主要事件:Cyclone Pam[1]
事發(fā)國家:The South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu[2]
具體地點: The capital Port Vila[3]
![The South Pacific archipelago[4] of Vanuatu

<u>【Save the Children's Tom Skirrow】</u>:
Thousands of families are living in makeshift[5], flimsy[6] houses which will not withstand[7] the immense[8] winds and rain we're expecting. Families need to urgently evacuate to[9] safe buildings or[10] the results could be catastrophic[11].
Save the Children: 拯救兒童基金會痒谴;救助兒童會
The scene[12] here this morning is complete devastation[13] - houses are destroyed, trees are down, roads are blocked and people are wandering[14] the streets looking for help.

<u>【UNICEF New Zealand's executive director Vivien Maidaborn】</u>:
While it is too early to say for certain[15], early reports are indicating that this weather disaster could potentially be one of the worst in Pacific history.
UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 聯(lián)合國兒童基金會
The sheer[16] force of the storm combined with[17] communities just not set up to withstand it, could have devastating[18] results for thousands across the region.
![People walk along the shore where debris is scattered[19] in Port Vila
<u>【Sune Gudnitz, who heads the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Pacific】</u>:
We could see some loss[20] of life, potentially serious loss but we don't know yet.
the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affair in the Pacific: 聯(lián)合國人道主義太平洋地區(qū)事務(wù)協(xié)調(diào)辦公室
The feedback[21] is that there appears to be quite widespread devastation. There is debris[22] in the streets and widespread flooding[23].

<u>【UNICEF spokeswoman Alice Clements】</u>:
The winds have definitely increased, the palm trees[24] are blowing[25] around like crazy[26], you're starting to get that kind of howling[27] wind coming through[28].
We have some very unconfirmed reports of casualties[29] from the outer islands as well but we're waiting to get official confirmation on those, which is very sad news if it's true.

<u>【Care International's Charlie Damon】</u>:
Homes have been blown to pieces, and even evacuation shelters[30] exposed to[31] Cyclone Pam.
Care International: 國際關(guān)懷協(xié)會惧笛;國際關(guān)懷組織
If this is the level of impact in communities where emergency shelters[32] were an option, we are deeply concerned about[33] what has happened in remote communities without them.

<u>【The administrator of the Humans of Vanuatu Facebook】</u>:
It's really bad out there. The wind is howling with a deep roar[34] that just doesn't let up[35]. Anyone not in shelter now is in mortal[36] danger.
【Australian Red Cross' head of international programmes Peter Walton】:
We are extremely concerned for the safety and wellbeing[37] of tens of thousands of people as one of the most intense cyclones to ever hit any Pacific country continues to batter[38] Vanuatu.
Red Cross: 紅十字會
【Cyclone Pam】颶風(fēng)帕姆 ?
【the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu】南太平洋島國瓦努阿圖 ?
【the capital Port Vila】首都維拉港 ?
【archipelago】n. 群島,列島 ?
【makeshift】adj. 臨時的甘磨,湊合的 ?
【flimsy】adj. 不結(jié)實的橡羞,薄弱的,脆弱的济舆,輕而薄的卿泽,劣質(zhì)的 ?
【withstand】v. 承受,經(jīng)受住滋觉,頂住签夭,抵住 ?
【immense】adj. 巨大的,大量的椎侠,浩瀚的第租,無限的 ?
【evacuate to(a place)】撤離(撤出、搬出)到(某地) ?
【or】conj. 否則我纪,要不然 ?
【catastrophic】adj. 災(zāi)難的慎宾,悲慘的 ?
【scene】n. 現(xiàn)場丐吓,景象,情景趟据,景色 ?
【devastation】n. 災(zāi)難券犁,巨大的破壞,毀壞汹碱,損壞粘衬,蹂躪 ?
【wander】v. 徘徊,漫游咳促,游蕩稚新,流浪 ?
【for certain】肯定地,確鑿地等缀,確切地 ?
【sheer】adj. 十足的枷莉,全然的,完全的 ?
【combine with】和...結(jié)合尺迂,與...聯(lián)合笤妙,與...混合 ?
【devastating】adj. 破壞極大的,破壞性的噪裕,毀滅性的蹲盘,災(zāi)難性的 ?
【scatter】v. 撒,撒播膳音;散開召衔,四散,使分散祭陷,驅(qū)散 ?
【loss】n. 喪失苍凛,損失,虧損兵志,丟失 ?
【feedback】n. 反饋醇蝴,信息反饋,意見反饋 ?
【debris】n. 碎片想罕,殘骸悠栓,廢墟 ?
【flooding】n. 洪水泛濫 ?
【palm tree】棕櫚樹 ?
【blow】v. 吹動,刮動 ?
【like crazy】(非正式)瘋狂地按价;拼命地惭适;非常迅速地;就像瘋了似地楼镐;像瘋子一樣 ?
【howling】adj. 怒號的癞志;猛烈的;很大的框产;極端的 ?
【come through】v. 到來 ?
【casualty】n. 傷亡人員今阳,受害者师溅,亡者,毀壞物盾舌,損壞物 ?
【evacuation shelter】避難場所 ?
【be exposed to】使暴露于(險境),使遭受(危險或不快) ?
【emergency shelter】應(yīng)急避難所 ?
【be concerned about】擔(dān)心蘸鲸,關(guān)注妖谴,對...關(guān)心 ?
【roar】n. 吼叫,咆哮酌摇,怒吼 ?
【let up】停止膝舅,(風(fēng)雨等)減弱 ?
【mortal】adj. 致命的,導(dǎo)致死亡的窑多,不能永生的仍稀,終將死亡的 ?
【wellbeing】n. 幸福,福利埂息,健康 ?
【batter】v. 連續(xù)猛擊技潘,毆打 ?