Step 1 :?stop mysql server if it`s running?
ps -ef | grep mysql ? ? ? ? ?##----this command check mysql / mysqld is one of the running processes.
sudo pkill mysqld ? ? ? ? ? ##-----this command will stop the running mysql processes.
Step 2 : run mysqld_safe with kipping grant tables?
sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
step 3 : login mysql as root without password in another terminal?
sudo ?mysql -u ?root?
step 4 : change the password in mysql shell?
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';? ? ? ? ##-----For?MySQL? 5.7.6 and newer ; for the older version = UPDATEuserSETpassword=PASSWORD("ualue=42")WHEREuser="root";
step 5 : quit mysql shell?
quit ?or \q ? ?##--- will quit mysql shell?
step 6 : stop mysql_safe mode and restart mysql
sudo pkill mysql