Jack Dorsey在YC Startup School 2013上的一段話令人深思:
I think the most important thing that all of you do is that you are building what you want to see in the world. You are making that bet that other people want to see the same thing in the world. Sometimes you lose the bet, sometimes you win. But the most important thing is you have the passion to build that thing for yourself. Because that is what is infectious and that is what brings other people to your calls and to your team.
幾個月以來我一直陷于一種思想的困境伙判。創(chuàng)業(yè)的起點是需求(Make Something People Love)关噪,道理雖是如此,但是當人們的需求與個人的人生方向發(fā)生沖突的時候總會讓人內(nèi)心苦痛泣洞,最后的結果很可能就是妥協(xié)而妥協(xié),為謀生路而落入為他者而活為利潤而活的悲苦境地默色。
Jack Dorsey的說法拆解了此中矛盾球凰,問題的癥結在于太過貪心,既想發(fā)財又想圓夢腿宰。這等好事并非沒有呕诉,但是并非人人都能碰上。我們能做的只有深知自己是一個怎樣的人要做怎樣的事酗失,除此之外义钉,時代是會讓你成為英雄還是一文不名,都是極偶然的事规肴,甚至或喜或悲也沒有定數(shù)捶闸。小眾作家一輩子默默無聞郁郁而終是典型悲劇,他們說成功是可欲的拖刃。嚴肅的寫作者被捧成大路作家而自殺删壮,也并非不可能發(fā)生的黑色幽默,他們說成功是可怕的兑牡。
絕望到谷底后只能從自己身上尋找希望央碟,先做對自己有意義的事,只有這樣的事才能吸引同類人加入隊伍均函,才能對同類的人們有意義亿虽。這并非什么精致的利己主義者的行為,而是命運之神在最后一刻遞過來的救命錦囊苞也。Jack Dorsey是誠實的洛勉,他說“創(chuàng)業(yè)如賭,勝負有時”如迟,不過這樣的話毛姆早已說過收毫,“ 當你決定離開常軌行事時,這是一種賭博殷勘。許多人被點了名此再,但是當選的寥寥無幾”。事情并沒有到此為止玲销,明眼人看得出問題依然存在输拇,比如那另辟蹊徑的決定究竟是誰做出的,多少自以為是賭桌上下注壓點的玩家贤斜,不過是荷官手下翻滾的骰子策吠。
附:Jack Dorsey在演講中提到的摘錄來自《The Art Spirit》by Robert Henri
Art when really understood is the province of every human being.
It is simply a question of doing things, anything, well. It is not an outside, extra thing.
When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressing creature. He becomes interesting to other people. He disturbs, upsets, enlightens, and he opens ways for a better understanding.Where those who are not artists are trying to close the book, he opens it, shows there are still more pages possible.
The world would stagnate without him, and the world would be beautiful with him; for he is interesting to himself and he is interesting to others. He does not have to be a painter or sculptor to be an artist. He can work in any medium. He simply has to find the gain in the work itself, not outside it.
如果沒有他的存在记劈,這個世界會陷入停滯勺鸦,有了他,世界會變得更美好目木;... 他不需要成為畫家或雕塑家换途,來成為一個藝術家。他只需要找到在工作時刽射,工作本身帶來的樂趣军拟,而不是外在的所得
The work of the art student is no light matter. Few have the courage and stamina to see it through. You have to make up your mind to be alone in many ways.We like sympathy and we like to be in company. It is easier than going it alone. But alone one gets acquainted with himself, grows up and on, not stopping with the crowd. It costs to do this. If you succeed somewhat you may have to pay for it as well as enjoy it all your life.
We are not here to do what has already been done.
Know what the old masters did. Know how they composed their pictures, but do not fall into the conventions they established. These conventions were right for them, and they are wonderful. They made their language. You make yours. They can help you. All the past can help you.
Don't worry about the rejections. Everybody that's good has gone through it. Don’t let it matter if your works are not "accepted" at once. The better or more personal you are the less likely they are of acceptance. Just remember that the object of painting pictures is not simply to get them in exhibitions. It is all very fine to have your pictures hung, but you are painting for yourself, not for the jury. I had many years of rejections.