The Arrow of History
A typical nobleman went to church in the morning, and listened as the priest held forth on the lives of the saints. 滔滔不絕的講述
例:Do not mention world War Ⅱ to him, he will hold forth on it for a long time. 別和他提起二戰(zhàn)宝踪,一談到這個(gè)話(huà)題他就會(huì)滔滔不絕地大談一通,停也停不下來(lái)瘩燥。
例:Dolle was prepared to hold forth Thursday on matters other than Luxembourg government's apparent fondness for bolt-on legislation.
例:He liked to hold forth on television, once suggesting that America should erect on its other coast a Statue of Responsibility.
容忍颤芬,不予回?fù)籼锥欤D(zhuǎn)過(guò)另一邊臉去讓人打 turn the other cheek 哈哈哈哈哈哈
一旦受辱,寧死不屈 It's better to die than to live with shame.
蓋著阿爾卑斯山一樣的厚奶油 thick hot chocolate under an alp of whipped cream
用叉子卷起意面 twirled tomato-drenched spaghetti on their forks
At the micro level, it seems that for every group of cultures that coalesces into a mega-culture, there’s a megaculture that breaks up into pieces. The Mongol Empire expanded to dominate a huge swathe of Asia and even parts of Europe, only to shatter into fragments. Christianity converted hundreds of millions of people at the same time that it splintered into innumerable sects. The Latin language spread through western and central Europe, then split into local dialects that themselves eventually became national languages. But these break-ups are temporary reversals in an inexorable trend towards unity.
Just as medieval culture did not manage to square chivalry with Christianity, so the modern world fails to square liberty with equality. But this is no defect. Such contradictions are an inseparable part of every human culture. In fact, they are culture’s engines, responsible for the creativity and dynamism of our species. Just as when two clashing musical notes played together force a piece of music forward, so discord in our thoughts, ideas and values compel us to think, reevaluate and criticise. Consistency is the playground of dull minds