UltimateRecyclerview是一種功能強大的RecyclerView(advanced and flexible version of ListView),包括了下拉刷新檬贰,加載更多姑廉,多種動畫,空數(shù)據(jù)提示翁涤,拖動排序桥言,視差處理萌踱,工具欄漸變,滑動刪除号阿,自定義floating button虫蝶,多種刷新效果,scrollbar等等元素倦西,而且使用起來跟RecyclerView一樣的方便能真。
v0.7.0?Support most features in Recyclerview 24.0.0. Improve the UltimateAdapter. Reduce the size of the library. Fix some bugs.
v0.5.8?In this version we are now based on support library 23.4.0. We have fixed the load more and disable load more function from early triggers. There is no need to change anything from their implementations. Please read up on the example code if you have any questions from the implementations.
v0.5.6?In this version we now have 23.3.0 support library and the min version is supported all the ways to v13. New added feature that allow us to adding have node connector on each item on?linearlayoutmanager. By extending?TimeLineView?you will now have unlimited builds from the things that connected to each dot.
v0.5.0?this library will be based on v23.2.1 from now on. if you need have the v23.1.1 please go back to the previous release. detail of this upgrade please see#342
v0.4.9?This is the last version that will be based on V23.1.1. and this library will not be supported on this version. For further supports please refer to the latest release.