《免費》是《長尾理論》的作者時隔三年之后的又一部社會觀察作品急侥。在書中侮邀,作者試圖從歷史、大眾心理绊茧、技術(shù)和經(jīng)濟多個方面來解析“免費”這樣一個由來已久又充滿新生命的商業(yè)模式。作者認為按傅,21世紀新型的免費再不是一種推廣把戲,一種把錢從一個口袋移向另一個的金錢游戲, 而是數(shù)字信息時代不可回避的巨量新經(jīng)濟拼岳。
Now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, we're inventing a new form of free, and this one will define the next era just as profoundly. The new form of free is not a gimmick, a trick to shift money from one pocket to another. Instead, it is driven by the extraordinary ability to lower the costs of goods and services close to zero. While the last century's free was a powerful marketing method, this century's free is an entirely new economic model.
This new form of free is based on the economics of bits, not atoms. It is a unique quality of the digital age that once something becomes software, it inevitably becomes free.
由于摩爾定律况芒,邊際價格總是會趨近于零的叶撒,于是就催生了基于比特而不是原子的免費。對于“什么是免費”的解釋祠够,只是在《長尾理論》上做了一個拓展或者說總結(jié)粪牲。第四章的“Penny Gap”的概念最讓人印象深刻:一塊錢對我們來說并不就等價于免費,這一塊錢就像在心里豎了個小旗子腺阳,成為了mental barrier。而這種“mental transaction”的過程本身就可以被看做是一部分成本亭引。因為自己恰好也是那種特別在意“mental transaction”的人∥圃“Mental transaction”了那么多年才知道原來心里那疙瘩叫這名詞。于是在數(shù)字商業(yè)上萌京,作者把市場簡化為兩種市場:Free and Anything else君丁。簡單粗暴枫夺。
通過對于分析Google, Yahoo等巨頭绘闷,說明了在量級巨大的情況下,免費是一件多么理所當然的事情扒最。
The interesting thing about the consumption of complementary products is that they tend to rise in tandem. The more people use the Internet, the better it is for Google's core business. So if Google can use Free to encourage people to spend more time online, it will make more money in the end.
“注意力經(jīng)濟”和“聲譽經(jīng)濟”兩個概念可能由來已久了柜蜈。之前自己就一直琢磨指巡,不論外部世界消磨時光的產(chǎn)物如何豐富多樣,人的時間和精力卻是有限的厌处。所以剛看到“注意力經(jīng)濟”這個詞的時候心里一驚岁疼,艾瑪原來這早已是套理論了。除了和傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟做了個聯(lián)結(jié)捷绒,說是這種經(jīng)濟也有那么三個特性:measurable, finite, and convertible. 作者并沒有進一步展開,可能雖然它們深深扎根于現(xiàn)實世界暖侨,與每個人生活形影不離,但理論還不成熟吧京郑。