

  1. GOSELO: Goal-Directed Obstacle and Self-Location Map for Robot Navigation using Reactive Neural Networks

A Kanezaki, J Nitta, Y Sasaki - IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017


S Mehta - International Journal, 2017

3.Cooperative Visual-Inertial Sensor Fusion: Fundamental Equations

A Martinelli, A Renzaglia - Symposium on multi robot systems 2017, 2017

4.Fast loop-closure detection using visual-word-vectors from image sequences


L Bampis, A Amanatiadis, A Gasteratos - The International Journal of Robotics …, 2017

  1. Cooperative Transportation using Small Quadrotors using Monocular Vision and Inertial Sensing

G Loianno, V Kumar - IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017

  1. Real-time 3D Reconstruction on Construction Site using Visual SLAM and UAV

Z Shang, Z Shen - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.07122, 2017

7.Intelligent navigation and accurate positioning of an assist robot in indoor environments

B Hua, E Rama, G Capi, M Jindai, Y Tsuri - 2017 International Conference on …, 2017

8.Real-time 3D Reconstruction on Construction Site using Visual SLAM and UAV
(使用RTAB slam)

Z Shang, Z Shen - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.07122, 2017

9.3D Reconstruction with a collaborative approach based on smartphones and a cloud-based server

N Erica, P Fabio, L Alex, YT Tefera, R Fabio, C Paul… - 5th International Workshop …, 2017

  1. A Lightweight Navigation System for Mobile Robots


MT Lázaro, G Grisetti, L Iocchi, JP Fentanes… - Iberian Robotics conference, 2017

  1. Invariant Kalman Filtering


A Barrau, S Bonnabel - Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous …, 2018

  1. 3D Mapping for a Reliable Long-Term Navigation


J Ginés, F Martín, V Matellán, FJ Lera, J Balsa - Iberian Robotics conference, 2017

  1. Feature Extraction Using MPEG-CDVS and Deep Learning with Application to Robotic Navigation and Image Classification


PPB de Gusm?o - 2017

  1. Mobile Robot Localization Via Sensor Fusion Algorithms


C Uyulan, T Erguzel, E Arslan

  1. Information-fusion Methods Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Robot Adapting to Search and Rescue Post-disaster Environments


H Wang, C Zhang, Y Song, B Pang

  1. Comparative Study of Visual Odometry and SLAM Techniques


AR Gaspar, A Nunes, A Pinto, A Matos - Iberian Robotics conference, 2017

17. Robust 3D Surface Reconstruction from Light Fields



  1. A Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image Based 3D Reconstruction

B Fan, Q Kong, X Wang, Z Wang, S Xiang, C Pan… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

  1. A 6-DOF Navigation Method based on Iterative Closest Imaging Point Algorithm

S Shi, Z You, K Zhao, Z Wang, C Ouyang, Y Cao - Scientific Reports, 2017

3.Direct Multichannel Tracking

C Jaramillo, Y Taguchi, C Feng - 2017

  1. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Pedestrians using Low-Cost Ultra-Wideband System and Gyroscope

C Gentner, M Ulmschneider - 2017

5.Evaluation of a SoC for Real-time 3D SLAM

B Williams - 2017

6.Uncertainty Model for Template Feature Matching

H Zhang, D Grie?bach, J Wohlfeil, A B?rner - 2017

  1. MaskLab: Instance Segmentation by Refining Object Detection with Semantic and Direction Features

LC Chen, A Hermans, G Papandreou, F Schroff… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

8.Special Issue on High‐Speed Vision‐Based Autonomous Navigation of UAVs

G Loianno, D Scaramuzza, V Kumar - Journal of Field Robotics, 2018

  1. 基于三視圖幾何約束的攝像機相對位姿估計

張振杰, 李建勝狰住, 趙漫丹张吉, 張小東 - 浙江大學(xué)學(xué)報(工學(xué)版), 2018

  1. Joint 3D reconstruction of a static scene and moving objects

S Caccamo, E Ataer-Cansizoglu, Y Taguchi - Proc. Int'l Conf. 3D Vision (3DV), 2017

  1. An extended Kalman filter-simultaneous localization and mapping method with Harris-scale-invariant feature transform feature recognition and laser mapping for …

S Wen, Z Zhang, C Ma, Y Wang, H Wang - International Journal of Advanced Robotic …, 2017

  1. Trajectory Optimization for Curvature Bounded Non-Holonomic Vehicles: Application to Autonomous Driving

M Babu, Y Oza, CA Balaji, AK Singh, B Gopakarishnan… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

13 Perspectives on Deep Multimodel Robot Learning

W Burgard, A Valada, N Radwan, T Naseer, J Zhang…

  1. A novel approach to recognition of the detected moving objects in non-stationary background using heuristics and colour measurements: a thesis presented in partial …

K Lal - 2017


  1. Planes Detection SLAM for Minimal Data Storage for Indoors Applications

DMR Pinzón, NNS Galvis, EJ Gómez - 2017

  1. SLAM in dynamic environments via ML-RANSAC

MS Bahraini, M Bozorg, AB Rad - Mechatronics, 2018

3.Real-time Monocular Dense Mapping for Augmented Reality

T Xue, H Luo, D Cheng, Z Yuan, X Yang - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on …, 2017

  1. Visual Based Navigation of Mobile Robots

S Bhowmick, J Mukhopadhyay - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.05482, 2017

  1. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Single Frame Monocular Depth Estimation

J Schennings - 2017

6.Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations

A Dhawale, KS Shankar, N Michael - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.05507, 2017

  1. A direct optic flow-based strategy for inverse flight altitude estimation with monocular vision and IMU measurements

P Chirarattananon - Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2017

  1. Visual Localization with Lines

N Schmude - 2017

  1. End-to-end weakly-supervised semantic alignment

I Rocco, R Arandjelovi?, J Sivic - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.06861, 2017


  1. Combining Multiple Image Descriptions for Loop Closure Detection

X Wang, G Peng, H Zhang - Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2017

  1. MapNet: Geometry-Aware Learning of Maps for Camera Localization

S Brahmbhatt, J Gu, K Kim, J Hays, J Kautz - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.03342, 2017



  1. Using a single RGB frame for real time 3D hand pose estimation in the wild

P Panteleris, I Oikonomidis, A Argyros - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.03866, 2017

5.STEAP: Towards Online Estimation and Replanning

M Mukadam, J Dong, F Dellaert, B Boots

  1. A Novel Perspective Invariant Feature Transform for RGB-D Images

Q Yu, J Liang, J Xiao, H Lu, Z Zheng - Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2017

  1. Robust Visual Localization with Dynamic Uncertainty Management in Omnidirectional SLAM

D Valiente, A Gil, L Payá, JM Sebastián, ó Reinoso - Applied Sciences, 2017

  1. Autonomous navigation of micro aerial vehicles using high-rate and low-cost sensors

A Santamaria-Navarro, G Loianno, J Solà, V Kumar… - Autonomous Robots, 2017

  1. LiDAR Point Clouds to 3D Urban Models: A Review

R Wang, J Peethambaran, D Chen

10.Moving Object Detection Using Background Subtraction for a Moving Camera with Pronounced Parallax

Y Zhou, S Maskell

11.Optimal sensor fusion and position control of a low-price self-driving vehicle in short-term operation conditions

J Choi, K Kong - International Journal of Control, Automation and …, 2017

  1. Autonomous Navigation Robot Based on Real-Time Image Processing

B Rai, P Pradhan, R Pradhan - Advances in Systems, Control and Automation, 2018


  1. Event-based Real-time Optical Flow Estimation

AJ Lee, A Kim - ??????????????????, 2017

  1. Feature-Point Extraction Based on an Improved SIFT Algorithm

HB Joo, JW Jeon - ??????????????????, 2017

  1. Pose Invariant Object Recognition Using a Bag of Words Approach

CM Costa, A Sousa, G Veiga

  1. PhD Forum: GPU-based Visual Odometry for Autonomous Vehicle Applications

J Osuna-Couti?o, A Aguilar-González, M Arias-Estrada - Proceedings of the 11th …, 2017


  1. A Robust Indoor/Outdoor Navigation Filter Fusing Data from Vision and Magneto-Inertial Measurement Unit

D Caruso, A Eudes, M Sanfourche, D Vissière… - Sensors, 2017

  1. Robust Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Fast Autonomous Flight

K Sun, K Mohta, B Pfrommer, M Watterson, S Liu… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

  1. Cloud-Edge Suppression for Visual Outdoor Navigation

A Hoffmann, R M?ller - Robotics, 2017

  1. Image Anti-blurring and Statistic Filter of Feature Space Displacement: Application to Visual Odometry for Outdoor Ground Vehicle

X Zhao, H Min, Z Xu, X Li, P Sun

  1. Indoor SLAM application using geometric and ICP matching methods based on line features

H Cho, EK Kim, S Kim - Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2017

6.Proving the existence of loops in robot trajectories

S Rohou, P Franek, C Aubry, L Jaulin - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.01341, 2017

  1. Implementation of Mobile Robot's Navigation using SLAM based on Cloud Computing

HM Hasan

  1. An unscented Kalman filter-based rolling radius estimation methodology for railway vehicles with traction

A Onat, P Voltr, M Lata - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers …, 2017

  1. Fast and Robust Localization using Laser Rangefinder and WiFi Data

R Miyagusuku, Y Seow, A Yamashita, H Asama

  1. SpCoSLAM: Online Multimodal Place Categorization, Spatial Lexical Acquisition and Mapping using a Mobile Robot

A Taniguchi, Y Hagiwara, T Taniguchi, T Inamura

  1. Distributed Multi-agent Bidding-Based Approach for the Collaborative Mapping of Unknown Indoor Environments by a Homogeneous Mobile Robot Team

A Hentout, A Maoudj, N Kaid-youcef, D Hebib… - Journal of Intelligent Systems

11.Cognitive Mapping Based on Conjunctive Representations of Space and Movement

T Zeng, B Si - Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2017

  1. GraphTinker: Outlier Rejection and Inlier Injection for Pose Graph SLAM

L Xie, S Wang, A Markham, N Trigoni

  1. Variational Approaches for Motion and Structure from Monocular Video

A Neufeld - 2017

  1. Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation: From Kalman Filtering to a Broader Horizon

H Fang, N Tian, Y Wang, MC Zhou, MA Haile - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.01406, 2017

  1. Brain-Computer Interface meets ROS: A robotic approach to mentally drive telepresence robots

G Beraldo, M Antonello, A Cimolato, E Menegatti… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

  1. Semi-Global Stereo Matching with Surface Orientation Priors

D Scharstein, T Taniai, SN Sinha - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00818, 2017

  1. 基于穩(wěn)健特征點的立體視覺測程法

閔海根, 趙祥模催植, 徐志剛肮蛹, 張立成勺择, 王潤民 - 上海交通大學(xué)學(xué)報, 2017

  1. Inertial-aided Rolling Shutter Relative Pose Estimation

CR Lee, KJ Yoon - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00184, 2017

19.Why not Robot Teachers: Artificial Intelligence for Addressing Teacher Shortage

Bosede I. Edwards*1, 2 and Adrian David Cheok1, 2

  1. Semantic Photometric Bundle Adjustment on Natural Sequences

R Zhu, C Wang, CH Lin, Z Wang, S Lucey - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00110, 2017

  1. Learning to Segment Moving Objects

P Tokmakov, C Schmid, K Alahari - arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.01127, 2017


1. Real-Time Object Detection and Recognition System Using OpenCV via SURF Algorithm in Emgu CV for Robotic Handling in Libraries

CM Pop, GL Mogan, RG Boboc

2. Map-Based Visual-Inertial Monocular SLAM using Inertial assisted Kalman Filter

M Quan, S Piao, M Tan, SS Huang

3. Robust Visual SLAM with Point and Line Features

X Zuo, X Xie, Y Liu, G Huang - arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.08654, 2017

4. Eliminating Scale Drift in Monocular SLAM using Depth from Defocus

T Shiozaki, G Dissanayake - IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2017

5. FastSLAM 2.0 tracking and mapping as a Cloud Robotics service

SS Ali, A Hammad, AST Eldien - Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017

6. maplab: An Open Framework for Research in Visual-inertial Mapping and Localization

T Schneider, M Dymczyk, M Fehr, K Egger, S Lynen… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

7. Aided Inertial Navigation With Geometric Features: Observability Analysis

Y Yang, G Huang

8. Lateral Inhibition Map Updating Method to Prevent Map Deformation for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping in Natural Environment

M FUJIKI, T Hideki, H Shinya - DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology …, 2017


1.Superpixel clustering with deep features for unsupervised road segmentation

S Saito, T Kerola, S Tsutsui arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05998, 2017

2. Navigation without localisation: reliable teach and repeat based on the convergence theorem

T Krajnik, F Majer, L Halodova, J Bayer, T Vintr, J Faigl - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

3. Hidden Markov Random Field Iterative Closest Point

J Stechschulte, C Heckman - arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05864, 2017

4. BoCNF: efficient image matching with Bag of ConvNet features for scalable and robust visual place recognition

Y Hou, H Zhang, S Zhou - Autonomous Robots, 2017

5. Long-term online multi-session graph-based SPLAM with memory management

M Labbé, F Michaud - Autonomous Robots, 2017

6. Learning to Find Good Correspondences

KM Yi, E Trulls, Y Ono, V Lepetit, M Salzmann, P Fua - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2017

7. Image-based localization for mobile and vehicular applications

H Sadeghi - 2017

8. Ultra WideBand enabled Inertial Odometry for Generic Localization

E Fresk, K ?dmark, G Nikolakopoulos - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017

9. Learning Deeply Supervised Visual Descriptors for Dense Monocular Reconstruction

CS Weerasekera, R Garg, I Reid - arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05919, 2017

10. Robust and Precise Vehicle Localization based on Multi-sensor Fusion

in Diverse City Scenes



1. Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM: Continuous Preintegration and Reliable Initialization

Y Liu, Z Chen, W Zheng, H Wang, J Liu - Sensors, 2017

2. 3D Tracking for Augmented Reality Using Combined Region and Dense Cues in Endoscopic Surgery

R Wang, M Zhang, X Meng, Z Geng, FY Wang - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and …, 2017

3.  Robust Keyframe-based Dense SLAM with an RGB-D Camera

H Liu, C Li, G Chen, G Zhang, M Kaess, H Bao - arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05166, 2017

4. Stereo-vision three-dimensional reconstruction of curvilinear structures imaged with a TEM.

E Oveisi, A Letouzey, S De Zanet, G Lucas, M Cantoni… - Ultramicroscopy, 2017

5. Obstacle Identification for Vision Assisted Control Architecture of a Hybrid Mechanism Mobile Robot

A Kumar, H Ren, P Ben-Tzvi - ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2017


Trung Nguyen, George K. I. Mann, Andrew Vardy and Raymond G. Gosine

Intelligent Systems Lab Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland

St.John’s, NL, A1B 3X9, Canada

7.  Global Positioning System Denied Navigation of Autonomous Parafoil Systems Using Beacon Measurements From a Single Location

Martin R. Cacan, Mark Costello and Edward Scheuermann

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