開啟出門模式,閱讀以薄繪本為,今天共讀的是彩虹兔童謠中的故事《Here we Go》.
Look at the moon.
It’s big and bright.
I want to go there.
How can we go to the moon.
We can go there by rocket ship.
Let's go to the moon.
All aboard .
Welcome to my rocket ship.
We're going to the moon.
Fasten your seatbelts .
Are you ready?
Start the countdown.
Five four three two, one.
Blast off!
Here we go!
故事有了之前童謠的基礎敷硅,讀起來就毫不費力啦映胁!棟同學邀請全家坐他的Rocket ship來一場月球之旅,姐姐、爸爸排隊坐飛船弦撩,奶奶家大大小小的毛絨娃娃們也來湊數(shù)!棟同學發(fā)號司令:Are you ready? Five Four Three Two One! Here we go!閱讀中這本可以拓展的內容還是很多的论皆,數(shù)字益楼、正反義詞猾漫、動物等!正好最近在和姐姐一起讀中文神奇樹屋之月球之旅感凤,順便拓展一下太空認知悯周,最后再一起唱一遍童謠,配合孩寶課程的舞蹈陪竿,小朋友還是很嗨的禽翼,歡唱童謠兩輯真的弟弟的大愛!