
Java線程 一般采用new Thread().start();的方式開啟一個新的線程池實例。但是這樣的會無節(jié)制的創(chuàng)建線程俱箱、回收線程奏窑,造成頻繁的GC。





  • int corePoolSize ——線程池中核心線程的數(shù)量静檬。
  • int maximumPoolSize ——線程池中最大線程數(shù)量炭懊。
  • long keepAliveTime——非核心線程的超時時長,當(dāng)系統(tǒng)中非核心線程閑置時間超過keepAliveTime之后拂檩,則會被回收侮腹。如果ThreadPoolExecutor的allowCoreThreadTimeOut屬性設(shè)置為true,則該參數(shù)也表示核心線程的超時時長广恢。
  • TimeUnit unit ——時間單位凯旋,有納秒、微秒钉迷、毫秒、秒钠署、分糠聪、時、天等谐鼎。
  • BlockingQueue< Runnable > workQueue ——線程池中的任務(wù)隊列舰蟆,該隊列主要用來存儲已經(jīng)被提交但是尚未執(zhí)行的任務(wù)。
  • ThreadFactory threadFactory —— 線程工廠狸棍,為了給線程池提供創(chuàng)建線程的功能身害。
  • RejectedExecutionHandler handler——拒絕策略,當(dāng)線程無法執(zhí)行新任務(wù)時(一般是由于線程池中的線程數(shù)量已經(jīng)達到最大數(shù)或者線程池關(guān)閉導(dǎo)致的)草戈,默認情況下塌鸯,當(dāng)線程池?zé)o法處理新線程時,會拋出一個RejectedExecutionException唐片。



  • ArrayBlockingQueue:基于數(shù)組的阻塞隊列,按照FIFO原則進行排序费韭。
  • LinkedBlockingQueue:基于鏈表的阻塞隊列茧球,按照FIFO原則對元素進行排序。
  • SynchronousQueue:一個不儲存元素的阻塞隊列星持,每一個插入操作必須等到另外一個線程調(diào)用移除操作抢埋,否則插入操作一直處于阻塞狀態(tài)。
  • PriorityBlockingQueue:一個具有優(yōu)先級的無限阻塞隊列。


  • ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy:丟棄任務(wù)并拋出RejectedExecutionException異常揪垄。
  • ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy:也是丟棄任務(wù)穷吮,但是不拋出異常。
  • ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy:丟棄隊列最前面的任務(wù)福侈,然后重新嘗試執(zhí)行任務(wù)(重復(fù)此過程)
  • ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy:由調(diào)用線程處理該任務(wù)


  • 如果線程池中的線程數(shù)未達到核心線程數(shù)酒来,則會立馬啟用一個核心線程去執(zhí)行。
  • 如果線程池中的線程數(shù)已經(jīng)達到核心線程數(shù)肪凛,且workQueue未滿堰汉,則將新線程放入workQueue中等待執(zhí)行。
  • 如果線程池中的線程數(shù)已經(jīng)達到核心線程數(shù)且workQueue已滿伟墙,但未超過非核心線程數(shù)翘鸭,則開啟一個非核心線程來執(zhí)行任務(wù)。
  • 如果線程池中的線程數(shù)已經(jīng)超過非核心線程數(shù)戳葵,則拒絕執(zhí)行該任務(wù)就乓。



 * 類描述:線程池管理器
 * @author jinzifu
 * @Email jinzifu123@163.com
 * @date 2017/12/7 1150

public class ThreadPoolManager {
     * 核心線程的數(shù)量戏自。當(dāng)前設(shè)備可用處理器核心數(shù)*2 + 1,能夠讓cpu的效率得到最大程度執(zhí)行邦投。
    private int corePoolSize;
     * 最大線程數(shù)量,表示當(dāng)緩沖隊列滿的時候能繼續(xù)容納的等待任務(wù)的數(shù)量擅笔。
    private int maximumPoolSize;
     * 非核心線程的超時時長志衣,當(dāng)系統(tǒng)中非核心線程閑置時間超過keepAliveTime之后,則會被回收猛们。
     * 如果ThreadPoolExecutor的allowCoreThreadTimeOut屬性設(shè)置為true念脯,則該參數(shù)也表示核心線程的超時時長。
    private long keepAliveTime = 1;
     * 時間單位弯淘,有納秒绿店、微秒、毫秒耳胎、秒惯吕、分、時怕午、天等废登。
    private TimeUnit timeUnit = TimeUnit.HOURS;
    private ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor;
    private static final int CPU_COUNT = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

    private ThreadPoolManager() {

    private static class SingleClass {
        private static final ThreadPoolManager THREAD_POOL_MANAGER = new ThreadPoolManager();

     * 靜態(tài)內(nèi)部類單例模式
     * @return
    public static ThreadPoolManager getInstance() {
        return SingleClass.THREAD_POOL_MANAGER;

     * 配置線程池屬性
     * 部分參考AsyncTask的配置設(shè)計
    private void init() {
        corePoolSize = CPU_COUNT + 1;
        maximumPoolSize = CPU_COUNT * 2 + 1;
        threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
                new LinkedBlockingDeque<Runnable>(),
                new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());

     * 執(zhí)行任務(wù)
     * @param runnable
    public void execute(Runnable runnable) {
        if (runnable != null) {

     * 從線程池移除任務(wù)
     * @param runnable
    public void remove(Runnable runnable) {
        if (runnable != null) {


     * Creates a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of threads
     * operating off a shared unbounded queue.  At any point, at most
     * {@code nThreads} threads will be active processing tasks.
     * If additional tasks are submitted when all threads are active,
     * they will wait in the queue until a thread is available.
     * If any thread terminates due to a failure during execution
     * prior to shutdown, a new one will take its place if needed to
     * execute subsequent tasks.  The threads in the pool will exist
     * until it is explicitly {@link ExecutorService#shutdown shutdown}.
     * @param nThreads the number of threads in the pool
     * @return the newly created thread pool
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code nThreads <= 0}
    public static ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads) {
        return new ThreadPoolExecutor(nThreads, nThreads,
                                      0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
                                      new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());

從方法注釋和參數(shù)配置來看,核心線程數(shù)和最大線程數(shù)相同(意味著沒有非核心線程郁惜,且線程池處于北ぞ啵活狀態(tài)以等待任務(wù)甲锡,除非調(diào)用shutdown shutdown關(guān)閉線程隊列中的任務(wù)),超過核心線程數(shù)的任務(wù)都要進入線程隊列中等待羽戒,當(dāng)核心線程處于閑置狀態(tài)時就繼續(xù)執(zhí)行隊列里的任務(wù)缤沦。線程池隊列是沒有參數(shù),說明隊列長度是默認的Integer.MAX_VALUE(2的31次方減1)易稠。



 ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
                executorService.execute(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                            try {
                                Log.d(TAG, "" + i);
                            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


     * Creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating
     * off an unbounded queue. (Note however that if this single
     * thread terminates due to a failure during execution prior to
     * shutdown, a new one will take its place if needed to execute
     * subsequent tasks.)  Tasks are guaranteed to execute
     * sequentially, and no more than one task will be active at any
     * given time. Unlike the otherwise equivalent
     * {@code newFixedThreadPool(1)} the returned executor is
     * guaranteed not to be reconfigurable to use additional threads.
     * @return the newly created single-threaded Executor
    public static ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutor() {
        return new FinalizableDelegatedExecutorService
            (new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1,
                                    0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
                                    new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>()));



     * Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but
     * will reuse previously constructed threads when they are
     * available.  These pools will typically improve the performance
     * of programs that execute many short-lived asynchronous tasks.
     * Calls to {@code execute} will reuse previously constructed
     * threads if available. If no existing thread is available, a new
     * thread will be created and added to the pool. Threads that have
     * not been used for sixty seconds are terminated and removed from
     * the cache. Thus, a pool that remains idle for long enough will
     * not consume any resources. Note that pools with similar
     * properties but different details (for example, timeout parameters)
     * may be created using {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} constructors.
     * @return the newly created thread pool
    public static ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool() {
        return new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
                                      60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                                      new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());





     * Creates a new {@code ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor} with the
     * given core pool size.
     * @param corePoolSize the number of threads to keep in the pool, even
     *        if they are idle, unless {@code allowCoreThreadTimeOut} is set
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code corePoolSize < 0}
    public ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize) {
        super(corePoolSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
              new DelayedWorkQueue());



public interface ScheduledExecutorService extends ExecutorService {

     * Creates and executes a one-shot action that becomes enabled
     * after the given delay.
     * 翻譯:創(chuàng)建并執(zhí)行在給定延遲后啟用的一次性操作喊废。
    public ScheduledFuture<?> schedule(Runnable command,
                                     long delay, TimeUnit unit);

     * Creates and executes a ScheduledFuture that becomes enabled after the
     * given delay.
     * 翻譯:創(chuàng)建并執(zhí)行在給定延遲后啟用的操作三妈。
    public <V> ScheduledFuture<V> schedule(Callable<V> callable,
                                           long delay, TimeUnit unit);

     * Creates and executes a periodic action that becomes enabled first
     * after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the given
     * period; that is, executions will commence after
     * 參數(shù)initialDelay:表示第一次延時的時間
     * 參數(shù)period:表示任務(wù)執(zhí)行開始后距下一個任務(wù)開始執(zhí)行的時間間隔柑司。
    public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable command,
                                                  long initialDelay,
                                                  long period,
                                                  TimeUnit unit);

     * Creates and executes a periodic action that becomes enabled first
     * after the given initial delay, and subsequently with the
     * given delay between the termination of one execution and the
     * commencement of the next.
     * 參數(shù)initialDelay:表示第一次延時的時間
     * 參數(shù)delay:表示任務(wù)執(zhí)行結(jié)束后距下一個任務(wù)開始執(zhí)行的時間間隔
    public ScheduledFuture<?> scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable command,
                                                     long initialDelay,
                                                     long delay,
                                                     TimeUnit unit);


情景代碼測試1executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new MyRunnable(5), 1, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
        private int count;
        final int[] i = {0};

        public MyRunnable(int i) {
            this.count = i;

        public void run() {
            try {
                i[0] = i[0] + 1;
                if (i[0] < count) {
                    Log.d(TAG, "開始第" + i[0] + "次打印");
                    Log.d(TAG, "結(jié)束第" + i[0] + "次打印");
                } else {
                    Log.d(TAG, "停止延時執(zhí)行...");
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {


12-07 14:24:41.556 9263-9263 D/ThreadFragment: 開始延時執(zhí)行...
12-07 14:24:42.557 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第1次打印
12-07 14:24:43.559 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第1次打印
12-07 14:24:46.561 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第2次打印
12-07 14:24:47.562 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第2次打印
12-07 14:24:50.564 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第3次打印
12-07 14:24:51.567 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第3次打印
12-07 14:24:54.569 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第4次打印
12-07 14:24:55.570 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第4次打印
12-07 14:24:58.572 9263-9353 D/ThreadFragment: 停止延時執(zhí)行...


  • 14:24:41到14:24:42是延遲1秒啟動的。
  • 結(jié)束第1次打印時間與開始第2次打印時間是相隔3秒,驗證了每一次執(zhí)行終止和下一次執(zhí)行開始之間都存在給定的延遲delay么翰。

情景代碼測試2executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MyRunnable(5), 1, 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


12-07 14:23:21.371 8012-8012 D/ThreadFragment: 開始延時執(zhí)行...
12-07 14:23:22.373 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第1次打印
12-07 14:23:23.374 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第1次打印
12-07 14:23:25.373 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第2次打印
12-07 14:23:26.375 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第2次打印
12-07 14:23:28.374 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第3次打印
12-07 14:23:29.375 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第3次打印
12-07 14:23:31.374 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 開始第4次打印
12-07 14:23:32.376 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 結(jié)束第4次打印
12-07 14:23:34.372 8012-8115 D/ThreadFragment: 停止延時執(zhí)行...


  • 14:23:21到14:23:22是延遲1秒啟動的坦康。
  • 開始第1次打印時間與開始第2次打印時間是period = 3秒。


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