1)Today,we will continue to our examination of ancient ......sculpture.We've alreadly looked the......sculpture which are ......created to commemorate people who died and we've looked relief sculpture or ......And today we look at another catagory sculpture.......sculpture often made copies of famous great sculptures.
2)You see,in the late 4 century BC,......began caping to expand ......part......empire.In 300 years,they had conquered most the ......in the area ......You know,the ......belong ......army returned ......with many works of great ......It is probably fair to say the......world impressed by great art and culture and they began making copies of great statues.
3)The dominant view in traditional art history is ......artists lack creativity and skill,especially campared to the great ......came before them.......the traditional view ......prevalent for over 250 years is the......copy,because they couldn't creat sculpture of their own.But? finally,some contemporary art store challenged this view.
4)Under the ......a......empire,they were supposed to communicate specific ideas about the......and ......family......and to help habitants conquer the area because familiar with......and life.You know,...also distribute throughout the empire.
5)......easy to do......and allow people to see ......or at least alike this.And ......remind to let them know.Well who was in charge? And ......help people become famiiar with ......Statues ......different ......Now, actually, some......sculptures were original.But other ......copies? of great statues and some ......sculptures were combination of some......