# --------------------------------------------------------
# ST4061 / ST6041
# 2021-2022
# Eric Wolsztynski
# ...
# Exercises Section 3: Classification Exercises
# --------------------------------------------------------
library(class) # contains knn()
library(MASS)? # to have lda()
library(ISLR) # contains the datasets
### Exercise 1: kNN on iris data
# shuffle dataset first:
z = iris[sample(1:nrow(iris)),]
# Here we focus on sepal information only
plot(z[,1:2], col=c(1,2,4)[z[,5]],
pch=20, cex=2)
x = z[,1:2] # sepal variables only
y = z$Species
# Here's how to use the knn() classifier:
K = 5
n = nrow(x)
# split the data into train+test:
i.train = sample(1:n, 100)
x.train = x[i.train,]
x.test = x[-i.train,]
y.train = y[i.train]
y.test = y[-i.train]
ko = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K)
tb = table(ko, y.test)
1 - sum(diag(tb)) / sum(tb) # overall classification error rate
confusionMatrix(data=ko, reference=y.test)
# Build a loop around that to find best k:
# (NB: assess effect of various k-values
# on the same data-split)
Kmax = 30
acc = numeric(Kmax)
for(k in 1:Kmax){
ko = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, k)
tb = table(ko, y.test)
acc[k] = sum(diag(tb)) / sum(tb)
plot(1-acc, pch=20, t='b', xlab='k')
### Exercise 2: GLM on 2-class iris data
n = nrow(iris)
is = sample(1:n, size=n, replace=FALSE)
dat = iris[is,-c(3,4)] # shuffled version of the original set
# recode into 2-class problem:
dat$is.virginica = as.numeric(dat$Species=="virginica")
dat$Species = NULL # "remove" this component
is = 1:100 # training set
fit = glm(is.virginica~., data=dat, subset=is, family=binomial(logit))
pred = predict(fit, newdata=dat[-is,], type="response")
y.test = dat$is.virginica[-is] # true test set classes
# boxplot(pred~y.test, names=c("other","virginica"))
# boxplot(pred~y.test, names=c("cancer absent","cancer present"))
abline(h=0.5, col=3)
abline(h=0.1, col=4)
# for varying cut-off (ie threshold) values, compute corresponding
# predicted labels, and corresponding confusion matrix:
err = NULL
for(cut.off in seq(.1, .9, by=.1)){
pred.y = as.numeric(pred>cut.off)
tb = table(pred.y, y.test)
err = c(err, (1-sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)))
plot(seq(.1, .9, by=.1), err, t='b')
### Exercise 3: LDA assumptions
## (1) 2-class classification problem
dat = iris
dat$Species = as.factor(ifelse(iris$Species=="virginica",1,0))
# to recode cleanly, you could use for instance:
dat$Species = car::recode(dat$Species, "0='other'; 1='virginica'")
# or:
# levels(dat$Species) = c("other","virginica")
plot(iris[,1:2], pch=20, col=c(1,2,4)[iris$Species], cex=2)
pch=20, bty='n')
plot(dat[,1:2], pch=20, col=c(1,4)[dat$Species], cex=2)
pch=20, bty='n')
## Explore distribution of predictors:
# boxplots seem relatively symmetric:
for(j in 1:4){
? ? ? ylab='predictor',
# but we'd rather check for Normality more specifically:
par(mfrow=c(2,4), font.lab=2, cex=1.2)
for(j in 1:4){
hist(dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),j], col='cyan',
? ? ? xlab='predictor for class other',
hist(dat[which(dat$Species!='other'),j], col='pink',
? ? xlab='predictor for class virginica',
? ? main=names(dat)[j])
# could also use QQ-plots:
par(mfrow=c(2,4), cex=1.2)
for(j in 1:4){
x.other = dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),j]
qqnorm(x.other, pch=20, col='cyan',
abline(a=mean(x.other), b=sd(x.other))
x.virginica = dat[which(dat$Species!='other'),j]
qqnorm(x.virginica, pch=20, col='pink',
abline(a=mean(x.virginica), b=sd(x.virginica))
# So what do you think?
## Check initial assumption of equality of variances:
# Bartlett's test with H0: all variances are equal
for(j in 1:4){
print( bartlett.test(dat[,1]~dat$Species)$p.value )
# Shapiro's test with H0: the distribution is Normal
for(j in 1:4){
? print( shapiro.test(dat[which(dat$Species=='virginica'),j])$p.value )
for(j in 1:4){
? print( shapiro.test(dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),j])$p.value )
## Fit LDA model to this dataset and check accuracy:
lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat)
# can we track some of the values in that summary?
? ? apply(dat[which(dat$Species=='other'),1:4], 2, mean),
? ? apply(dat[which(dat$Species=='virginica'),1:4], 2, mean)
# what about the coefficients of linear discriminants?
x = as.matrix(dat[,1:4])
proj = x %*% lda.o$scaling
plot(proj, pch=20, col=dat$Species, cex=2)
# little hack to recover the fitted values quickly
predo = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat)
y = predo$x
plot(proj, y)
plot(y, predo$posterior[,2])
boxplot(y ~ (predo$posterior[,2]>.5))
boxplot(proj ~ (predo$posterior[,2]>.5))
# NB: The way these coefs is calculated follows the MANOVA approach
# popular hack to recover the fitted values:
fitted.values = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat)$class?
(tb.2 = table(fitted.values, dat$Species))
sum(diag(tb.2)) / sum(tb.2)
## (2) 3-class classification problem
dat = iris
## Explore distribution of predictors:
# boxplots seem relatively symmetric:
# here's just a loop to save having to write 4 boxplot
# instructions with names by hand (being lazy often
# makes for nicer code):
for(j in 1:4){
xlab = 'Species',
ylab = 'predictor',
# but we'd rather check for Normality more specifically:
Ls = levels(dat$Species)
for(j in 1:4){
hist(dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[1]),j], col='cyan',
hist(dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[2]),j], col='pink',
hist(dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[3]),j], col='green',
# could also use QQ-plots:
for(j in 1:4){
x1 = dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[1]),j]
qqnorm(x1, pch=20, col='cyan', main=names(dat)[j])
abline(a=mean(x1), b=sd(x1))
x2 = dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[2]),j]
qqnorm(x2, pch=20, col='pink', main=names(dat)[j])
abline(a=mean(x2), b=sd(x2))
x3 = dat[which(dat$Species==Ls[3]),j]
qqnorm(x3, pch=20, col='green', main=names(dat)[j])
abline(a=mean(x3), b=sd(x3))
# So what do you think now?
## Check initial assumption of equality of variances:
# Bartlett's test with H0: all variances are equal
print( bartlett.test(dat[,1]~dat$Species)$p.value )
print( bartlett.test(dat[,2]~dat$Species)$p.value )
print( bartlett.test(dat[,3]~dat$Species)$p.value )
print( bartlett.test(dat[,4]~dat$Species)$p.value )
## or if in lazy mode:
for(j in 1:4){
print( bartlett.test(dat[,j]~dat$Species)$p.value )
## Fit LDA model to this dataset and check accuracy:
lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat)
ftted.values = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat)$class
(tb.3 = table(ftted.values, dat$Species))
sum(diag(tb.3)) / sum(tb.3)
### Exercise 4: LDA
## (1) 2-class classification problem
dat = iris
dat$Species = as.factor(ifelse(iris$Species=="virginica",1,0))
levels(dat$Species) = c("other","virginica")
n = nrow(dat)
dat = dat[sample(1:n),] # shuffle dataset
i.train = 1:100
dat.train = dat[i.train,]
dat.test = dat[-i.train,]
lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat.train)
lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)
(tb = table(lda.p$class, dat.test$Species))
# QDA:
qda.o = qda(Species~., data=dat.train)
qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)
(tb = table(qda.p$class, dat.test$Species))
## (2) 3-class classification problem
dat = iris
n = nrow(dat)
dat = dat[sample(1:n),]
i.train = 1:100
dat.train = dat[i.train,]
dat.test = dat[-i.train,]
# LDA:
lda.o = lda(Species~., data=dat.train)
lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)
(tb = table(lda.p$class, dat.test$Species))
# QDA:
qda.o = qda(Species~., data=dat.train)
qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)
(tb = table(qda.p$class, dat.test$Species))
### Exercise 5: benchmarking
## (1) benchmarking on unscaled data
n = nrow(Default)
dat = Default[sample(1:n, n, replace=FALSE), ]
# get a random training sample containing 70% of original sample:
i.cv = sample(1:n, round(.7*n), replace=FALSE)
dat.cv = dat[i.cv,] # use this for CV (train+test)
dat.valid = dat[-i.cv,] # save this for later (after CV) (HOLD-OUT)
# tuning of the classifiers:
K.knn = 3
# perform K-fold CV:
K = 10
N = length(i.cv)
folds = cut(1:N, K, labels=FALSE)
acc.knn = acc.glm = acc.lda = acc.qda = numeric(K)
auc.knn = auc.glm = auc.lda = auc.qda = numeric(K)
for(k in 1:K){ # 10-fold CV loop
# split into train and test samples:
i.train = which(folds!=k)
dat.train = dat.cv[i.train, ]
dat.test = dat.cv[-i.train, ]
# adapt these sets for kNN:
x.train = dat.train[,-1]
y.train = dat.train[,1]
x.test = dat.test[,-1]
y.test = dat.test[,1]
x.train[,1] = as.numeric(x.train[,1])
x.test[,1] = as.numeric(x.test[,1])
# train classifiers:
knn.o = knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K.knn)
glm.o = glm(default~., data=dat.train, family=binomial(logit))
lda.o = lda(default~., data=dat.train)
qda.o = qda(default~., data=dat.train)
# test classifiers:
knn.p = knn.o
glm.p = ( predict(glm.o, newdata=dat.test, type="response") > 0.5 )
lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)$class
qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)$class
tb.knn = table(knn.p, y.test)
tb.glm = table(glm.p, y.test)
tb.lda = table(lda.p, y.test)
tb.qda = table(qda.p, y.test)
# store prediction accuracies:
acc.knn[k] = sum(diag(tb.knn)) / sum(tb.knn)
acc.glm[k] = sum(diag(tb.glm)) / sum(tb.glm)
acc.lda[k] = sum(diag(tb.lda)) / sum(tb.lda)
acc.qda[k] = sum(diag(tb.qda)) / sum(tb.qda)
# ROC/AUC analysis:
# WARNING: THIS IS NOT Pr(Y=1 | X), BUT Pr(Y = Y_hat | X):
# knn.p = attributes(knn(x.train, x.test, y.train, K.knn, prob=TRUE))$prob
glm.p = predict(glm.o, newdata=dat.test, type="response")
lda.p = predict(lda.o, newdata=dat.test)$posterior[,2]
qda.p = predict(qda.o, newdata=dat.test)$posterior[,2]
# auc.knn[k] = roc(y.test, knn.p)$auc
auc.glm[k] = roc(y.test, glm.p)$auc
auc.lda[k] = roc(y.test, lda.p)$auc
auc.qda[k] = roc(y.test, qda.p)$auc
boxplot(acc.knn, acc.glm, acc.lda, acc.qda,
main="Overall CV prediction accuracy",
boxplot(auc.glm, auc.lda, auc.qda,
main="Overall CV AUC",
##### Taking a closer look at performance
roc(y.test, glm.p)$auc
(tb = table(y.test, glm.p>.5))
pred = as.factor(glm.p>.5)
pred = car::recode(pred, "FALSE='No'; TRUE='Yes'")
caret::confusionMatrix(y.test, pred)
##### Further exercises for you to do:
## adapt code to evaluate sensitivity and specificity
## add validation analysis...
## repeat on scaled data...
### Exercise 6: benchmarking, again
## (1) benchmarking on unscaled data
n = nrow(Default)
dat = Default[sample(1:n, n, replace=FALSE), ]
# get a random training sample containing 70% of original sample:
i.cv = sample(1:n, round(.7*n), replace=FALSE)
x = dat.cv = dat[i.cv,] # use this for CV (train+test)
dat.valid = dat[-i.cv,] # save this for later (after CV)
# Recover ROC curve manually from whole set:
n = nrow(x)
acc = numeric(length(thrs))
sens = spec = numeric(length(thrs))
thrs = seq(.05,.95,by=.05)
for(ithr in 1:length(thrs)){
thr = thrs[ithr]
glmo = glm(default~., data=x,
? ? ? ? ? family=binomial)
? tb = table(glmo$fitted.values>thr, x$default)
? acc[ithr] = sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)
? #
? # calculate sensitivity for a given threshold
? sens[ithr] = ...
? # calculate specificity for a given threshold
? spec[ithr] = ...
? # prediction
plot(spec, sens)
# Evaluate a cross-validated ROC curve manually:
n = nrow(x)
K = 10
train.acc = test.acc = matrix(NA, nrow=K, ncol=length(thrs))
folds = cut(1:n, K, labels=FALSE)
k = 1
thrs = seq(.05,.95,by=.05)
for(ithr in 1:length(thrs)){
thr = thrs[ithr]
for(k in 1:K){
? itrain = which(folds!=k)
? glmo = glm(default~., data=x,
? ? ? ? ? family=binomial,
? ? ? ? ? subset=itrain)
? tb = table(glmo$fitted.values>thr, x$default[itrain])
? train.acc[k, ithr] = sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)
? #
? # calculate sensitivity for a given threshold
? # ...
? # calculate specificity for a given threshold
? # ...
? # prediction
? p.test = predict(glmo, x[-itrain,], type='response')
? tb = table(p.test>thr, x$default[-itrain])
? test.acc[k,ithr] = sum(diag(tb))/sum(tb)
# warnings()