==
"eqeqeq": [2, "allow-null"],
// 方法表達(dá)式是否需要命名
"func-names": 0,
// 方法定義風(fēng)格,參數(shù):
// declaration: 強(qiáng)制使用方法聲明的方式螟加,function f(){} e.g [2, "declaration"]
// expression:強(qiáng)制使用方法表達(dá)式的方式徘溢,var f = function() {} e.g [2, "expression"]
// allowArrowFunctions: declaration風(fēng)格中允許箭頭函數(shù)。 e.g [2, "declaration", { "allowArrowFunctions": true }]
"func-style": 0,
"generator-star-spacing": [2, { "before": true, "after": true }],
"guard-for-in": 0,
"handle-callback-err": [2, "^(err|error)$" ],
"indent": [2, 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }],
"key-spacing": [2, { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true }],
"linebreak-style": 0,
"lines-around-comment": 0,
"max-nested-callbacks": 0,
"new-cap": [2, { "newIsCap": true, "capIsNew": false }],
"new-parens": 2,
"newline-after-var": 0,
"no-alert": 0,
"no-array-constructor": 2,
"no-caller": 2,
"no-catch-shadow": 0,
"no-cond-assign": 2,
"no-console": 0,
"no-constant-condition": 0,
"no-continue": 0,
"no-control-regex": 2,
"no-debugger": 2,
"no-delete-var": 2,
"no-div-regex": 0,
"no-dupe-args": 2,
"no-dupe-keys": 2,
"no-duplicate-case": 2,
"no-else-return": 0,
"no-empty": 0,
"no-empty-character-class": 2,
"no-empty-label": 2,
"no-eq-null": 0,
"no-eval": 2,
"no-ex-assign": 2,
"no-extend-native": 2,
"no-extra-bind": 2,
"no-extra-boolean-cast": 2,
"no-extra-parens": 0,
"no-extra-semi": 0,
"no-fallthrough": 2,
"no-floating-decimal": 2,
"no-func-assign": 2,
"no-implied-eval": 2,
"no-inline-comments": 0,
"no-inner-declarations": [2, "functions"],
"no-invalid-regexp": 2,
"no-irregular-whitespace": 2,
"no-iterator": 2,
"no-label-var": 2,
"no-labels": 2,
"no-lone-blocks": 2,
"no-lonely-if": 0,
"no-loop-func": 0,
"no-mixed-requires": 0,
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": 2,
"no-multi-spaces": 2,
"no-multi-str": 2,
"no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, { "max": 1 }],
"no-native-reassign": 2,
"no-negated-in-lhs": 2,
"no-nested-ternary": 0,
"no-new": 2,
"no-new-func": 0,
"no-new-object": 2,
"no-new-require": 2,
"no-new-wrappers": 2,
"no-obj-calls": 2,
"no-octal": 2,
"no-octal-escape": 2,
"no-param-reassign": 0,
"no-path-concat": 0,
"no-process-env": 0,
"no-process-exit": 0,
"no-proto": 0,
"no-redeclare": 2,
"no-regex-spaces": 2,
"no-restricted-modules": 0,
"no-return-assign": 2,
"no-script-url": 0,
"no-self-compare": 2,
"no-sequences": 2,
"no-shadow": 0,
"no-shadow-restricted-names": 2,
"no-spaced-func": 2,
"no-sparse-arrays": 2,
"no-sync": 0,
"no-ternary": 0,
"no-this-before-super": 2,
"no-throw-literal": 2,
"no-trailing-spaces": 2,
"no-undef": 2,
"no-undef-init": 2,
"no-undefined": 0,
"no-underscore-dangle": 0,
"no-unexpected-multiline": 2,
"no-unneeded-ternary": 2,
"no-unreachable": 2,
"no-unused-expressions": 0,
"no-unused-vars": [2, { "vars": "all", "args": "none" }],
"no-use-before-define": 0,
"no-var": 0,
"no-void": 0,
"no-warning-comments": 0,
"no-with": 2,
"object-curly-spacing": 0,
"object-shorthand": 0,
"one-var": [2, { "initialized": "never" }],
"operator-assignment": 0,
"operator-linebreak": [2, "after", { "overrides": { "?": "before", ":": "before" } }],
"padded-blocks": 0,
"prefer-const": 0,
"quote-props": 0,
"quotes": [2, "single", "avoid-escape"],
"radix": 2,
"semi": [2, "never"],
"semi-spacing": 0,
"sort-vars": 0,
"space-after-keywords": [2, "always"],
"space-before-blocks": [2, "always"],
"space-before-function-paren": [2, "always"],
"space-in-parens": [2, "never"],
"space-infix-ops": 2,
"space-return-throw-case": 2,
"space-unary-ops": [2, { "words": true, "nonwords": false }],
"spaced-comment": [2, "always", { "markers": ["global", "globals", "eslint", "eslint-disable", "*package", "!"] }],
"strict": 0,
"use-isnan": 2,
"valid-jsdoc": 0,
"valid-typeof": 2,
"vars-on-top": 0,
"wrap-iife": [2, "any"],
"wrap-regex": 0,
"yoda": [2, "never"]