比 java.util.Collections
Util 與Collection的對應(yīng)關(guān)系
Interface | JDK or Guava? | Corresponding Guava utility class |
Collection |
JDK | Collections2 |
List |
JDK | Lists |
Set |
JDK | Sets |
SortedSet |
JDK | Sets |
Map |
JDK | Maps |
SortedMap |
JDK | Maps |
Queue |
JDK | Queues |
Multiset |
Guava | Multisets |
Multimap |
Guava | Multimaps |
BiMap |
Guava | Maps |
Table |
Guava | Tables |
Looking for transform, filter, and the like? That stuff is in our functional programming article, under functional idioms.
Whenever possible, Guava prefers to provide utilities accepting an Iterable
rather than a Collection
. Here at Google, it's not out of the ordinary to encounter a "collection" that isn't actually stored in main memory, but is being gathered from a database, or from another data center, and can't support operations like size()
without actually grabbing all of the elements.
As a result, many of the operations you might expect to see supported for all collections can be found in Iterables
. Additionally, most Iterables
methods have a corresponding version in Iterators
that accepts the raw iterator.
The overwhelming majority of operations in the Iterables
class are lazy: they only advance the backing iteration when absolutely necessary. Methods that themselves return Iterables
return lazily computed views, rather than explicitly constructing a collection in memory.
As of Guava 12, Iterables
is supplemented by the FluentIterable
class, which wraps an Iterable
and provides a "fluent" syntax for many of these operations.
Method | Description | See Also |
concat(Iterable<Iterable>) |
Returns a lazy view of the concatenation of several iterables. | concat(Iterable...) |
frequency(Iterable, Object) |
Returns the number of occurrences of the object. | Compare Collections.frequency(Collection, Object) ; see Multiset
partition(Iterable, int) |
Returns an unmodifiable view of the iterable partitioned into chunks of the specified size. |
Lists.partition(List, int) , paddedPartition(Iterable, int)
getFirst(Iterable, T default) |
Returns the first element of the iterable, or the default value if empty. | Compare Iterable.iterator().next() , FluentIterable.first()
getLast(Iterable) |
Returns the last element of the iterable, or fails fast with a NoSuchElementException if it's empty. |
getLast(Iterable, T default) , FluentIterable.last()
elementsEqual(Iterable, Iterable) |
Returns true if the iterables have the same elements in the same order. | Compare List.equals(Object)
unmodifiableIterable(Iterable) |
Returns an unmodifiable view of the iterable. | Compare Collections.unmodifiableCollection(Collection)
limit(Iterable, int) |
Returns an Iterable returning at most the specified number of elements. |
FluentIterable.limit(int) |
getOnlyElement(Iterable) |
Returns the only element in Iterable . Fails fast if the iterable is empty or has multiple elements. |
getOnlyElement(Iterable, T default) |
Typically, collections support these operations naturally on other collections, but not on iterables.
Method | Analogous Collection method |
FluentIterable equivalent |
addAll(Collection addTo, Iterable toAdd) |
Collection.addAll(Collection) |
contains(Iterable, Object) |
Collection.contains(Object) |
FluentIterable.contains(Object) |
removeAll(Iterable removeFrom, Collection toRemove) |
Collection.removeAll(Collection) |
retainAll(Iterable removeFrom, Collection toRetain) |
Collection.retainAll(Collection) |
size(Iterable) |
Collection.size() |
FluentIterable.size() |
toArray(Iterable, Class) |
Collection.toArray(T[]) |
FluentIterable.toArray(Class) |
isEmpty(Iterable) |
Collection.isEmpty() |
FluentIterable.isEmpty() |
get(Iterable, int) |
List.get(int) |
FluentIterable.get(int) |
toString(Iterable) |
Collection.toString() |
FluentIterable.toString() |
Each of these operations delegates to the corresponding Collection interface method when the input is actually a Collection. For example, if Iterables.size is passed a Collection, it will call the Collection.size method instead of walking through the iterator.
Method | Analogous Collection method |
FluentIterable equivalent |
addAll(Collection addTo, Iterable toAdd) |
Collection.addAll(Collection) |
contains(Iterable, Object) |
Collection.contains(Object) |
FluentIterable.contains(Object) |
removeAll(Iterable removeFrom, Collection toRemove) |
Collection.removeAll(Collection) |
retainAll(Iterable removeFrom, Collection toRetain) |
Collection.retainAll(Collection) |
size(Iterable) |
Collection.size() |
FluentIterable.size() |
toArray(Iterable, Class) |
Collection.toArray(T[]) |
FluentIterable.toArray(Class) |
isEmpty(Iterable) |
Collection.isEmpty() |
FluentIterable.isEmpty() |
get(Iterable, int) |
List.get(int) |
FluentIterable.get(int) |
toString(Iterable) |
Collection.toString() |
FluentIterable.toString() |
Method | Description |
partition(List, int) |
Returns a view of the underlying list, partitioned into chunks of the specified size. |
reverse(List) |
Returns a reversed view of the specified list. Note: if the list is immutable, consider ImmutableList.reverse() instead. |
These return a SetView
, which can be used:
- as a
directly, since it implements theSet
interface - by copying it into another mutable collection with
- by making an immutable copy with
Method |
union(Set, Set) |
intersection(Set, Set) |
difference(Set, Set) |
symmetricDifference(Set, Set) |
Maps.uniqueIndex(Iterable, Function)
addresses the common case of having a bunch of objects that each have some unique attribute, and wanting to be able to look up those objects based on that attribute.
Let's say we have a bunch of strings that we know have unique lengths, and we want to be able to look up the string with some particular length.
ImmutableMap<Integer, String> stringsByIndex = Maps.uniqueIndex(strings, new Function<String, Integer> () {
public Integer apply(String string) {
return string.length();
Maps.difference(Map, Map)
allows you to compare all the differences between two maps. It returns a MapDifference
object, which breaks down the Venn diagram into:
Method | Description |
entriesInCommon() |
The entries which are in both maps, with both matching keys and values. |
entriesDiffering() |
The entries with the same keys, but differing values. The values in this map are of type MapDifference.ValueDifference , which lets you look at the left and right values. |
entriesOnlyOnLeft() |
Returns the entries whose keys are in the left but not in the right map. |
entriesOnlyOnRight() |
Returns the entries whose keys are in the right but not in the left map. |
Map<String, Integer> left = ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3);
Map<String, Integer> right = ImmutableMap.of("b", 2, "c", 4, "d", 5);
MapDifference<String, Integer> diff = Maps.difference(left, right);
diff.entriesInCommon(); // {"b" => 2}
diff.entriesDiffering(); // {"c" => (3, 4)}
diff.entriesOnlyOnLeft(); // {"a" => 1}
diff.entriesOnlyOnRight(); // {"d" => 5}
BiMap utilities
The Guava utilities on BiMap
live in the Maps
class, since a BiMap
is also a Map
BiMap utility |
Corresponding Map utility |
synchronizedBiMap(BiMap) |
Collections.synchronizedMap(Map) |
unmodifiableBiMap(BiMap) |
Collections.unmodifiableMap(Map) |
Let's say we want to group strings based on their length.
ImmutableSet<String> digits = ImmutableSet.of(
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
"five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine");
Function<String, Integer> lengthFunction = new Function<String, Integer>() {
public Integer apply(String string) {
return string.length();
ImmutableListMultimap<Integer, String> digitsByLength = Multimaps.index(digits, lengthFunction);
* digitsByLength maps:
* 3 => {"one", "two", "six"}
* 4 => {"zero", "four", "five", "nine"}
* 5 => {"three", "seven", "eight"}
Since Multimap
can map many keys to one value, and one key to many values, it can be useful to invert a Multimap
. Guava provides invertFrom(Multimap toInvert, Multimap dest)
to let you do this, without choosing an implementation for you.
NOTE: If you are using an ImmutableMultimap
, consider ImmutableMultimap.inverse()
ArrayListMultimap<String, Integer> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
multimap.putAll("b", Ints.asList(2, 4, 6));
multimap.putAll("a", Ints.asList(4, 2, 1));
multimap.putAll("c", Ints.asList(2, 5, 3));
TreeMultimap<Integer, String> inverse = Multimaps.invertFrom(multimap, TreeMultimap.<String, Integer> create());
// note that we choose the implementation, so if we use a TreeMultimap, we get results in order
* inverse maps:
* 1 => {"a"}
* 2 => {"a", "b", "c"}
* 3 => {"c"}
* 4 => {"a", "b"}
* 5 => {"c"}
* 6 => {"b"}
Need to use a Multimap
method on a Map
? forMap(Map)
views a Map
as a SetMultimap
. This is particularly useful, for example, in combination with Multimaps.invertFrom
Map<String, Integer> map = ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 1, "c", 2);
SetMultimap<String, Integer> multimap = Multimaps.forMap(map);
// multimap maps ["a" => {1}, "b" => {1}, "c" => {2}]
Multimap<Integer, String> inverse = Multimaps.invertFrom(multimap, HashMultimap.<Integer, String> create());
// inverse maps [1 => {"a", "b"}, 2 => {"c"}]
Multimap type | Unmodifiable | Synchronized | Custom |
Multimap |
unmodifiableMultimap |
synchronizedMultimap |
newMultimap |
ListMultimap |
unmodifiableListMultimap |
synchronizedListMultimap |
newListMultimap |
SetMultimap |
unmodifiableSetMultimap |
synchronizedSetMultimap |
newSetMultimap |
SortedSetMultimap |
unmodifiableSortedSetMultimap |
synchronizedSortedSetMultimap |
newSortedSetMultimap |
Multimaps provides the traditional wrapper methods, as well as tools to get custom Multimap implementations based on Map and Collection implementations of your choice.
Multimap type | Unmodifiable | Synchronized | Custom |
Multimap |
unmodifiableMultimap |
synchronizedMultimap |
newMultimap |
ListMultimap |
unmodifiableListMultimap |
synchronizedListMultimap |
newListMultimap |
SetMultimap |
unmodifiableSetMultimap |
synchronizedSetMultimap |
newSetMultimap |
SortedSetMultimap |
unmodifiableSortedSetMultimap |
synchronizedSortedSetMultimap |
newSortedSetMultimap |
Note that the custom Multimap methods expect a Supplier argument to generate fresh new collections. Here is an example of writing a ListMultimap backed by a TreeMap mapping to LinkedList.
ListMultimap<String, Integer> myMultimap = Multimaps.newListMultimap(
Maps.<String, Collection<Integer>>newTreeMap(),
new Supplier<LinkedList<Integer>>() {
public LinkedList<Integer> get() {
return Lists.newLinkedList();
Comparable to the Multimaps.newXXXMultimap(Map, Supplier)
utilities,Tables.newCustomTable(Map, Supplier<Map>)
allows you to specify a Table
implementation using whatever row or column map you like.
// use LinkedHashMaps instead of HashMaps
Table<String, Character, Integer> table = Tables.newCustomTable(
Maps.<String, Map<Character, Integer>>newLinkedHashMap(),
new Supplier<Map<Character, Integer>> () {
public Map<Character, Integer> get() {
return Maps.newLinkedHashMap();