前端發(fā)展很快氯析,現(xiàn)代瀏覽器原生 API 已經(jīng)足夠好用。我們并不需要為了操作 DOM遏佣、Event 等再學(xué)習(xí)一下 jQuery 的 API。同時(shí)由于 React壁畸、Angular贼急、Vue 等框架的流行,直接操作 DOM 不再是好的模式捏萍,jQuery 使用場(chǎng)景大大減少太抓。本項(xiàng)目總結(jié)了大部分 jQuery API 替代的方法,暫時(shí)只支持 IE10+ 以上瀏覽器令杈。
- Translations
- Query Selector
- CSS & Style
- DOM Manipulation
- Ajax
- Events
- Utilities
- Alternatives
- Browser Support
Query Selector
常用的 class走敌、id、屬性 選擇器都可以使用 document.querySelector
或 document.querySelectorAll
返回第一個(gè)匹配的 Element -
返回所有匹配的 Element 組成的 NodeList掉丽。它可以通過(guò)[].slice.call()
把它轉(zhuǎn)成 Array - 如果匹配不到任何 Element跌榔,jQuery 返回空數(shù)組
設(shè)置默認(rèn)的值项炼,如document.querySelectorAll(selector) || []
1.0 <a name='1.0'></a> Query by selector
// jQuery $('selector'); // Native document.querySelectorAll('selector');
1.1 <a name='1.1'></a> Query by class
// jQuery $('.css'); // Native document.querySelectorAll('.css'); // or document.getElementsByClassName('css');
1.2 <a name='1.2'></a> Query by id
// jQuery $('#id'); // Native document.querySelector('#id'); // or document.getElementById('id');
1.3 <a name='1.3'></a> Query by attribute
// jQuery $('a[target=_blank]'); // Native document.querySelectorAll('a[target=_blank]');
1.4 <a name='1.4'></a> Find sth.
Find nodes
// jQuery $el.find('li'); // Native el.querySelectorAll('li');
Find body
// jQuery $('body'); // Native document.body;
Find Attribute
// jQuery $el.attr('foo'); // Native e.getAttribute('foo');
Find data attribute
// jQuery $el.data('foo'); // Native // using getAttribute el.getAttribute('data-foo'); // you can also use `dataset` if only need to support IE 11+ el.dataset['foo'];
1.5 <a name='1.5'></a> Sibling/Previous/Next Elements
Sibling elements
// jQuery $el.siblings(); // Native [].filter.call(el.parentNode.children, function(child) { return child !== el; });
Previous elements
// jQuery $el.prev(); // Native el.previousElementSibling;
Next elements
// next $el.next(); el.nextElementSibling;
1.6 <a name='1.6'></a> Closest
Closest 獲得匹配選擇器的第一個(gè)祖先元素取胎,從當(dāng)前元素開(kāi)始沿 DOM 樹(shù)向上湃窍。
// jQuery $el.closest(queryString); // Native function closest(el, selector) { const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector; while (el) { if (matchesSelector.call(el, selector)) { return el; } else { el = el.parentElement; } } return null; }
1.7 <a name='1.7'></a> Parents Until
// jQuery $el.parentsUntil(selector, filter); // Native function parentsUntil(el, selector, filter) { const result = []; const matchesSelector = el.matches || el.webkitMatchesSelector || el.mozMatchesSelector || el.msMatchesSelector; // match start from parent el = el.parentElement; while (el && !matchesSelector.call(el, selector)) { if (!filter) { result.push(el); } else { if (matchesSelector.call(el, filter)) { result.push(el); } } el = el.parentElement; } return result; }
1.8 <a name='1.8'></a> Form
// jQuery $('#my-input').val(); // Native document.querySelector('#my-input').value;
Get index of e.currentTarget between
// jQuery $(e.currentTarget).index('.radio'); // Native [].indexOf.call(document.querySelectorAll('.radio'), e.currentTarget);
1.9 <a name='1.9'></a> Iframe Contents
jQuery 對(duì)象的 iframe
返回的是 iframe 內(nèi)的document
Iframe contents
// jQuery $iframe.contents(); // Native iframe.contentDocument;
Iframe Query
// jQuery $iframe.contents().find('.css'); // Native iframe.contentDocument.querySelectorAll('.css');
CSS & Style
2.1 <a name='2.1'></a> CSS
Get style
// jQuery $el.css("color"); // Native // 注意:此處為了解決當(dāng) style 值為 auto 時(shí)墨坚,返回 auto 的問(wèn)題 const win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView; // null 的意思是不返回偽類元素 win.getComputedStyle(el, null).color;
Set style
// jQuery $el.css({ color: "#ff0011" }); // Native el.style.color = '#ff0011';
Get/Set Styles
注意,如果想一次設(shè)置多個(gè) style泽篮,可以參考 oui-dom-utils 中 setStyles 方法
Add class
// jQuery $el.addClass(className); // Native el.classList.add(className);
Remove class
// jQuery $el.removeClass(className); // Native el.classList.remove(className);
has class
// jQuery $el.hasClass(className); // Native el.classList.contains(className);
Toggle class
// jQuery $el.toggleClass(className); // Native el.classList.toggle(className);
2.2 <a name='2.2'></a> Width & Height
Width 與 Height 獲取方法相同,下面以 Height 為例:
Window height
// jQuery $(window).height(); // Native // 不含 scrollbar帽撑,與 jQuery 行為一致 window.document.documentElement.clientHeight; // 含 scrollbar window.innerHeight;
Document height
// jQuery $(document).height(); // Native document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
Element height
// jQuery $el.height(); // Native // 與 jQuery 一致(一直為 content 區(qū)域的高度) function getHeight(el) { const styles = this.getComputedStyle(el); const height = el.offsetHeight; const borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth); const borderBottomWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderBottomWidth); const paddingTop = parseFloat(styles.paddingTop); const paddingBottom = parseFloat(styles.paddingBottom); return height - borderBottomWidth - borderTopWidth - paddingTop - paddingBottom; } // 精確到整數(shù)(border-box 時(shí)為 height 值泼各,content-box 時(shí)為 height + padding + border 值) el.clientHeight; // 精確到小數(shù)(border-box 時(shí)為 height 值,content-box 時(shí)為 height + padding + border 值) el.getBoundingClientRect().height;
Iframe height
$iframe .contents() 方法返回 iframe 的 contentDocument
// jQuery $('iframe').contents().height(); // Native iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.scrollHeight;
2.3 <a name='2.3'></a> Position & Offset
// jQuery $el.position(); // Native { left: el.offsetLeft, top: el.offsetTop }
// jQuery $el.offset(); // Native function getOffset (el) { const box = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: box.top + window.pageYOffset - document.documentElement.clientTop, left: box.left + window.pageXOffset - document.documentElement.clientLeft } }
2.4 <a name='2.4'></a> Scroll Top
// jQuery $(window).scrollTop(); // Native (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) || document.body.scrollTop;
DOM Manipulation
3.1 <a name='3.1'></a> Remove
// jQuery $el.remove(); // Native el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
3.2 <a name='3.2'></a> Text
Get text
// jQuery $el.text(); // Native el.textContent;
Set text
// jQuery $el.text(string); // Native el.textContent = string;
3.3 <a name='3.3'></a> HTML
// jQuery $el.html(); // Native el.innerHTML;
// jQuery $el.html(htmlString); // Native el.innerHTML = htmlString;
3.4 <a name='3.4'></a> Append
Append 插入到子節(jié)點(diǎn)的末尾
// jQuery $el.append("<div id='container'>hello</div>"); // Native let newEl = document.createElement('div'); newEl.setAttribute('id', 'container'); newEl.innerHTML = 'hello'; el.appendChild(newEl);
3.5 <a name='3.5'></a> Prepend
// jQuery $el.prepend("<div id='container'>hello</div>"); // Native let newEl = document.createElement('div'); newEl.setAttribute('id', 'container'); newEl.innerHTML = 'hello'; el.insertBefore(newEl, el.firstChild);
3.6 <a name='3.6'></a> insertBefore
// jQuery $newEl.insertBefore(queryString); // Native const target = document.querySelector(queryString); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, target);
3.7 <a name='3.7'></a> insertAfter
// jQuery $newEl.insertAfter(queryString); // Native const target = document.querySelector(queryString); target.parentNode.insertBefore(newEl, target.nextSibling);
用 fetch 和 fetch-jsonp 替代
完整地替代命名空間和事件代理亏拉,鏈接到 https://github.com/oneuijs/oui-dom-events
5.1 <a name='5.1'></a> Bind an event with on
// jQuery $el.on(eventName, eventHandler); // Native el.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
5.2 <a name='5.2'></a> Unbind an event with off
// jQuery $el.off(eventName, eventHandler); // Native el.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler);
5.3 <a name='5.3'></a> Trigger
// jQuery $(el).trigger('custom-event', {key1: 'data'}); // Native if (window.CustomEvent) { const event = new CustomEvent('custom-event', {detail: {key1: 'data'}}); } else { const event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); event.initCustomEvent('custom-event', true, true, {key1: 'data'}); } el.dispatchEvent(event);
6.1 <a name='6.1'></a> isArray
// jQuery $.isArray(range); // Native Array.isArray(range);
6.2 <a name='6.2'></a> Trim
// jQuery $.trim(string); // Native string.trim();
6.3 <a name='6.3'></a> Object Assign
繼承扣蜻,使用 object.assign polyfill https://github.com/ljharb/object.assign
// jQuery $.extend({}, defaultOpts, opts); // Native Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, opts);
6.4 <a name='6.4'></a> Contains
// jQuery $.contains(el, child); // Native el !== child && el.contains(child);
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