My focus today will be the policy tools that are needed to ensure that we have a resilient monetary policy framework.
Looking ahead, we will likely need to retain many of the monetary policy tools that were developed to promote recovery from the crisis.
In addition, policymakers insideand outside the Fed may wish at some point to consider additional options to secure a strong and resilient economy.
As I will argue, one lession from the crisis is that our pre-crisis toolkit was inadequate to address the range of economic circumstances that we faced.
Looking ahead, the FOMC expects moderate growth in real gross domestic product, additional strengthening in the labor market, and inflation rising to 2% over the next few years.
Based on this economic outlook, the FOMC continues to anticipate that gradual increases in the federal funds rate will be appropriate over time to achieve and sustain employment and inflation near our statutory objectives.
That doing so was impossible highlights the second serious limitation of our pre-crisis policy toolkit: its inability to generate substantially more accommodation than could be provided by a near-zero federal funds rate.