2021年第21本書 Little Bee by Chris Cleave
因為封面上的New York Times BestSeller, more than one million copies sold, 以及Washington Post的評論,借了這本書;書的前面以及封底大量的推薦和書評颁糟,讓我在開始閱讀之前對本書充滿期待:到底是什么樣的一本書辽慕,讓這么多人寫好評和推薦?
全書講的是兩位女主人公的故事腔彰。在我看來泼舱,全書主要有5位角色援雇,女主人公Little Bee吮铭,女主人公Sarah时迫、她的老公Andrew、Sarah的情人Lawrence以及Sarah的兒子Charlie谓晌。
Little Bee和姐姐是尼日利亞本地人柏肪。她們目睹了外來人搶占當?shù)厥唾Y源所做的一切而遭到追殺姐刁。逃到海灘上,Andrew和Sarah仗著自己白人的身份烦味,以為可以救下她們聂使,卻被人用槍威脅Andrew砍下一個手指頭換一條命。Andrew沒有這樣做谬俄,最后Sara砍下了自己的一根手指頭柏靶,救了Little Bee的命。
而Little Bee最終親自“聽著”姐姐被強奸后掠待致死钥勋,她想辦法逃出來上了一艘來英國的船炬转,最后被扣留在移民拘留中心(immigrant detention center)關了兩年。一次意外的機會算灸,她從拘留中心被放了出來返吻,但因為她沒有身份,在英國屬于非法停留乎婿,沒有任何地方去测僵,唯一留著的是在海灘上撿到的Andrew的駕駛證和名片,上面有地址和電話谢翎,所以打電話給了Andrew捍靠。
Andrew一直停留在兩年之前沒有救人的陰影里,患有嚴重抑郁森逮。當歷盡一切艱辛靠著夜晚雙腿徒步逃到他家的Little Bee時榨婆,他以為自己出現(xiàn)了幻覺,最后上吊自殺褒侧。自殺之后良风,Little Bee和Sarah見面谊迄,一起參加了安卓的葬禮,并且Sarah決定留下Little Bee烟央,但Sara的情人Lawrence不同意她留下來统诺。在去倫敦玩的時候,因為Charlie的走失(我個人認為是Lawrence設計的)疑俭,警察發(fā)現(xiàn)了Little Bee粮呢。最終Little Bee被遣返。Sarah一同陪著她回來钞艇,她想收集很多Little Bee這樣的故事啄寡,出書,希望能幫到像Little Bee這樣的人哩照。
最終挺物,在兩年前的海灘上,警察(飘弧?有點忘了)最終又追了過來姻乓。為了救Sarah和Charlie,Little Bee只好暴露了自己眯牧。
全書分別從Little Bee和Sarah的視角分章節(jié)來展開描述剪个。
Little Bee非常聰明勇敢,她獨自一人多次逃亡版确,在拘留中心的兩年隱蔽的很好(裹胸扣囊、穿大尺碼的衣服、故意不洗澡以變不引起男人的注意)绒疗、心理上自我救贖并學會了標準流利的英語侵歇,對Sarah和Lawrence的事情她又看的非常開;她很善良吓蘑,和性格有點怪異的Charlie相處很愉快惕虑,決定報答Sarah并在艱難抉擇之下仍付諸實際行動。
Sarah是一位有點固執(zhí)磨镶、有著自己想法而又勇敢的女子溃蔫。兩年前,她為了救人自斷手指頭琳猫;兩年后伟叛,她為了救人,非法收留Little Bee脐嫂,辭了工作準備寫書统刮,并再次將自己和兒子置于危險之中紊遵。
兩年前沙灘上的相遇,她們的命運便聯(lián)系在了一起侥蒙。在小說中暗膜,英國和尼日利亞是兩個平行世界,一個繁華辉哥、充滿著文明桦山;另外一個貧窮落后而后充滿著暴力和罪惡攒射。書中多次用到In your country,.....; For me and girls from my village, ....醋旦。雖然作者聲明這個故事是虛構的,但我相信会放,這樣的故事真實的發(fā)生著饲齐。
Most days I wish I was a British pound coin instead of an African girl. Everyone would be pleased to see me coming.
Truly, this is the one thing that people from your country and people from my country agree on. They say, That refugee girl is not one of us. That girl does not belong. That girl is a halfling, a child of an unnatural mating, an unfamiliar face in the moon.
Tea is the taste of my land. It's bitter and warm, strong and sharp with memory. It tastes of longing. It tastes of the distance between where you are and where you come from.
In your country, if you are not scared enough already, you can go to watch a horror film... For me and girls from my village, horror is a disease and we are sick with it. ...horror in your country is sth you take a dose of to remind yourself that you are not suffering from it.
It was beautiful-because if this could be done, then perhaps it could be done to everything else that was always escaping and running away and vanishing into sand or mist.
Everything could be made solid again, yes, even the time when l played with Nkiruka in the red dust under the rope swing. In those days I believed such things were possible in your country. I knewthere were large miracles just waiting for me to discover them, if only I could find the center, the source of all these small wonders.
I did not want to tell her what happened, but I had to now. I could not stop talking because
now I had started my story, it wanted to be finished. We cannot choose where to start and stop. Our stories are the tellers of us.
Life is extremely short and you can't dance to current affairs.
No one likes each other, but everyone likes U2.
Trouble is like the ocean. It covers two thirds of the world.
There's no one to ask anyone.
When everyone else is dead, sometimes you think it would be easier to join them.? But you have to move on.
To be well in your mind you have first to be free.
Happiness isn't something one can pick up off the shelf. It's something one has to work at.
Trust between adults is a hard-won thing, a fragile thing, so difficult to rebuild.
A dog must be a dog and a wolf must be a wolf.
The sun was lovely. I closed my eyes and let the breeze air brush away the traces of the last few years. One phone call : I realized it was as simple as that. People wonder how they are ever going to change their lives, but really it is frighteningly easy.