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now tall now small
M:l am a hedgehog, I am mommy hedgehog, I am tall.
B: I am little.
M:yes, you are little. You are my baby. Baby hedgehog, can you stretch your arms like this. can you touch the celling?
B: too high.
M: now I'm very small. Can you turn into a tiny ball.
4. 繪本
5. 媽媽作業(yè)
Lizards that change colors
Yes, some types of lizards such as the chameleon can change the color of their skin to blend in with their surroundings.
What color is a chameleon placed on the mirror? 放在鏡子上的變色龍是什么顏色的?
In the first of this unusual series, we will look at the chameleon, one of nature's strangest creatures. 在這個特別系列中晃洒,首先我們將介紹大自然中最奇特的生物之一——變色龍慨灭。
Dogs are surprisingly agile.
Snakes have four ways of moving around.? Since they don't have legs they use their muscles and their scales to do the "walking".
Serpentine method:? This motion is what most people think of when they think of snakes.? Snakes will push off of any bump or other surface, rocks, trees, etc., to get going.? They move in a wavy motion.? They would not be able to move over slick surfaces like glass at all.? This movement is also known as lateral undulation.
Concertina method:? This is a more difficult way for the snake to move but is effective in tight spaces.? The snake braces the back portion of their body while pushing and extending the front portion.? Then the snake drops the front portion of their body and straightens an pulls the back portion along.? It is almost like they through themselves forward.
Sidewinding: This is a difficult motion to describe but it is often used by snakes to move on loose or slippery surfaces like sand or mud.? The snake appears to throw its head forward and the rest of its body follows while the head is thrown forward again.? (See picture.)
Rectilinear Method:? This is a slow, creeping, straight movement.? The snake uses some of the wide scales on its belly to grip the ground while pushing forward with the others.