Love is a deep emotion that often hides in seemingly insignificant details. As Haruki Murakami once said, "Those who truly treat you well are all in the details. People may lie, but the details do not." When you love someone, your love naturally manifests in those small actions and seemingly insignificant things.
However, when love no longer exists, details will also tell you. Those once warm hugs, caring greetings, and thoughtful actions will become unfamiliar and distant. You will choose to shut up in countless moments when you need him, because you know that even if you express your needs, he cannot understand your silence and sadness.
Love is a form of giving, not taking. When you express your expectations but he doesn't respond appropriately, that sense of disappointment can make you feel cheap. Love should not be a burden, but a natural expression.
In the adult world, emotions are not just about liking. What we need is not only love, but also mutual understanding and respect. We can choose to always maintain a pure heart, but we cannot ignore the details that make us feel uneasy. Because love lies in the details.