- How far should the snow and ice be kept away from the house?
- What is the problem with the downspout?
- What can we do to the window well in order to prevent flooding?
- Name five aspects that may lead to basement flooding if not taken care of.
動(dòng)詞 | 釋義 |
pile up | 堆積 |
thaw | melt |
pick up | collect |
pool | form a pool on the ground |
seep | flow slowly into |
build up | accumulate |
back up | move backwards |
名詞 | 釋義 |
havoc | destruction |
downspout | 下水管 |
eavestrough | gutter |
leakage | 泄漏 |
seepage | 滲漏 |
window well | 窗井 |
debris | scattered pieces of waste |
dripping | 滴落 |
grading | 斜坡 |
常用搭配 | 釋義 |
keep an eye on | watch out for |
make its way into | 進(jìn)入 |
Everybody's looking forward to this sunshine and warmer weather that we're getting, but that could be a big problem for foundations, basements floodings... that kind of thing.
Absolutely. This time of year causes a lot of havoc for people in their basements. We're getting a lot of calls these days with... just water in people's basements. Take a look over here. You see with the snow piled up all along the side of their home and the problem is as it melts, the grounds thawing, the rains falling, temperatures are warming up, and the water got nowhere to go and it's just coming right at your foundation walls.
When this melt there's potential, I guess for that going right into the basement, because it doesn't have anywhere else to go.
Absolutely. The water's got nowhere else to go but at your foundation wall.
All this snow that's piled up around gotta go.
Any snow, any ice needs to be picked up and thrown five, six feet away from your house.
What is the problem with this downspout here?
The downspout is only discharging two feet away from the house and you really want this discharge to be a minimum six and a half feet away from your home.
So all the water will just pool here right now.
Yeah, what's happening here is water's just gonna pool and it's gonna seep right into the ground, and come right out at your foundation wall.
This is potentially a problem as well, the ice going right up into the downspout here?
Absolutely this is a problem.
Because even if this eavestrough and the downspout is not blocked right now, this ice is kind of blocking it, right? So if it came out it's not far enough away that the water would pool here and could potentially go down into the house?
Oh, you are 100 percent right Audra, it's gonna be going right at your foundation walls again and could be causing problems and water leakage for sure, seepage.
What's the tip when it comes to eavestrough here?
Keep an eye on them throughout the winter months because what happens is water won't discharge properly and if it's not working efficiently, it will freeze and you get an overflow. And again, that overflow will be falling right at your foundation wall, seeping right into the wall, into the ground and making its way into your basement.
What about basement windows? Might be a problem?
Can be a problem and often, oftentimes it is. What we have here is a window well and what's very important here is again in the fall and during the winter months, you want to make sure that there's no debris, any kind of waste or leaves as you see building up in this, in this window well because what happens is... won't work efficiently, water can get in there, you can back right up, find yourself in your basements staring at a window full of water.
What about the dripping kind of, the dripping out of the downspout there?
It's not attached properly so it's dripping right again in a very awful area cuz it's gonna be dripping there and going right down, seeping into the ground, going into your foundation wall. And another thing you notice over here is the grading isn't done very well. It's not pushing any kind of water away from the home.
So potentially when all this melts, it's gonna run closer to the house.
A hundred percent.
For full list of tips to help prepare your home before the thaw, you can go to our website city news.ca/extras.
Toronto Audra Brown News