? ? Lesson 38 Everything expect the weather
Why did Harrison sell his house so quickly?My old friend,Harrison,had lived in the Mediterranean for many years before he returned th England. He had often dreamed of retiring in England and had planned to settle down in the country. He had no sooner returned than he bought a house abd went to live there. Almost immediately he began to complain about the weather for even though it was stil summer, it rained continually and it was often bitterly cold. After so many years of sunshine, Harrison got a shock. He acted as if he had never lived in England before. In the end, it was more than he could bear. He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. The dream he had had for so many years ended there. Harrison had thought of everything except the weather.
wa? d?d ?h?r?s?n s?lk e? ha?s so? ?kw?kli 0.04
ma? o?ld fr?nd ?h?r?s?n h?d livd ?n e? ?m?d?t??re?ni?n f?r ?m?ni j?rz b??f?r hi r??t?rnd tu ???gl?nd 0.11
hi h?d ??f?n drimd ?v r??ta?r?? ?n ???gl?nd ?nd h?d pl?nd tu ?s?t?l da?n ?n e? ?k?ntri 0.08
hi h?d no? ?sun?r r??t?rnd e?n hi bɑt ? ha?s ?nd w?nt tu liv e?r 0.06
??l?mo?st ??midi?tli hi b??g?n tu k?m?ple?n ??ba?t e? ?w?e?r f?r ?iv?n eo? ?t w?z st?l ?s?m?r ?t re?nd k?n?t?nju?li ?nd ?t w?z ??f?n ?b?t?rli ko?ld 0.08
??ft?r so? ?m?ni j?rz ?v ?s?n??a?n ?h?r?s?n gɑt ? ?ɑk 0.07
hi ??kt?d ?z ?f hi h?d ?n?v?r livd ?n ???gl?nd b??f?r 0.04
?n ei ?nd ?t w?z m?rn e?n hi k?d b?r 0.04
hi h?d ?hɑrdli h?d ta?m tu ?s?t?l da?n w?n hi so?ld e? ha?s ?nd l?ft e? ?k?ntri 0.08
e? drim hi h?d h?d f?r so? ?m?ni j?rz ??nd?d e?r ?h?r?s?n h?d θ?t ?v ??vri?θ?? ?k?s?pt e? ?w?e?r 0.1
總計 01:16
1.(L0)朗讀Mediterranean岔激、continually 花很長時間姻僧,特別是錄音時總卡住沦疾。
2.(L1)跟讀的是“美式發(fā)音秘訣”赦肋,練習了緊元音/?/纯赎,發(fā)音時嘴唇裂開較大谦疾,臉部肌肉緊張。單詞at犬金、cat念恍、dad 六剥、hat、apple峰伙。
3.(L4)練習時間也長疗疟,新單詞讀不準。今天學習了一些語法關(guān)于no sooner …than瞳氓、hardly …when策彤、as soon as 他它們表示一……就,前面兩個經(jīng)常與過去完成式時態(tài)連用匣摘,as soon as 一般與一般現(xiàn)在時連用店诗。還有as if/as though 象……一樣,一種陳述式音榜,表真實的或有可能發(fā)生庞瘸。一種虛擬式,表不真實的或已知事實相反的赠叼。