#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include? <string.h>
struct inof
? ? char name[200];
? ? long long phone;
void main2( void)
? ? struct inof inof1;
? ? strcpy(inof1.name, "xiaofeng");
? ? inof1.phone = 15624024417;
? ? printf("%s %lld \n",inof1.name,inof1.phone);
void main(void )
? ? struct inof *p;
? ? p=(struct inof *)malloc(sizeof(struct inof));
? ? strcpy((*p).name, "xiaofeng1");
? ? (*p).phone = 15624024418;
? ? printf("%s %lld \n", p->name,p->phone);
僅包含一本圖書的 圖書目錄?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXTTL 41
#define MAXAUTL 31
struct book{
char title[MAXTTL];
char author [MAXAUTL];
float value;
void main()
struct book bo;
printf("please enter the book title\n");
printf("Now enter the author \n");
printf("Now enter the value \n");
printf("%s? ? by %s %.2f \n " , bo.title,bo.author,bo.value);
包含多本書的 圖書目錄
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXTTL 41
#define MAXAUTL 31
#define MAXBKS 100
struct book{
char title[MAXTTL];
char author [MAXAUTL];
float value;
void main()
int count = 0;
int index;
struct book library[MAXBKS];
printf("please enter the book title\n");
while (count < MAXBKS && gets(library[count].title)!= NULL && library[count].title[0] != '\0' )
printf("Now enter the author \n");
printf("Now enter the value \n");
while (getchar ()!= '\n')
if (count < MAXBKS)
printf("please enter the book title\n");
if (count > 0)
printf("here is the list of your books\n");
for ( index = 0;? index < count;? index++)
printf("%s? ? by %s %.2f \n " , library[index].title,library[index].author,library[index].value);
printf("no books to bad \n");
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LEN 20
const char* msgs[5] =
"think you for the wonderot",
"you certainly prove that a ",
"is a special kind of guy . we must get together ",
"over a dilicious",
"and have a few laughs "
struct names{
char first[LEN];
char last[LEN];
struct guy
struct names handle;
char favfood[LEN];
char job[LEN];
float income ;
void main()
struct guy fellow =
"personality coach ",
} ;
printf("Dear %s \n \n ",fellow.handle.first);
printf("%s %s? \n ",msgs[0] , fellow.handle.first);
printf("%s %s? \n ",msgs[1] , fellow.job);
printf("%s? ? \n ",msgs[2]? );
printf("%s %s? %s \n ",msgs[3] , fellow.favfood,msgs[4]);
if (fellow.income > 1500000.0)
else if(fellow.income > 75000.0)
printf("\n %40s %s \n" ," " ,"see you soon");
printf("\n %40s %s \n" ," " ,"shalala");
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define LEN 20
struct names {
char first[LEN];
char last[LEN];
struct guy
struct names handle;
char favfood[LEN];
char job[LEN];
float income;
void main()
struct guy fellow[2] =
"personality coach ",
"tripe ",
"tabloid editor? ",
}} ;
struct guy *him;
printf("address 1 = %p address2 = %p \n" , &fellow[0], &fellow[1]);
him = fellow;
printf("address 1 = %p address2 = %p\n" ,him, him+1);
printf("him -> income = %f? *him .income = %f\n",him->income,(*him).income);
printf("him -> income = %f? *him .income = %f",him->income,(*him).income);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FUNDLEN 50
struct funds
? ? char bank [FUNDLEN];
? ? double bankfund ;
? ? char save[FUNDLEN];
? ? double savefund;
double sum(double,double);
void main()
? ? struct funds stan = {
? ? ? ? "Garlic-melon Bank",
? ? ? ? 3023.72,
? ? ? ? "Lucky's Saviings and Loa",
? ? ? ? 9237.11
? ? };
? ? printf("Stan has a total of %.2f.\n",sum (stan.bankfund,stan.savefund));
double sum(double x ,double y)
? ? return? x+ y;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FUNDLEN 50
struct funds
? ? char bank [FUNDLEN];
? ? double bankfund ;
? ? char save[FUNDLEN];
? ? double savefund;
double sum(const struct funds *);
void main()
? ? struct funds stan = {
? ? ? ? "Garlic-melon Bank",
? ? ? ? 3023.72,
? ? ? ? "Lucky's Saviings and Loa",
? ? ? ? 9237.11
? ? };
? ? struct? funds *p ;
? ? p = &stan;
? ? printf("Stan has a total of %.2f.\n",sum (p ));
double sum(const struct funds *money )
? ? return? money->bankfund + money -> savefund;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FUNDLEN 50
struct funds
? ? char bank [FUNDLEN];
? ? double bankfund ;
? ? char save[FUNDLEN];
? ? double savefund;
double sum(const struct funds );
void main()
? ? struct funds stan = {
? ? ? ? "Garlic-melon Bank",
? ? ? ? 3023.73,
? ? ? ? "Lucky's Saviings and Loa",
? ? ? ? 9237.11
? ? };
? ? struct? funds *p ;
? ? p = &stan;
? ? printf("Stan has a total of %.2f.\n",sum (stan));
double sum(const struct funds money )
? ? return? money.bankfund + money. savefund;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FUNDLEN 50
struct funds
? ? char fname[20];
? ? char lname[20];
? ? int letters;
void getinfo (struct funds * );
void makeinfo (struct funds * );
void showinfo (const struct funds * );
void main()
? ? struct funds person;
? ? getinfo(&person);
? ? makeinfo(&person);
? ? showinfo(&person);
void getinfo(struct funds * pst)
? ? printf("please enter your first name \n");
? ? gets(pst -> fname);
?? ? printf("please enter your last name \n");
?? ? gets(pst -> lname);
void makeinfo(struct funds *pst)
? ? pst ->letters = strlen(pst ->fname)+ strlen(pst ->lname);
void showinfo(const struct funds * pst)
?? ? printf("%s %s your name contains %d letters \n " ,pst -> fname ,pst ->lname,pst->letters);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FUNDLEN 50
struct funds
? ? char fname[20];
? ? char lname[20];
? ? int letters;
struct funds getinfo (void );
struct funds makeinfo (struct funds );
voidshowinfo (? struct funds );
void main()
? ? struct funds person;
? ? person =getinfo();
? ? person =makeinfo(? person);
? ? showinfo(person);
struct funds getinfo (void )
? ? struct funds temp;
? ? printf("please enter your first name \n");
? ? gets(temp.fname);
? ? printf("please enter your last name \n");
? ? gets(temp.lname);
? ? return temp;
struct funds makeinfo (struct funds info)
? ? info.letters = strlen(info.fname)+ strlen(info. lname);
? ? return info;
voidshowinfo (? struct funds pst )
?? ? printf("%s %s your name contains %d letters \n " ,pst.fname ,pst.lname,pst.letters);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct funds
? ? char *fname ;
? ? char *lname ;
? ? int letters;
void? getinfo (struct funds * );
void makeinfo (struct funds * );
void showinfo ( const struct funds *);
voidcleanup (? struct funds *);
void main()
? ? struct funds person;
? ? getinfo(&person);
? ? makeinfo(&person);
? ? showinfo(&person);
? ? cleanup(&person);
void? getinfo (struct funds * pst)
? ? char temp[81];
? ? printf("please enter your first name \n");
? ? gets(temp);
? ? pst ->fname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(temp)+1);
? ? strcpy( pst -> fname, temp);
? ? printf("please enter your last name \n");
? ? gets(temp);
? ? pst ->lname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(temp)+1);
? ? strcpy( pst -> lname, temp);
void makeinfo (struct funds * info)
? ? info->letters = strlen( info->fname)+ strlen( info-> lname);
void showinfo ( const struct funds *pst)
?? ? printf("%s %s your name contains %d letters \n " ,pst->fname ,pst ->lname,pst->letters);
void cleanup(struct funds *pst)
? ? free(pst->fname);
?? ? free(pst->lname);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXTITL 41
#define MINAUTL 41
struct book
? ? char tittle[MAXTITL] ;
? ? char author[MINAUTL] ;
? ? float value;
void main()
? ? struct book readfirst ;
? ? int score ;
? ? printf("please enter your score \n");
? ? scanf("%d",&score);
? ? if (score >= 84) {
? ? ? ? readfirst = (struct book ){"Crime and punishment",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Fyodor Dostoyevsky",
? ? ? ? ? ? 9.99};
? ? ? ? }
? ? else
? ? ? ? readfirst =(struct book ){"mr bouncy's nice hat? ",
? ? ? ? ? ? "Fred winsome",
? ? ? ? ? ? 5.99};
? ? printf("your assigned reading \n");
? ? printf("%s by %s %.2f \n ",readfirst.tittle,readfirst.author,readfirst.value);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct flex
? ? int count ;
? ? double average;
? ? double scores[];
void showFlex(const struct flex *p);
void main()
? ? struct flex *pf1 ,*pf2;
? ? int n = 5;
? ? int i;
? ? int tot =0;
? pf1 = (struct flex *)malloc(sizeof(struct flex )+n *sizeof(double));
?? ? //pf1 =? malloc(sizeof(struct flex )+n *sizeof(double));
? ? pf1->count = n;
? ? for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) {
? ? ? ? pf1? ->scores[i] = 20.0 -i;
? ? ? ? tot += pf1? ->scores [i];
? ? }
? ? pf1 ->average = tot /n;
? ? showFlex(pf1);
? ? n =9;
? ? tot? =0;
? ? pf2 =? (struct flex *) malloc(sizeof(struct flex )+n *sizeof(double));
? ? pf2 ->count = n;
? ? for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
? ? ? ? pf2 ->scores[i] = 20.0 - i /2.0;
? ? ? ? tot += pf2 ->scores[i];
? ? }
? ? pf2 ->average = tot/n;
? ? showFlex(pf2);
? ? free(pf1);
? ? free(pf2);
void showFlex(const struct flex *p)
? ? int i;
? ? printf("score ");
? ? for (i = 0 ; i < p->count; i++) {
? ? ? ? printf("%g",p->scores[i]);
? ? }
? ? printf("\n Avergae %g \n",p->average);
//void? getinfo (struct funds * pst)
//? ? char temp[81];
//? ? printf("please enter your first name \n");
//? ? gets(temp);
//? ? pst -> fname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(temp)+1);
//? ? strcpy( pst -> fname, temp);
//? ? printf("please enter your last name \n");
//? ? gets(temp);
//? ? pst -> lname = (char *) malloc(sizeof(temp)+1);
//? ? strcpy( pst -> lname, temp);
//? ?
//void makeinfo (struct funds * info)
//? ? info-> letters = strlen( info->fname)+ strlen( info-> lname);
//void showinfo ( const struct funds *pst)
//? ? printf("%s %s your name contains %d letters \n " ,pst->fname ,pst ->lname,pst->letters);
//void cleanup(struct funds *pst)
//? ? free(pst->fname);
//? ? free(pst->lname);
向 函數(shù) 傳遞 一個結構數(shù)組
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define FUNDLEN 50
#define N 2
struct funds
? ? char bank [FUNDLEN];
? ? double bankfund ;
? ? char save[FUNDLEN];
? ? double savefund;
double sum( const struct funds money[] ,int n);
void main()
? ? struct funds jones[N]= {{"Garlic-melon bank ",3024.72,"Lucky's saving and loan ",9237.11 },{"Honset jack's bank ",3534.28,"party time savings ",3203.89}};
?? ? printf("The JOnese have total of %.2f \n",sum(jones, N));
double sum( const struct funds money[] ,int n)
? ? double total;
? ? int i;
? ? for (i = 0 ,total = 0; i < n? ; i++) {
? ? ? ? total +=? money[i] .bankfund + money[i].savefund;
? ? }
? ? return total;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXTITL 41
#define MINAUTL 41
#define MAXBKS 10
struct book
? ? char tittle[MAXTITL] ;
? ? char author[MINAUTL] ;
? ? float value;
void main()
? ? struct book libarary[MAXBKS]? ;
? ? int count = 0;
? ? int index , filecount;
? ? FILE * pbooks;
? ? int size = sizeof(struct book);
? ? if ((pbooks = fopen(".//book.dat", "a+b")) == NULL) {
? ? ? ? fputs("cant open book.dat file \n ", stderr );
? ? ? ? exit(1);
? ? }
? ? rewind(pbooks);
? ? while (count < MAXBKS && fread(&libarary[count], size, 1, pbooks) == 1 ) {
? ? ? ? if (count == 0 ) {
? ? ? ? ? ? puts("current contents of book.dat ");
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? printf("%s by%s %.2f \n ",libarary[count].tittle,libarary[count].author,libarary[count].value);
? ? ? ? count++;
? ? }
? ? filecount = count;
? ? if (count == MAXBKS) {
? ? ? ? fputs("the book.dat file is full ", stderr);
? ? ? ? exit(2);
? ? }
? ? puts("please add new book titles ");
? ? puts("press enter at the start of line to stop ");
? ? while (count < MAXBKS && gets(libarary[count].tittle) != NULL && libarary[count].tittle[0] != '\0'? ) {
? ? ? ? puts("now enter the author ");
? ? ? ? gets(libarary[count].author);
? ? ? ? puts("now enter the value ");
? ? ? ? scanf("%f",&libarary[count ++ ].value);
? ? ? ? while (getchar()!= '\n') {
? ? ? ? ? ? continue;
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? if (count < MAXBKS) {
? ? ? ? ? ? puts("enter the next title");
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
? ? if (count > 0) {
? ? ? ? puts("here? is the list of your books ");
? ? ? ? for (index = 0; index < count ; index ++ ) {
?? ? ? ? ? ? printf("%s by%s %.2f \n ",libarary[index].tittle,libarary[index].author,libarary[index].value);
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? fwrite(&libarary[filecount], size, count - filecount, pbooks);
? ? }
? ? else puts("no books too bad \n");
? ? puts("bey\n");
? ? fclose(pbooks);
使用枚舉值( 編譯失敗)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
enum spectrum{ red,orange , yellow ,green,blue,violet};
const char * colors[]={ "red","orange" , "yellow" ,"green","blue","violet"};
#define LEN 30
int main()
? ? char choice[LEN];
? ? enum spectrum color;
? ? bool color_is_found=false;
? ? puts("Enter a color (empty line to quit)");
? ? while (gets(choice) != NULL && choice[0] != '\0')
? ? {
? ? ? ? for (color = red ; color <= violet ; color++) {
? ? ? ? ? ? if (strcmp(choice, colors[color]) == 0) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? color_is_found =true;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? if (color_is_found) {
? ? ? ? ? ? switch (color) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case red:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? puts("Roses are red ");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case blue:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? puts("Roses are red ");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case yellow:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? puts("Roses are yellow ");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case green:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? puts("Roses are green ");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case violet:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? puts("Roses are violet ");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case orange:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? puts("Roses are orange ");
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? default:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? else
? ? ? ? ? ? printf("I Dont know about the color %s ",choice);
? ? ? ? color_is_found =false;
? ? ? ? puts("Next color p;ease (empty line to quit )");
? ? }
? ? puts("Goodbye");
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
char showmenu();
void eatline();
void show(void(*fp) (char) , char * str);
void ToUpper(char*);
void ToLower(char *);
void Transpose(char *);
void Dummy(char *);
void main()
? ? char line [81];
? ? char copy [81];
? ? char choice;
? ? void (*pfun)(char *);
? ? puts("Enter a string (empty ine to quit )");
? ? while (gets(line) != NULL && line[0] != '\0') {
? ? ? ? while ((choice = showmenu() ) != 'n') {
? ? ? ? ? ? switch (choice) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case 'u':
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pfun =ToUpper ;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case 'l':
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pfun =ToLower ;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case 't':
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pfun =Transpose ;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? case 'o':
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pfun =Dummy ;
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? break;
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? ? ? strcmp(copy, line);
? ? ? ? ? ? show(pfun, copy);
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? puts("enter a string emty line to quite "? );
? ? }
? ? puts("bey");
char showmenu(void)
? ? char ans;
? ? puts("Enter menu choice ");
? ? puts("u ) uppercase 1 ) lowercase ");
? ? puts(" T ) transposed case o ) original case ");
? ? puts("n) next tring ");
? ? ans =getchar();
? ? ans =tolower(ans);
? ? eatline()? ;
? ? while (strchr("ulton ", ans) == NULL) {
? ? ? ? puts("please enter a u? l t o or n ");
? ? ? ? ans =tolower(getchar());
? ? ? ? eatline()? ;
? ? }
? ? return ans;
void eatline ()
? ? while (getchar() != '\n') {
? ? ? ? continue;
? ? }
void ToUpper(char *str)
? ? while (*str) {
? ? ? ? *str =toupper( *str);
? ? ? ? str++;
? ? }
void ToLower (char *str)
? ? while (*str) {
? ? ? ? *str =tolower( *str);
? ? ? ? str++;
? ? }
void Transpose (char *str)
? ? while (*str) {
? ? ? ? if (islower(*str)) {
? ? ? ? ? ? *str =toupper(*str );
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? else if (isupper(*str))
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? *str =tolower(*str);
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? str++;
? ? }
void Dummy(char * str)
void show(void(*fp) (char) , char * str)
? ? (*fp)(str);
? ? puts(str);