本文作者Darlene Lancer
Emptiness is a common feeling, and there are distinct types ofemptiness, but it’spsychological emptinessthat underlies codependency and addiction. Whereas existential emptiness is concerned with your relationship to life, psychological emptiness deals with your relationship toyourself. It’s correlated with depression?and deeply related to shame.Depression?may be accompanied by a varietyof symptoms, including sadness and crying, anxiety or restlessness, shame orguilt, apathy, fatigue, change in appetite or sleep habits, poor concentration,suicidal thoughts, and feeling empty.
Existential Emptiness 存在主義的空虛
Existential emptiness is a universal response to the human condition –how we find personal meaning in the face of a finite existence. It’s associated with “existentialism,” named by philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and grew out ofthe nihilism and alienation of post-World War II society. He described the nothingness and emptiness of living in a lonely, God-less and meaningless universe. It’s primarily concerned with social alienation, spiritual bankruptcy, and our relationship to our life, society, and the world around us.This isn’t viewed as a mental-health problem and doesn’t lead to depression.