英文版:Big Ideas in Astronomy: Astronomy Literacy Booklet
0 A brief Introduction to some of Astronomy’s Big Ideas
Astronomy is the science that studies the origin and evolution of the Universe and everything in it. This definition seems simple, but the Universe is a vast place, filled with fascinating celestial objects of all sizes, shapes and ages, and with amazing phenomena.
As part of humanity’s cultural and scientific history, astronomy has repeatedly revolutionized the way we think, the way we see our world and our place in the larger universe. In the past, advances in astronomy have been used for practical applications such as measuring time or navigating the vast oceans. Today, the results of the scientific and technological development of astronomy and related areas have become essential to many parts of our day-to-day life: computers, communication satellites, navigation systems, solar panels, wireless internet and many other technological applications.
Like any science, astronomy makes advances as a result of the accumulation of knowledge. Sometimes steady progress is accelerated by sudden breakthroughs in technology and thought, such as revolutionary idea of the Heliocentric view of the Solar System and The Big Bang Model.The Big Bang model tells the story of the evolution of the Universe.Around 14 billion years ago, the just-born “Universe” was infinitely small and hot. A sudden and continuing expansion and later cooling led to the formation of the fundamental building blocks of atomic and subatomic particles, which allowed the formation of galaxies, stars, planets and eventually life. Astronomers believe, based on the data so far, that the expansion of the Universe is mainly driven by a mysterious form of energy called Dark Energy.
If we look at the sky on a dark night, we see a band of light travelling across the sky from horizon to horizon. This band and all the stars we see in the sky are part of the galaxy we live in, the Milky Way Galaxy. Galaxies often form in filaments and clumps: groups of islands surrounding the vast empty seas of the Universe. Our galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars, of which the Sun is only one, as anonymous as a grain of sand on a beach. These stars orbit harmoniously, following the natural laws of gravity, around the centre of the galaxy where there is a monstrous black hole. This “ocean” which is the Universe contains many other islands; ours is only one among hundreds of billions of galaxies that populate it.
Although it is a relatively average type of star, the Sun enjoyed, until recently, a special status for us humans: it was the only star we knew to be surrounded by planets. Today we know of thousands of stars with planets, called Exoplanets. It is estimated that more than 20% of stars which resemble our Sun are orbited by planets — some similar to Earth. Many of these planets are small and are orbiting at a comfortable distance from its star, which allows the existence of liquid water and, hence, maybe life.
But what is the Universe made of? The stuff we can see — planets, stars and galaxies — are all made of atoms, but there is something else, something vast, strange and mysterious, and no one knows what it is. Stars would be expected to orbit the centre of galaxies, in a similar way to how planets orbit the Sun in our Solar System. The closest planets to the Sun move faster than the outermost planets. But this does not happen: the stars in galaxies more or less orbit all with the same velocity around the centre of the galaxy. There must be something we are unable to see and which keeps the stars orbiting in this way. Astronomers call this “Dark Matter”. It is estimated that what we are able to see is only a small portion of everything that exists in the Universe. Everything else is not well understood and has not been directly observed yet!
Astronomy is not just about scientific advances or technological applications: it gives us the opportunity to broaden our limited horizons, discover the beauty and grandeur of the Universe and our place in it. This view, commonly referred to as “the cosmic perspective”, is one of the most important contributions of Astronomy to Humanity.
0 天文學の主要概念の概略
0 天文學的主要概念的簡介
像所有科學一樣寸士,天文學的進步是知識積累的結果。 有時碴卧,技術和思想的突破會加速科技進步碉京。日心說和宇宙大爆炸理論等創(chuàng)新思想就屬于這一類谐宙。宇宙大爆炸模型解釋了宇宙的演化歷史。大約140億年前,剛剛誕生的“宇宙”是無限小而熾熱的蒋歌。它在突然爆發(fā)后極速膨脹,隨后在冷卻的過程產(chǎn)生了物質(zhì)的基本成分府框,如微粒子和原子系宜,然后形成了星系欢策、恒星和行星赏淌,最終誕生了生命。根據(jù)現(xiàn)有的數(shù)據(jù)啄清,天文學家認為宇宙膨脹是由一種叫做暗能量的神秘能量引起的六水。
如果在黑夜中仰望天空,你會看到一束光從地平線這頭延伸到另一頭辣卒。這束光和我們在天空中看到的所有恒星都是我們生活的銀河系的一部分掷贾。星系通常以絲狀和團狀的形式存在:這就如同宇宙中無邊無際的大海周圍的島嶼一樣。銀河系也有數(shù)以千億計的恒星荣茫,而太陽只是其中之一想帅,就像沙灘上的一粒沙子一樣。這些恒星按照重力定律和諧地圍繞著星系中心運行啡莉,那里有一個巨大的黑洞港准。在宇宙這個“大洋”中旨剥,還有許多其他的島嶼(星系) ,銀河系只是擠在那里的數(shù)千億星系中的一個浅缸。
太陽是一顆普通類型的恒星轨帜,但直到最近,它對我們?nèi)祟悂碚f仍有特殊的地位:它是我們所知唯一一顆被行星包圍的恒星衩椒。今天我們知道有成千上萬的恒星與行星蚌父,稱為外行星。 據(jù)估計毛萌,超過20% 的類太陽恒星都有行星苟弛,有些行星類似于地球。類地行星是一顆質(zhì)量很小朝聋、與恒星保持足夠距離的行星嗡午,因此其表面可能存在水,那里也可能存在生命冀痕。
但是宇宙是由什么組成的荔睹? 行星、恒星言蛇、星系等我們所能看到的一切都是由原子僻他、質(zhì)子、中子和夸克組成的(稱為重子物質(zhì))腊尚。除此以外還有某種物質(zhì)吨拗,它龐大、神奇而且充滿了各種謎團婿斥,但沒有人知道它是什么劝篷。就像太陽系中的行星圍繞太陽運行一樣,恒星圍繞著銀河系的中心運行民宿〗考耍靠近太陽的行星比距離更遠的行星公轉得更快。然而活鹰,圍繞星系中心運行的恒星卻不是這樣哈恰。星系中的恒星幾乎以同樣的速度圍繞著星系中心旋轉,而不管它們離中心的距離如何志群。 所以一定有什么東西我們看不見着绷,它使恒星以這種方式運行。 天文學家稱之為“暗物質(zhì)”锌云。 據(jù)估計荠医,我們所看到的只是宇宙中所有事物的一小部分,其他部分我們一無所知,我們還沒有辦法去直接觀測它們彬向!
1 Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences in human history
1.1 Understanding the sky and the movements of the Sun and planets was one of the first attempts to understand the natural world
The first records of astronomical observations come from drawings and artefacts created by prehistoric people, documenting what they saw in the sky. In ancient cultures, Astronomy was related to religious and mythological beliefs. Astronomical phenomena were used to measure time and to create calendars, allowing such cultures to plan daily and seasonal events.
1.2 Earlier cultures imagined patterns connecting stars in the night sky
Patterns in the night sky formed by connecting stars using imaginary lines are called constellations. The earliest constellations were defined by early cultures. These recognisable groups of stars were often connected to cultural stories and mythology from cultures such as Greek, Mayan and Chinese. In modern Astronomy, constellations are well-defined regions of the sky, which combine both ancient constellations and those defined in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. Some cultures, such as the Indigenous Australians and the indigenous people of South America, also identified patterns using the dark silhouettes in the luminous band of the Milky Way.
1.3 Astronomy provided important timekeeping knowledge, essential for ancient agriculture
In many ancient cultures, astronomy was developed to increase the accuracy of farming calendars. As an example, Egyptians developed a calendar based on their observations of the star Sirius, using it to determine the annual flooding of the river Nile.
1.4 Astronomy was important for navigators in the past
Many civilisations used the position of the stars and other celestial objects to navigate the land, seas and oceans. Celestial navigation is still taught to this day.
1.5 Astronomy, by using the scientific method, is different from astrology
Until pre-modern times, the distinction between astronomy and astrology was vague. Today astronomy and astrology are clearly distinguished from each other. Astronomy is a science and astrology is not. Astrology uses positions of celestial objects to predict future events. However, extensive studies of astrology and its predictions show that astrology is not accurate in its predictions and is without any scientific foundation.
1.6 Earth was believed, by some earlier cultures, to be the centre of the Universe
Early astronomers believed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. This Geocentric view lasted for over one millennium in European and Asian Cultures. Other cultures, such as Islamic and Indian cultures, presented Heliocentric theories (with the Sun in the centre) not long after 0 BCE. Modern astronomers have found that the Universe appears to have no specific centre in space.
1.7 The century-long Copernican revolution led to the Sun replacing the Earth as the accepted centre of the Solar System
In the 16th century, Copernicus proposed evidence for the Heliocentric theory in which the Sun was the centre of the Universe and Earth moved around it. Although we know now that the Sun is not the centre of the Universe, it is the centre of the Solar System and the Copernican Heliocentrism theory was revolutionary at that time, contributing to the development of modern Astronomy.
1.8 Over 400 years ago, astronomers undertook the first methodical observations within astronomy using a telescope
Although he did not invent the telescope, Galileo was the first to use it for scientific purposes. His improvements of the refracting telescope led him to discoveries such as the phases of Venus, the rings of Saturn and the four largest moons of Jupiter, which are still referred to as Galilean moons. His discoveries provided compelling evidence that supported the Heliocentric view of the Universe.
1.9 The Earth is approximately spherical in shape, and this has been demonstrated for centuries in many different ways
Some early cultures in many areas of the world have described the Earth as a flat plane or disk as part of their description of the Universe. The idea that the Earth is a sphere has been around for a few millennia and has been a significant part of the worldviews of many cultures, becoming the dominant paradigm more than 1000 years ago. There are numerous empirical ways to test that the Earth is approximately spherical in shape (it is technically referred to as an oblate spheroid). One of the earliest mathematical methods was by Eratosthenes, who measured the circumference of the Earth by analysing the lengths of shadows cast by sticks at different locations in ancient Egypt (3rd century BCE).
1 天文學は人類の歴史の中で最も古い學問の一つ
1.1 空を眺め太陽と惑星の動きを理解することは孵班、自然界を理解しようとする最初の試みの一つであった
1.2 古代文明において触趴、人々は夜空の星々をつないで星座をつくった
1.3 天文學は迁霎、古代の農(nóng)業(yè)に不可欠な重要な時季を知るための知識をもたらした
1.4 天文學は昌粤、かつて航海者にとって重要だった
1.5 天文學は、科學的な手法を用いることで占星術とは異る
1.6 かつては地球が宇宙の中心だと信じていた文化もあった
1.7 コペルニクスの地動説は佳头、100年以上の年月を経て人々に受け入れられるようになった
1.8 天文學者は400年以上前に、初めて望遠鏡を用いた天文學の系統(tǒng)的な観測を行った
1.9 私たちの住む地球はほぼ球形で油猫、それは何世紀にもわたってさまざまな方法で説明されてきた
1 天文學是人類歷史最古老的科學之一
1.1 仰望天空,觀測太陽與行星的運動是人類去理解自然界的最初嘗試之一
1.2 在古文明中人們把夜空中的星星連接起來形成星座
1.3 天文學為古代農(nóng)業(yè)提供了重要的計時知識
1.4 天文學曾對航海家是至關重要的工具
1.5 天文學是用于科學的方法,與占星術不同
直到近代以前旅敷,天文學和占星術的區(qū)別還很模糊∩鳎現(xiàn)在,天文學和占星術顯然是不同的媳谁。天文學是科學涂滴,占星術不是科學。占星學利用天體的位置來預測未來的事件晴音。 然而柔纵,對占星學及其預測的廣泛研究表明,占星學的預測并不準確锤躁,也沒有任何科學基礎搁料。
1.6 一些早期文化認為地球是宇宙的中心
早期的天文學家相信地球是宇宙的中心。 這種地心說在歐亞文化中持續(xù)了一千多年系羞。 其他文化郭计,如伊斯蘭和印度文化,在公元元年后不久就提出了日心說(太陽在中心)椒振。 現(xiàn)代天文學家發(fā)現(xiàn)昭伸,宇宙似乎在空間中沒有特定的中心。
1.7 經(jīng)歷了一個世紀澎迎,哥白尼的日心說才為人們所接受
在16世紀庐杨,哥白尼提出了太陽是宇宙的中心,地球圍繞它公轉的日心說夹供。 雖然我們現(xiàn)在知道太陽并不是宇宙的中心辑莫,但它確實是太陽系的中心。哥白尼的日心說在當時是革命性的學說罩引,有助于現(xiàn)代天文學的發(fā)展各吨。
1.8 400多年前,天文學家首次使用望遠鏡進行天文觀測
1.9 我們生活的地球幾乎是球形的瑰谜,幾個世紀以來人們以許多不同的方式得到了證明