試舉一例,學英語的都學過“water”, 當你聽裆赵、看到這個詞搏嗡,你的腦海里第一個反應(yīng)是什么蛀柴?大多人的反應(yīng)是“水”劣坊!但是嘀倒,但是,但是局冰,當你聽测蘑、看到中文漢字“水”時,涌現(xiàn)在你腦海里的第一個反應(yīng)是什么康二?體會到了嗎碳胳?是不是兩種反應(yīng)是不一樣的!第一種的反應(yīng)就是文字障礙沫勿,而第二種反應(yīng)就觸及了本體挨约,不管英語味混、法語、德語等怎么描述诫惭,他們都是在描述同一個東西惜傲,就是“那個”!
Although born to the ease of plantation life, waited on hand and foot since infancy, the faces of the three on the porch were neither slack nor soft. They had the vigor and alertness of country people who had spent all their lives in the open and troubled their heads very little with dull things in books. Life in the north Georgia county of Clayton was still new and, according to the standards of Augusta, Savannah and Charleston, a little crude. The more sedate and older sections of the South looked down their noses at their up-country Georgians, but here in north Georgia, a lack of the niceties of classical education carried no shame, provided a man was smart in the things that mattered. And raising good cotton, riding well, shooting straight, dancing lightly, squiring the ladies with elegance and carrying one's liquor like a gentleman were the things that mattered.
生活的閑逸是ease, 而疾病就是disease. 飯來張口贝攒,衣來張口,用waited on hand and foot描述多么形象生動时甚!好多人要學口語隘弊,沒有高質(zhì)量的輸入哪來高質(zhì)量的口語?腦袋和書本之間用trouble一詞荒适,十分傳神!古圣說梨熙,勞心者治人,勞力者治于人刀诬。勞心者是要trouble自己的心咽扇,這是磨礪!look down their noses at鄙視之神態(tài)畢現(xiàn)陕壹。
In these accomplishments the twins excelled, and they were equally outstanding in their notorious ? ?inability to learn anything contained between covers of books. Their family had more money, more horses, more slaves than anyone else in the County, but the boys had less grammar than most of their poor Cracker neighbors.
money, horses, slaves是物質(zhì)的富余质欲,而less grammar是知識的貧瘠;知識和財富很矛盾嗎糠馆?兩者怎么抉擇嘶伟,不是熊掌和魚不可兼得這么簡單,生活現(xiàn)實往往比文字更復雜又碌!
It was for this precise reason that Stuart and Brent were idling on the porch of Tara this April afternoon. They had just been expelled from the University of Georgia, the fourth university that had thrown them out in two years; and their older brothers, Tom and Boyd, had come home with them, because they refused to remain at an institution where the twins were not welcome. Stuart and Brent considered their latest expulsion a fine joke, and Scarlett, who had not willingly opened a book since leaving the Fayetteville Female Academy the year before, thought it just as amusing as they did.
Amusing這里表示pleasantly entertaining, 有可笑的意思九昧,一笑了之,關(guān)乎不切毕匀!