
Before you write off translation services as an unsexy business, consider our global economy.


Companies are going global. Translation factors in because every aspect of their services must be comprehensive, says Rick Antezana, a partner with Dynamic Language, a language translation provider based in Seattle.

各大公司都在走向全球化屿脐。西雅圖語言服務供應商Dynamic Language公司的合伙人Rick Antezana表示,各大公司都應該重視翻譯因素(Translation factors in介詞翻譯成動詞)掰盘,因為他們提供的各項服務必須能被客戶理解。

"More than ever, companies of every size are looking to expand their market and to engage with customers on a deeper level. Consumers worldwide want everything on their own terms, and that includes a preference for communicating in their own language," says Antezana.

Antezana還認為:“各種規(guī)模的公司都比以前更希望擴大市場赞季,在更深的層次上與客戶接觸engage with customers on a deeper level. )愧捕。全世界的消費者都希望所有事情能按自己的方式進行(want everything on their own terms),包括用自己的語言交流申钩〈位妫”

Phil Shawe, co-founder and CEO of TransPerfect, says the sweet spot for his company has been e-commerce. Retailers overseas, for instance, may be giants in their own neighborhoods, but when they expand out, they're virtually unknown and need to work hard to introduce themselves.

TransPerfect集團聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人(co-founder )兼CEO Phil Shawe說,他們公司的最佳選擇是電商撒遣。比如邮偎,海外零售商可能在自己的周邊范圍內(neighborhoods)堪稱商業(yè)巨頭,但當公司規(guī)模擴張到外地時义黎,可能(virtually事實上)并不為當地人所知禾进,這就需要公司奮力(努力)經營,打響品牌(introduce themselves自我介紹廉涕,將自己推廣出去.)泻云。

Antezana adds that companies must also craft their marketing messages to new audiences or risk looking silly if miscues arise. "Tracking all that content and translating it accurately takes so much," he says. "There have to be multiple steps in the quality control process so the content doesn't embarrass the company."

Antezana還表示,公司也必須為新的受眾打造(craft)營銷信息狐蜕,否則就會面臨著錯誤百出宠纯、損壞品牌的風險(risk looking silly if miscues arise. )〔闶停“跟蹤和準確翻譯這些內容需要花費很多時間婆瓜,”他說,“對于質量必須要層層控制贡羔,這樣廉白,內容才不會有損公司形象(embarrass讓公司難堪,就是有損公司形象)乖寒。"

You might think a translation service simply employs hundreds or thousands of pajama-clad linguists who sit in front of their computers all day translating line by line, but those days are long gone. Translation services have increasingly become technology companies.


Often, the biggest barrier to entry is the technology required of the industry. "It's a huge differentiator," says Shawe, noting TransPerfect's Onelink technology, which allows companies to host a foreign language site on another company's servers. "It requires a research and development budget, and time. It's taken us 10 years to get our software to where it is."

通常進入這個行業(yè)最大的障礙就是行業(yè)所需的技術覆获。“這是一個很關鍵的鑒別因素huge differentiator愿意是很大的區(qū)別瓢省,這里根據上文翻)弄息。” Shawe提到了TransPerfect集團的Onelink技術勤婚,它能夠使公司在另外一個公司的服務器上托管(host)一個外語站點摹量。“這需要研發(fā)經費和時間馒胆。我們的軟件為實現這個目標(to where it is."指上文的缨称,此時模糊翻譯用這個目標代指上文的內容)花了10年時間∽S兀”

Specialization is also important for translation businesses just entering the market, says Elizabeth Elting, the other TransPerfect co-founder and CEO. "It's about being an expert and your reputation and doing the best you can do, and then growing from there."

另一位TransPerfect集團聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人兼CEO Elizabeth Elting說睦尽,專業(yè)化(Specialization)對于剛進入市場的翻譯企業(yè)也很重要⌒亡ǎ“這關系到企業(yè)能否成為(It's about being 關系到+能否)行業(yè)專家当凡,還關系到企業(yè)的聲譽,要做到全力以赴纠俭,然后發(fā)揚光大(growing from there從這里發(fā)展就是發(fā)揚光大沿量。發(fā)現不會準確翻譯的時候就用一個俗語或者成語就可以。大概是因為兩方都無法準確表達而折中的一種方式吧)冤荆∑釉颍”

Still, when an industry is projected to grow to $39 billion by 2018, as translations services is, investors shouldn't be too difficult to convince. "We're seeing a lot of new players enter the market and starting to get good-sized funding rounds," says Jani Penttinen, the founder and CEO of Transfluent, a tech platform that connects 50,000 translators and specializes in content management tools that help clients receive and send email in a foreign language or do the same thing on their blogs. "There's a lot of new activity in the U.S. for language translation, which is a great thing."

2018年翻譯服務業(yè)規(guī)模預計增長到390億美元(約合人民幣2545億元),達到這一程度的行業(yè)(前提)容易受到投資者的青睞(investors shouldn't be too difficult to convince.)钓简。技術平臺Transfluent與50000名譯員建立了業(yè)務聯(lián)系(connects)搭配建立…聯(lián)系佛掖,專攻幫助客戶收發(fā)(receive and send)外語郵件的內容管理工具,或者通過博客開展類似業(yè)務(do the same thing搭配)涌庭。其創(chuàng)始人兼CEOJani Penttinen說:“我們看到很多新企業(yè)加入市場芥被,開啟了可觀(good-sized大規(guī)模的)的各輪融資(funding rounds)。在美國坐榆,語言翻譯行業(yè)注入了大量新鮮血液拴魄,(lot of new activity有許多大動作,新活動)太贊了(這太棒了)席镀!”

Commoditization remains a big hurdle in the industry, as are clients who fail to appreciate the link between high prices and stellar results. Both may drive prices down. To counter this, entrepreneurs must convince these clients that when they're dealing with sensitive products like medical devices, the threat of legal action is real.

商品化依然是這個行業(yè)的一大阻礙匹中,客戶沒有對高價與高品(stellar一流的)之間的聯(lián)系加以重視,雙方都可能壓低價格(drive…down)豪诲。為解決這一問題顶捷,企業(yè)家必須讓客戶信服,表明他們在面對醫(yī)療器械等敏感產品時屎篱,承擔法律責任(legal action)的風險是切實存在的(real)真的服赎,但是翻譯成切實存在葵蒂。

Translation companies are also seeing a trend toward consolidation, something Antezana has noticed. "It's happening now more than it has in the past," he says. "For some organizations, that's their growth strategy. They're not trying to grow by marketing."

合并也是翻譯公司面臨的一個趨勢(Translation companies are also seeing a trend toward consolidation改變主語,讓物體事件為主語有時候讓句子更加通順)重虑。Antezana指出:“如今合并之勢比以往更加明顯践付,對有些機構來說,這是他們的增長戰(zhàn)略缺厉,他們不想通過營銷實現增長永高。”

Dry content such as appliance manuals are more likely to be cannibalized by machine translation, says Shawe, something "Google and other places are getting better at


With machine translation now more sophisticated than ever, customers are beginning to demand services that were once hard to come by, such as video interpreters who can help clients communicate with the deaf and off-site interpreters who assist with doctors' appointments. "It's about staying up on what the tech is and finding the best way to utilize it," says Antezana.

如今機器翻譯的發(fā)展比以前要成熟得多辐脖,消費者開始對曾經難以獲得的服務提出需求饲宛,如能幫助客戶與聾啞人交流的視頻傳譯(video interpreters)、協(xié)助異地(off-site)預約(appointments)醫(yī)生的口譯員等揖曾。Antezana說:“這就需要我們持續(xù)跟進(staying up on )技術的發(fā)展狀況落萎,找到利用技術的最佳方式亥啦√考簦”

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