2021-12-16 TTM
Recently I have received some year end message in last occurrence of periodically meeting in this year. Folks are ready to close the year with long vacation. Very interestingly, in one of the meeting, we were discussing what's the proper greeting in our company to show inclusion and diversity. Merry Christmas? Not everyone celebrating Christmas. Happy New Year, China celebrates new year a month later in Spring Festival. Maybe season's greeting is the best. Do you agree we are approaching holiday season? Yes, typically it's quiet period in the year.
1. Do you have any vacation plan?
A:Finance colleague is busy
Buy buy buy to appreciate myself
2.? I know a colleague who always take vacation/long trip/hiking during this quiet time. Or someone might stay at home to avoid crowd and read a thick book at home. Would you like to share anything special you did in the past during this time? Do you have any special trip during this period?
A:Plan to Mogan Mountain
3. Do you have any ritual in this special time, for example do a summary or make a plan, if that's too boring, any fun thing you will do? You could also share a ritual in Spring Festival.
A:Clean house, shining and good luck for next year.
4. How are you going to celebrate Year End 2021 / New Year 2022 Holidays this time?
A:Write appreciation email to colleagues who helped me.
Take a half day leave and Sleep late.
Buy New clothes and earrings.
5. Yesterday I read one mail "Smarter choices + Better outcomes series: Holiday Edition", there are some tips for making your holiday season more sustainable. For example, shop local, use energy efficient LED lights, plant a tree to offset the carbon you can't avoid, save water and electricity during your travel, buy and cook what's necessary so no food goes to waste, better to send an e-card, use reusable bags or biodegradable materials to wrap your gifts, you could become an ambassador for sustainable holidays. Do you want to make any change in 2022?
A:Come back to hometown. Relatives with old mindset will push marriage. Blind date.
Celebrating 30 years birthday, take art photos.
Thank you for your incredible contributions during another TTM session overshadowed by the uncertainty of few participants. I look forward to what we’ll accomplish together in 2022. We all need a break. I'm looking foreward to decompressing, spending time with my loved ones, with the laptop closed, the video screen off, and email set aside. I wish you all the best for the close out of 2021 and look forward to 2022.
Happy holidays and warmest wishes for a prosperous New Year!
Season's greetings and best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year. Wishing you peace, love, and joy this Holiday season and throughout 2022.
As the holiday season is just around the corner, I hope you will have a happy and relaxing holiday with your family and beloved ones. Recharge yourself with new energy and hope for better days to come. Let's keep the faith, hold tight to the bold and unshakeable resilience. Together, we will create a better and prosperous future!?
As we approach the end of 2021, we'd like to take a moment to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season. May peace, prosperity, and joy be yours now and in the coming new year.
Lunar New Year is celebrated by many countries around the world. This celebration marks the beginning of spring and is the start of a new year per the lunar calendar. This year, Lunar New Year falls on February 1 and is the Year of the Tiger. People born on the Year of the Tiger are predicted to be brave, competitive, and confident. It is a time for new beginnings, and we wish everyone good fortune, happiness and health this upcoming year.?
By helping others we help ourselves.
You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say "no more", until you choose change. If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside the comfort zone, you will awaken to love, you will become, you will be. You have everything you need. Choose to evolve. Choose to love. -Creig Crippen
“If you want good to manifest for you, you must commit to feeling good, being good, and doing good. You attract what you are. Commit to making your life an expression of love. This is not only the law of attraction, this is the law of life. By living in love, life becomes an expression of peace, compassion, forgiveness, respect, and joy. Love lifts you to a higher state of consciousness and frees you from the thoughts, feelings, and actions that minimize or victimize you. Release the desires of the ego and surrender. Allow love to guide you, and the path will appear. Project love, and it will return to you. Be love.” Creig Crippen