Meditating on Management viaQuotations from Chairman Mao Zedong
The essence of management is all about how to make good things happen with an organized effort.
——三壬甲/Monsol Young
We must have faith in the masses and we must have faith in the Party. These aretwo cardinal principles. If we doubt these principles, we shall accomplishnothing.
Within any organization, the masses refer to the whole staff, the Party meansthe leadership. A complete trust atmosphere should be fostered in regard to therank and file, and the top leading core. Remarkable execution will emerge fromthis trust with a high level of consistency in minds and actions among allmembers. Apart from guiding belief and driving interests, trust within organizationis critical to form the organizational cohesiveness and effectiveness. Theessence of the building of trust lies in: whether or not the leading groupinsists on the organization’s belief, vision and mission; whether or not theearned gains are dispensed to the masses. Trusting, therefore, simple, althoughthe building and maintaining of trust is far from simplicity.
Armed with Marxist-Leninist theory and ideology, the Communist Party of Chinahas brought a new style of work to the Chinese people, a style of work whichessentially entails integrating theory with practice, forging close links withthe masses and practicing self-criticism.
Sticking to a certain theory engenders according styleof and attitude toward work. Any theory that transforms into reality throughpractices has its inherent translating laws, i.e., theory linking to practice, closelylinking with the masses, and self-criticism. The implementation of theory is acomplicated and abstract process. Thus, it is appropriate to name its generalrealizing path asstyles. Theimplications of these three antidotes for organization and management lie in:mission and vision of an organization must be embodied in the daily work ofeach and every organization member; sharp awareness of the dynamics regardingstakeholders both inside and outside the organization must be developed by themanagement; constant reflections from all personnel must be conducted on whetheror not working style and methods are consistent with the aim pursued and valuesheld by the organization, whether or not staff’s capacity is qualified tofulfill the need of achieving objectives at current stage.
It is precisely inorder to be able to shoulder this task (to build our country into a prosperousand powerful one with a high level of culture) more competently and work bettertogether with all non-Party people who are actuated by high ideals anddetermined to institute reforms that we must conduct rectification movementsboth now and in the future, and constantly rid ourselves of whatever is wrong.
Interms of rectification movements, it is to rectify stereotype and bad habits, toovercome organizational inertia. The organizational atmosphere and ecology coulddeteriorate rapidly if no effective measures are taken to contain the polluted ethosbefore its broad contagion. An organization and a person are much alike in thisway that both of them need to reflect on itself, need to wipe off dust ideologically,and to envisage and correct issues unceasingly according to the feedback from practices.Practitioner faces an eternal dilemma, i.e., to do nothing is the biggest mistakewhile to do something surely entails mistakes. The optimal solution is to ceaselesslyreflect on and rectify mistakes during the process of practices, and to inwardlyeliminate the sources of fundamental mistakes.