Bella(narration): Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. And at a certain age, the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.
Billy: Jake! Jacob!
Mom: Phil~ It’s happening.
Alice: You just have to break them in.
Bella: I’ve been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just by foot?
Alice: No, Absolutely not.
Bella: Just thinking it’s a little much. You know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this.
Alice: No, it’s exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect.
Emmett: Where do you want them, boss?
Alice: On either side of the aisle.
Rosalie: What aisle?
Alice: Does no one have vision?
Alice: You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That’s an order.
Bella: Okay.
Edward: I was just checking for cold feet.
Bella: Well, mine are toasty warm.
Edward: It’s not too late to change your mind.
Bella: What? Now you’re having second thoughts?..You are..
Edward: No, I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan.
Bella: But? But?
Edward: I haven’t told you everything about myself.
Bella: What? You’re not a virgin?...Look, you can’t scare me away now.
Edward: Look, a few years after Carlisle created me, I rebelled against him. I resented him for curbing my appetite. And so for a while, I went off on my own. I wanted to know how it felt to hunt. To taste human blood. All the men I killed were monsters. And so was I.
Bella: Edward, they were all murders. You probably saved more lives than you took.
Edward: Bella, that’s what I told myself. But they were all human beings. I looked into their eyes, as they died and I saw who I was and what I was capable of.
Bella: And what I’ll be capable of. Why are you telling me this tonight? Did you really think this was gonna change my mind about you?
Edward: I just wondered if it would change your mind about yourself, and who you wanna see when you look in the mirror a year from now.
Bella: I know I can do this. Let me tell you why. Because you did. You should give yourself some credit for that. Now, hopefully, a year from now, I’m gonna look in the mirror and see someone like you. I mean, someone capable of courage and sacrifice and love...What was that?
Emmett: Come on! Let’s go!
Edward: I’m late for my bachelor party.
Emmett: Send him out, Bella, or we’re coming in after him.
Bella: So this party...will be strippers?
Emmett: Hurry~
Edward: No, just a couple of mountain lions. Maybe a few bears.
Jasper: Don’t worry, Bella, we’ll give him back in plenty of time.
Bella: Okay, go. Before they break my house.
Emmett: Let’s go! Let’s go!
Edward: I’ll meet you at the altar.
Bella: I’ll be the one in white.
Edward: That was very convincing.