? ? ? ? ? I agree with this statement "It's better to make wrong decision than make no decision at all." because of several reasons as follows. Firstly, this topic emphasizes that it is useful for us to take actions before anything be ready. For example宇姚,When we want to do something, which usually connected by many things. Only by constantly trying and making decisions, even the wrong ones, can we grow. On the contrary, if we do nothing,just thinking, this will make us only stay in the same place, can't make any progress at all.
???????Secondly, making no decision usually means staying in your comfortablezone. For instance, if you want to change job, but you can't decide what kindof job you really need, then you will lose your purpose and do nothing, andjust waste your time. If you make decisions and try to change, you'll find outwhat you're good at and you'll get there.
????????Finally, decision making is also an ability or an attitude. It needs you to think about all the factors, judge the situation, and then leads to aconclusion. As the Chinese saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Onlyby making the wrong decision might we see the right direction. Once we find theright direction, we will go further along the road to success.
????????To sum up, I quite agree with this view and do so for myself. I wanteveryone to be a quick mover, to make meaningful decisions in life, and then toachieve them. Success in life requires constant decision making and challengeto your goals.