? ?昨天跟老同學(xué)聊天舔示,說起大學(xué)的事來电抚,竟然稱呼我為“班級大才女”,回憶起那時候好像還在校報上發(fā)表過文章了俺祠,可惜一晃好多年年過去了,好久沒提起筆來寫過東西了蜘渣,以后開始堅持吧。也算是自己小愛好的一種延續(xù)了宋梧。
I talked with a classmate yesterday night and recalled some memories about our class. He said I was the most talented people our class. I had published an article on the compus newspaper many years ago. But until now, I haven't wrote anything for so many years. I just want to write again, good night!