1.含有 'think'和'believe'的從句
使用動詞 think 和 believe 表達觀點。注意落包,觀點位于 that 從句鱼喉,緊隨動詞之后窍帝。
I think that Joan did a good job. 我認為 Joan 做得很好。
Simon believes that we can save half a million dollars. Simon 認為我們能省下五十萬美元垃沦。
單詞 that 可以省略客给,意思不會有改變。
I think Joan did a good job. 我認為 Joan 做得很好肢簿。
Simon believes we can save half a million dollars. Simon 認為我們能省下五十萬美元靶剑。
回答是或否的時蜻拨,用 so 替代 that 從句,以避免重復(fù)整個短語桩引。
A: Do you think that Joan did a good job?
B: Yes, I think so.
C: No, I don't think so.
表達觀點有很多方法缎讼。比如說,你可以使用 in my opinion 和 it's my feeling (that) 這樣的表達坑匠。
In my opinion, we could delay the software release. 在我看來血崭,我們可以推遲軟件發(fā)布。
It's his feeling that we need to cut costs. 他覺得我們需要削減成本笛辟。
你也可以使用 I think 和 I believe功氨。記住,這些從句里面 that 可用可不用手幢。
I don't believe that we should lay off staff. 我認為我們不應(yīng)該裁員捷凄。
He thinks a hiring freeze is better than layoffs. 他認為停止招聘比裁員更好。
I'm sorry – could you repeat that? 不好意思 - 你能再說一遍嗎?
I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that. 對不起胀蛮,可我沒聽明白院刁。
I'm sorry – would you mind repeating that? 不好意思 - 你介意重復(fù)一遍嗎?
Do you mean that you think it's a good idea? 你的意思是你認為這是個好主意粪狼?
Are you saying we should stop the project? 你是說我們應(yīng)該停止這個項目嗎退腥?
So you think he should be fired? 那么你認為他應(yīng)該被解雇嗎?
So, just to confirm, you believe that it's too expensive? 那么再榄,只是確認一下狡刘,你認為太貴了是嗎?
Half a million? 五十萬嗎嗅蔬?