In my eyes, I tend to believe that first impressions are reliable, but if you want to make friends to communicate with him deeply, it’s necessary to take more time to know him truly. I think the reliable impressions consist of two parts, dressing style and communication skills.
As the saying goes, no one like to know your virtuous heart through your sloppy appearance. Obviously, if you appear sloppy, in most cases, it’s difficult to let other person take time to believe your abilities. Of course, everyone needs to follow the dress styles because of the difference situation.
I strongly hate flashy makeup or revealing clothes, but I don’t like the casual dress to visit my friends or attend some activities. During my daily life, I expect that my dressed clothes must neat and clean. Compared with my past’s dress style, now I think a lipstick with color is an essential part of showing my temperament and wherever or whenever the heel shoes are my favorite. Otherwise, I feel lack of confidence. In the past, I didn’t take time to concern about my dress problems. After I read some books and watched some videos, I tried to change my thoughts. As a woman, it’s necessary to learn the knowledge about the appropriate dress style. As the books said, dressing perfectly not only compliment on women’s looks and body, but also represent respecting someone’s ceremony.
In addition, to give a good impressive to those, who meet for the first time, good communication skill is very important. Honestly, I am not good at talking with someone while meeting at the first time. Sometimes, I didn’t know how to greet someone even if I want to know him. I always worried about the other person’s attitude to me, so communication skill is also one of my learning courses. Against this weakness, I asked my pastor for help. He suggested me reading the Holy Bible book. Indeed, since I became a Christian, I think my behaviors are changing. During some activities, if I can’t find same topic to talk with the other person, at least I keep on smile to receive someone’s greeting. In return, I also give them same greeting without annoyance.
However, if we’d like to know someone truly, taking more time is very certain. From everyone’ appearance, maybe we can find some lifestyles you want to learn. Whether someone can become one of your friends depend on more communication in the future. We need to know them, such as hobbies, personalities and others.
Well, those are my thoughts for the first impressions. Can you share with your opinions? Thanks.?