IELTS Writing Task2: 33 sample essays

01 distance-learing or traditional learing

With the development of modern society and technology, more and more people use distance-learning rather than classroom-based learning to learn knowledeg. However, whether distance-learning brings the same benefits of attending college or university is somewhat controversial. Considing both sides, it is clear that there is value in both approaches.

Firstly, let us consider the pros of traditional, classroom-based learning. In classroom-based learning, it is convenient for teachers to interact with students, which is crucial for learning. The most important things is that teachers can not only share their wisdom, knowledge and expertise with students, but they can access, correct and motivate students. Turly thers is great value in this.

Likewise, remote learning also has its own upside.Consider, for example, students who live in remote rurals without roads or funds to pay for tuition to attend a school far away and internet connections can solve it. Furthermore, there is something to be said for students being more independent learners, and online learning develops this skill.

So the question really is not "Which one ?" but rather, "How we can combine both?" It seems perfectly reasonable that students attend some classes in person, but also use the web to communicate with other students and professors as well as reasearch various topics. Countries and societies need to access which approach and balance works best for them.

In summmary, while we should harness the potential of new technology that makes remote learning possible, we should not neglect the importance of traditional learning. Students without teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge are not really learning.


02 individuals and governments of environmental protection

It is clear that humanity has strained and damaged the natural environment. We nearly exhausted many natual resources and left a big carbon foorprint on a fragile planet. While governments must no doubt create eco-friendlly policy and do their part to bring about change, we as individuals have a crucial role to play as well.

It is clear that all parts are connected n any ecosystem. The food we eat, the type of transport we choose, the way we consume and how much we consume as individuals all have a direct impact on the environment. Our individual habits might seem insignificant from out perspective, but at the macro level they add up in a big way.

While individuals can actually do a lot to make a difference. There are lots of things our individuals can do, such as driving hybrid cars, buying local organic food and supporting eco-friendly brands. There are sustainable practices that can create a ripple effect.

However, that is not to say that governments should not shoulder their responsibilty to protect environment. For example, by encouraging company to manufacture eco-friendly products and taking steps to raising public`s green awareness, they can help people to not only develop a habit of green consuming, but have a low-carbon lifesytle. Governments can set the tone for change and do a lot to harness individual good will and momentum.

In summary, the environmental problem affects us all, individually and collectively. Only by individuals and governments work together can we solve it.


03 internet society life

15 or 20 years ago, few people could have imagined that the Internet would impact us so greatly. Even now, we are beginning to realise its potential: online shopping, live online meetings and social media, to name just a few. At first glance it seems that we are truely entering a brave new world, but just how fundamentally different that world will be is hard to say.

To state the obvious, an interactive, online world has made our lives more infinitely more convenient. Sending a letter is as easy as typing and pressing "send"; you can shop and compare the prices with the click of a mouse, and without leaving the comfort of one`s home more and more people can work remotely and thus spend more quality time with family.

But to acknowledge onyl the positive impact would be short sighted. If "convenience" is what we gain from all of this technology, then a person touch is one of the things we lost. As humans, we thrive off of our daily interactions with coworkers, people at the bank, the clerk in a department store etc. Surely we donot want to end up isolated in our homes, living solely in a virtual world.

From my point of view, we should find a balance between the Internet`s benefits and risks. For example, we can message our friends online, but this neednot replace traditional communication. Perhaps in the short-term, we are overwhelmed with these new gadgets, but as time goes on I am sure that we will maintain real, personal interaction as well.

Like any other tool, the Internet has the potential to create positive or negative outcomes.What is important to remember is that while technologies change, our behaviour really does not. I believe that we wiil find a way to let the internet be shaped by our lives and not vice versa.


04 build theater and sport stadium or medical care and education

Every government faces a similar dilemma: how should it use limited resources in the best way. Some people think that large buildings and stadiums are perhaps a waste of money, and that it should be used for more practical things.While every country`s situation varies, generally contries should invest more in things like education and less on eye-catching landmarks.

Take the Olympics for example. Of course they were a great success and gave a good impression, after there were finished those expensive buildings just sat there, empty, after huge amounts of money were spent to build them. If we build amazing buildings but noly use them once in a while, what is the point?

Also consider that theaters and sports stadium are "wants" and not "needs". Sure, everyone likes to relax and have some fun, but money should only be spent on these things after the more basic and fundamental needs of a society have been met.And when we do build such facilities, we do not have to be overly extravagant - it just is not a necessity.

However, medical care and education are incredibly important to any society. Everyone deserves to be healthy and have access to qualified doctors in order to feel safe and secure. Education allows people to work hard, save money, raise families and achieve their dreams. It is basic need in modern society; to be educated is to be able to contribute and lead a good life.

In summary, governments must separate "needs" from "wants:" and state of the art sports facilities are certainly wants, not needs. All societis must give a top priority of education and medical care beacuse they are the fundation of a good life.If there needs are met, we can consider other things.


05 TV videos games positive and negative effect

In recent years parents have had to make tough dicisions about how much time their children should spend watching TV and playing computer or video games. Some have argued that they are not only a waste of time, but potentially harmful. Others, however, claim that kids should be kids and deserve some entertainment. In my view, the best approach is moderation.

On the one hand, too much TV and gaming can have a negative influence on their physical and psychological development. Physically, hours in front of a monitor may result in weaken eyesight. And mentally if kids spend too much time indulging in virtual world, they may become solitary and isolated from the real world so that they lose ability to make friends and socialise in a normal way. Moreover, seeing too much violence and questionable content could influence young people`s behaviour, as they are impressionable.

On the other hand, all children need to have fun and play. If students only study, they will surely suffer from metal and emotional pressure and stress. Also, not all contents on TV or online is unhealthy, there are lots of educational shows and content that is positive.

Speaking from personal experience, I think the right approach is to have a healthy balance. In this regard, parents have a responsibility to set boundaries and make sure content their kids are viewing is appropriate. As well, TV and video games are not the only ways to have fun, so parents should encourage their kids to interact and play with other kids in person too.

In summary, we should follow our common sense. Parents should be firm but fair with letting their kids play online or in front of a TV screen. Most things in moderation are healthy, and TV and video games are no different.


06 put criminals into prison education and job training

How to handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face. Traditionally, the approach has been to punish them to by placing them in prisons to pay for they have done. However, some advocate for trying to make them better with training and education and it seems they may have a good point.

Firstly, consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail. It doesnot seem like a good use of public money if the people donot actually get any better. Because most criminals eventually are let out of, our focus be on making them better citizens.

In fact, the reason why people end up in jail in the first palce is because they didnot have a good eduaction or happy family. So if they can learn job skills they perhaps can find work and feel they can contribute in a positive way. If they do this, they will not need crime. Surly everyone deserves a second chance.

Of course, this does not mean that we should be too lenient on criminals. Those who commit crime sholud still be punished, but during their pubishment they should also be treated. If we make an investment in them and show compassion, most will be able to make a new start.

In summary, we must make every effort to go to the root of the problem. We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need: education and training. By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healter.

07 multicultural societies different ethnic groups

In an era of globalisation our societies have become increasingly multicultural. Most international cities have become melting pots for immigrants from all over the world seeking a better life. While there are benefits and drawbakcs to a multicultural society, it is safe to say that the pros outweight cons.

First of all, people from different countries bring beautiful traditions with them. Think of all the wonderful international food, music, customs and culture that these immigrants bring. They make our cities vibrant amd attractive places to live in and to visit for tourists. Think of all the China towns across the world, for example.

Moreover, most of the people who immigrante from other countries are industrious. First generation immigrants often leave their home countries because of war and other bad circumstances. So when they make a new start, they tend to be appreciative and work hard to save money and create a good home for their kids. They tend to be model citizens.

On the flip side, there can be more challenges. Not all immigrants can speak the local language well and that causes problems for assimilating. Such people often tend to stick with friends of their own ethnicity. And sometimes, different religious and ethnic traditions have trouble coexisting peacefully. But generally speaking such conflicts are few.

So the bottom line is that multiculturalism is a generally positive trend. By living with people from other places our horizons are broadened and we can become more accepting. Surely this is a positive trend in the age of a global village.

08 international travel

Air travel combined with early retirment and people with money to spend has meant that more and more people can travel the world. Some countries, especially those with famous historical sights and beautiful natural scenery try to attract this large market. While there are some problems that can be caused with all this travel. Generally it is a positive thing.

Firstly, consider that all these tourists mean money that governments are eager to tap into. For many countries, tourism is a big part of their GDP and without it their economies would suffer. Foreign tourists bring important dollars to the service industry and lots of shops and vendors.

Secondly, bying encouraging tourism governments are promoting their ciries and countries. In my country, China, increased tourism and hosting the Olympics has changed people`s perception of our country. At the same times, tourism allows local people to gain exposure to people from other countries, which is also a good thing.

Of course, it is not always a perfect picture. Not all tourists have a good attitude and manners. And in some cases they may even have a negative influence on the local population. But these situations are not so common, and embassies can create tough guidelines for getting a visa. This seems like a reasonable compromise.

In summary, international travel is a great thing, but it is a privilege that should not be abused. Governments should encourage it, but also put in place measures to keep dangerous people away. This will result in a win-win situation for everyone.


09 university knowledge or jod-specific training

Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. Post-secondary education provides general skills and knowledge and sometimes job-specific training. But which of these two should be the main focus? While many people might think the focus should only be "jobs", I believe universities play a larger social role.

Let us consider that we live in a information age. If a student wants to learn about accounting or history or other job-specific information, they do not need to sit in a classroom to get it. Nowadays, anyone can get information and knowledge online and can learn on their own. So surely universities arenot needed for this purpose.

Instead, what universities should focus on is developing critial thinking. Anyone can memorise facts and get on-job training, but not everyone can think and analyse. This is a far more important skill in the real world. To be able to process information, understand it and use it, there are the skills our universities should focus on building.

That is not to say that universities should not pay any attention to the workplace. Of course all gradutes want to find good work. But if you ask most people in the workplace today, they will tell you that the specific skills required for thei jobs were learned on-site. And if you ask most employers what they are looking for in employees, they will tell you that it is a mind that can "think outside of the box".

So while universities play a role in training people for the workplace, they primarily function as a place for training the mind. What most companies and workforces need are not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas. Universities should be the driving force in nurturing such people.


10 the most important subjects such literature mathematics

It has been said that investing in education is investing in one`s future: it is ture for both individuals and nations. It is always somewhat subjective to say which is more important, the humanities or sciences, as both have value. However, I would like to make a case for the importance of mathematics and economics in this day and age.

Let us begin with math. Mathematics is a foundation suject which bridges many different fields, from physics and chemistry to the Internet and modern medicine. All of our material advance in the 20th century could not have happened without advanced mathematics. To be ture, it will also paly a critical role in meeting challenge like global warming and space travel, to name just a few, in the future.

Likewise, economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be able and move forward. History is full of example of kingdoms and empires that collapsed as their economies declined. Most obviously, we need look no further than the current economic meltdown to see the importance of economics. The jobs and wellbeing of individuals and nations alike depend upon a deeper understanding of this field.

While all subjects have their merit, Geography does not have the same importance it once did. After all, in our modern world we have 3-D(dimention) maps online that allow us to see anywhere with the click of a mouse. But to reiterate, we need to balance approach to education where we still produce artists and thinkers and historians and so on.

In summary, math and economics are critical subject in the 21st century. Governments must shoulder their responsibility for(do their part to) making sure we invest in these key areas and have qualified teachers. By doing so, they will ensure our prosperity and porgress.


11 gap year

Generally speaking, in the past when students graduated from high school, they went to university or entered the workforce right away. This is no longer always the case. Many students now choose to "take a year off" and explore other options. Deciding whether or not this is wise is subjective but for many it can be positive.

On the one hand, taking time off allows a person to broaden one~s horizons, to see and experience new cultures, to peak one`s curiosity about new place. After all, not all things can be learned in the classroom. We can grow and mature from the challenges of living abroad. It also allows us to appreciate aspects of our own culture that we previously took for granted.

But on the other hand, there is the risk that taking time off may cloud the stuent`s mind by presenting him or her with too many options. Young minds are impressionable and sometimes they need structure. The desire to go back to school after being in society may become less appealing and this could negatively impact their long-term job opportunities.

In the end, I feel that it comes down to what the individual achieve in life. There is no "one size fits all" perscription. Personally, If I had the resources, I would make every effort to experience new places and challenge myself in new ways, but also commit to a university education afterward.

In summary, we must be careful not to make this into a black and white issue. Instead, parents and children should do their best to discuss what course of action suits them best and be supportive.


12 the proportion of older people

In more and more developed countries we see the following trend: income rise, people get married later and have fewer kids. The result is that demographics change and the population ages. While more old people sounds like a good thing(as they tend to be kind and warm-heared) it can have a serious impact on economies and societies.

Consider, for example, that in order for a country`s GDP to grow it need to produce more goods and services each year. With an aging population and more people retiring, fewer are left to work, creating an economic hole. The result is that such countries have to rely on immigration to fill the gap and this is a less-than-desirable solution.

Consider also, that as more people reach their twilight years they will face increasing health problems and this puts huge pressure on health care and other social programs. Im most countries government pays for at least some of the cost of health care, not to mention things like pensions, all of which means a big bill someone has to pay for. Simply put, the numbers donot add up.

To be fair, however, we should be careful not to direct our anger towards old people themselces. Old people can still make contributions to society, whether it means helping look after grandchildren, working part time or even volunteering. On an individual level, old people can be a real treasure.

In summay, governments should recognise the challenges of an aging society and take the appropriate action. But in addition to fixing the short-term impact of an older society, they should also look at the bigger picture and do their best so that in the future we have a better age balance.


13 more female leaders create peace and reduce violence

Looking at world leaders it is clear that women are under-represented. Equally clear is that while our world has made progress in many areas, we still have lots of wars and social inequalities. So there exists the perception that if only there were more female leaders, the world would be a better, more peaceful place. Unfortunately, such a conclusion is naive.

First of all, countries with female leaders are no more peaceful on the whole. The reason for this is politics is a tough life. In order for a woman to gain respect and power she has to be aggressive and tough, even tougher than most men. therefore, in the end, the decisions she makes arenot likely to be any different from those of a man.

The second point to consider is that the root of the problem is much deeper than gender. Violence and wars usually take years and sometimes even decades to handle properly. If we are serious about fixing these problems, we need to look at the underlying issues: racism, poverty, religious tension and so on. Focusing on these problems would be more effective.

On the other hand, I think we can agree that we should more women in politics. They are certainly under-represented in this field. The more points of view and various backgrounds we have in politics, the healthier our system and society will be.

So in the end, if we are serious about achieving world peace and reducing violence, we must focus on the root problems and not the gender of our leaders. What we need is for all citizens to become more involved in making societies better insread of just relying on leaders to solve our problems for us.


14 busy with work not have enough time to spend with family

East or West, city or town, it seems that people all over are busier with work and have less time to spend with friends and family. Most people would agree that this trend isnot desirable. We are social creatures and consequently need to spend enough time with the people we are care about. As a society, we must do more to ensure that we reach a healty balance between work and private time.

Let us begin by considering how this problem starts: work. Nowadays in most marriages, both man and woman work in order to pay the bills. But when they come home they are ofter too tired for any quality familty time. As well, if there are children, they most likely need to hire a nanny or use a daycare service, again meaning less family time.

The effects of all this work arenot positive. Children may grow up not really having a close relationship with their parents. It is scary to think that they may be closer with a babysitter than their biological parents! And for the husband and wife, all that work can lead to fatigue and a stress and on the marriage.

On the macro level, looking at society, we see a similar negative picture. More and more people feel isolated. People are more concerned with making money than maintaining relationships. The result is that people often behave selfishly and thus feel lonely and depressed when they realise they are alone. No wonder there are so many confused people seeing psychologists!

In a nutshell, the effects of a fast-paced, working society are generally less-than-desirable. In our efforts to get ahead and be successful, we must mak sure that we do not neglect the most important things in life: out relationships. That is what makes life worthwhile.


15 measure the success of a country

We are all used to the terms, "developed" and "developing" when describing a country`s progress. While these are useful words, however, they do not entirelt capture all of the factors that measure how a country grows and changee. While economic indicators are important, we should also look at non-material prgress for a complete picture.

One of the most important factors outside of economics is how people treat each other. If a country`s citizens are friendly and warm and kind to one another then It says something positive about their character. This also is connected to education. the caliber of people that a country produces is almost certainly realted to its education system.

Another important indicator is socail programmes and services. For example, if a country has good health care and social services then it is fair to say that that country has a high set of values and conscience. If a person loses a job but can get assistance, or a minority still has an equal opportunity of success, then we can say this country is advanced.

A final thing to look at is how that country is perceived by other nations. If it is a peaceful country and treats others fairly, it will also be respected and this is a sign of success. And vice versa. While it is hard to say which of these factors is most important, we can draw the conclusion that it has to do with "values".

So, in summary, a country must have high principles if it wishes be truly considered successful. Of course economics is still an important benchmark, but it is not the only one. Surely what makes a country great is not its GDP or modern buildings, but how civilised it is.


16 images of disaters and violence in the media causes and solutions

Footage of plane crashes, earthquake victims and violent crimes... these are just some of the images that flash across out TV screens daily. But are the problems getting worse or is it just that there is more coverage? I feel the problem is more about media and us, the viewers.

There have always been disaters, both natural and manmade; this is not new. But a 24-hour, non-stop international news cycle sometimes gives the impression that things are getting worse.Every day and Every hour we are flooded with negative news leading some to believe that society is spinning out of control.

As a result, the more violence and depressing scenes we see and read about, the more cynical and pessimistic we are likely to become. Moreover, with each negative news story, the more "normal" it all seems. The result is a kind of addiction to bad news, where we see bad things and sometimes even gradually accept them.

So the problem really stems from the relationship between viewers and media network. Media is a business and evidently they feel that bad news is popular. Of course the media has a rsponsibility to report negative news, but they should not overdo it in oder to hook viewers. They need to offer, and we need to demand, more balanced converage.

So, in summary, media networks should offer a mix of new stories. Realising that we, as viewers, have a choice to decide what we watch and how it affets us, is critical if we want to address the root problem.


17 learn language learn cultures and lifestyles

How to learn a language effectively is not easy to summarise. However, one popular opinion is the view that language acquisition should also involve a broader understanding of the culture and people who speak it. Considering this claim it is clear that we "should" use a broader cultural approach when studying a second people, and "must" if we wish to do it successfully.

Let`s begin by considering how language is shaped by society and culture. The fact that we have different language demonstrates that we have different backgrounds. Anyone who has tried learning a second language soon realise that you cannot substitute on word for another because words are concepts and come concepts are unique to a particular culture. So, learing a language means learning how people think and express ideas.

More importently, we should consider the purpose of learning a second language: to communicate. It is impossible to communicate with a person and not know something of their culture and background. For example, American TV shows and movies taught me alot about mindset of typical westerners and really helped when I actually travelled to Americal two years age.

Of course some argue that language is just about memorising words and we should not waste our time with broader context, but this is misguided. No language can be taught or learned purely as a science.

Separating language from culture is not only impossible, but it is counterproductive. Only by digging into the social background and mentality and of native speakers can we hope to communicate with them effectively.


18 traditional foods international fast foods

It has been said that the McDonalds` logo is the most universally recognised symbol. Huge fast food chains have spread to all corners of the earth as a result of a global society. They are especially popular with young people and children, but is this a positive development? When weighing the pros and cons, it becomes clear that while they have some benefits, the negatives clearly outweight them.

First of all, it is widely known that fast foods tend to be less healty than home-cooked meals. Fast foods use lots of sugar, salt and artificial ingredients, all of which have a negative impact on our health. Just look at all of the overweight people in countries with fast food restaurants and you will see all the proof you need.

Furthermore, fast food have a negative impact on society because they often substitute traditional foods and local culture. When people travel abroad they usually want to do as the Romans do and try the local food; how unfortunate if there is no local food left to try. In my hometown, Beijing, local snacks and cuisine have become harder to find as KFC, Pizza Hut and others have gradually taken over.

However, to be fair, fast food is popular for a reason. Usually such chains are very clean and have a confortable environment. Also, they are very standardised so no matter where you go, you know what you are getting, which is convenient. But still, the cons are far greater.

At present, fast food has a bad reputation because of health reasons and its influence on traditonal culture. Perhaps in the future if fast food can be more nutritious and be more local it will be more widely accepted and have a positive influence. Until then, we should consume less.


19 modern buildings and traditional styles

In recent years, an interesting trend has emerged. Countries with long histories and rich cultures have been modernising the quickest, especially in terms of architecture. Many people have criticised this as not respecting traditional culture. While traditional architecture should be protected, however,I feel it is not necessary to stop building modern structures as we move forward.

On reason for this is that modern buildings are more practical and comfortable to love and work in. While traditonal buildings mgiht look nice from outside, they are often not very user-friendly. Modern buildings usually have lots of windows and light and are clean and energy efficient. Surely this will make those inside them happier.

Another point to consider is that modern buildings will give a good impression to those visiting from abroad. Consider Beijing during the Olympics, for example. Many foreigners were surprised to see all of the stunning new buildings designs. In the long run, this will probaly attract more business and tourists to the country.

Of course, traditional architecture still has its value. Everyone loves visiting famous historical places and admiring architectural styles from throughtout history. We should protect and appreciate such place for future generations, but at the same time, we do not have to live in the past.

In summay, each city needs to find its own balance between "old" and "new" when is comes to building styles, but modern buildings are for sure a positive thing. After all, if we do not continue to explore new buildings styles we won`t be able to let future generations know what our period of history was like.

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20 public museum art galleries or using computer

We live in a world where we can get information at the click of a mouse. Compared to even a decade age, the Internet has allowed us to see and do more without ever leaving our desk. But when it comes to viewing objects of art and other items, is is the same as visiting them in peroson? Clearly I think that there is a difference between something real and vurtual.

First of all, beginning by remembering a trip you made to a museum or historical relic. Surely much of what makes your memory great is not just seeing the object, but all of the other senses that you used as well: the smell, the atmosphere, the other people admiring it. These are only possible when viewing something in person.

Furthermore, seeing something in person allows you to notice details that you might otherwise miss. For example, when I saw the pyramidal in person, I was amazed at how uneven they were up close, and how lage. When I had seen then before online, I had no concept for these details.

Of course the Internet can still be a useful visual tool. For example, before a person goes on a trip, they can research the palce they are visiting along with historical items. That way when they arrive, they can have a better idea of what to expect. But under no circumstance should think that viewing something online is the same as in person.

In a nutsell, I feel that a virtual, online world should complement but not replace the really one. We all need to get out of our homes and go places to see things, because it is the overall experience and journey that makes it memorable and meaningful.


21 social medical problems use of mobile phone

We live in an information age, an age of communication and connections. Perhaps the best symbol of all this technology is the mobile phone. Almost everyone has one and most people would be lost in their daily routine without it. However, some people have suggested that it causes medical problems and should be limited. But this tiny little tool is just too important to get ride of.

The advantages of using mobile phones are immense. For business and commerce they allows companies to stay in touch with clients, employers and eployees and so on. Now people can work outside the office and never be out of the imformation loop. In fact it would be hard to imange working without one.

Furthermore, parents can have peace of mind with their kids by giving them a mobile phone. Now they are at scholol or playing with a friend, they are only a phone call away. This is also true for anyone who has an emergency to report or is in danger. Mobiles can literally be a lifersaver.

The flipside though is that some people have reported medical issues like heart and brain problem. I am not an expert on these issues but my impression is that if they were proven to be dangerous, governments would not allow them to be sold, would at least have toughter safety standards.

In a nutshell, mobile phones are just too essential to our daily lives. If in the future it shows that they cause damage to one`s health, then I am confident that laws will be passed requiring them to be safe. But for now, the pros clearly outweight cons.

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22 fashion and choice of clothes

It seems that in recent years more and more people, especially in urban areas, are dressing more stylishly. Nowadays it is not uncommon to see people walking around in brand name clothes and sunglasses like celebrities. But why is this happening and is it a positive development? I agree with the view that whether it is good or bad depends on the individuals attitude.

The cause of this fashion obsession surely is connected to movies and pop culture. In today`s society, we are constantly seeing images of attractive movies stars and MTV videos with pop icons wearing the most recent styles. To some extent, and perhaps even subconsciously, this affects our own behaviour as we imitate what we see.

On one level, being fashionable is quite healthy. It is natural for us to want to look good., bacause if we look good we fell good about ourselves. Especiall in today`s world of work and relationships, it is important to have good self-esteem and be confident. Looking good can help us achieve that.

But from another angle, being too fashion-conscious has it s problem. Sometimes people end up obsessing about buying the most expensive things and look down upon others who cannot afford them. Such people become superficial and often do not pay enough attention to the important things in life, like friendship and being a good person.

In a nutshell, each person has to find the right balance regarding how fashionable to be. There is nothing wrong with looking good and feeling good; in fact it is human. But we must also be sure not to dwell on its much.

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23 definition of happiness

If you ask most people what the most important thing in life, most will respond, "happiness". But if you ask people to define happiness, you will soon discover that you get very different answers. How can something so fundamental to all humans be so hard to define? No doubt it has something with happiness largely being subjective.

Happiness is hard to define because what makes us all happy varies so much. One person might like traveling to new places and meeting new people; another person might find happiness in sports and others in other things. Because we all have different personalities and hobbies, it only makes sense that we define happiness in different ways.

Personally, happiness means a couple of things to me. One way I define happiness is by the quality of my relationships. When I have good friends I can rely on and people around me who understand me and are loyal to me, I feel happy. It is hard to be happy when alone, so I value my friendships and work hard at them so that when I am feeling down, I know I have the support I need.

Another aspect of happiness for me is having work that is meaningful and rewarding. Let me be clear about this: I am not talking about how much money a person makes; that is not real happiness. What I am talking about is being able to use one`s skills and feel that one is making a difference. This is a source of real happiness for me.

In a nutshell, happiness is a state of being that each of us define. We do not need to worry about comparing ourselves to others - that only leads to disappointment. Happiness is in our own hands.

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24 environmental problem and increase the price of fuel

The world`s environmental problems are certainly connected to human bahaviour, on that issue, everyone agrees. But how should we change our behaviour in order to protect the environmemt? One suggestion has been to raise the price of fuel to discourage driving. This is certainly one option that might help, but other approaches are also needed for a more sustainable future.

Raising the price of fuel can be somewhat effective. If fuel prices go up, either fewer people will drive or people will drive less, which makes sense for reducing pollution. But there are two issues with this: it is not enough to fix the problem completely and higher fuel prices might negatively affect industry and the economy.

One option to consider is making our cars more fuel-efficient so that they do not burn so much fuel and leave such a big carbon footprint. In my city, the government has placed strict standards on car manufacturers and we have more blue-sky days as a result. It is a win-win for both consumers and the environment.

Another point to consider is developing green technologies like wind and solar. These are energy sources that are turly sustainable because they do not produce any pollution and there is an unlimited amount of them. The problem seems to be that it takes time and money to develop new technologies, but surely it is worth it in the long term.

In a nutsehll, while higher fuel prices might achieve less consumption, it is not a complete solution. Instead, or in addition, governments should look forward and help develop new breakthrough technologies and develop the echo-friendly resources we have. Surely this is the most effective way.


25 long distance flights and reduce cars

Every day, thousands of planes take to the skies, transporting people all over the world. In the process though, these huge planes use massive amounts of fuel and greatly add to global warming and pollution. Discouraging non-essential flight is a good idea, but not at the expense of limiting use of the car. Surely we can cut back on both.

Traveling by planes has truly made our world feel a lot smaller, but not all travel is necessary. For example, already, technology and the Internet in particular, have meant that business people do not always have to travel across countries and continents to meet face to face. Now they can meet online and do more business without leaving a carboon footprint.

Consider other people who travel a lot: tourists. With countless TV shows and movies and books about various travel destinations, perhaps in the future not everyone will feel the need to actually travel there in person. Maybe in the near future we will be able to go places "virtually" with computer aids that give us a realistic experience.

Of course, by limiting flights it does not mean that we should drive more. As with the reasons above, technology will make it easier for more people to work rremotely. We will be able to do more without leaving our homes if we want to. Of course we should still travel and get out, but we will not need to as much.

In the final analysis, we can and should do our part to limit unnecessary travel, whether flying or driving. In order to reduce pollution we all have to make some sacrifices. And with new technologies coming all the time, perhaps changing our behaviour will be easier than we think.

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26 use animals for the benefit of humans

Man has always existed alongside other animals, and for most of our history we have used animals in one way or another. However, in recent years many people have argued that using animals is both curel and unnecessary and that we should change our reliance on them. I agree with view that we should take a blanced approach that is not extreme either way.

Those supporting animal rights argue that animals have feelings and thougt and that to kill them for food or other uses in murder. They make a good point by suggesting that unlike in ancient times, nowadays we have alternative forms of medicine and food and clothing. According to this view, we should be more conscious of our behaviour and impact on all creatures.

The other side points out that humans are unique and superior to animals. Therefore, they argue that we should use animals in whatever way we need, whether it is for food or medical research or whatever else. Certainly in the past, this has been a practical and esay argument to support.

But from my point of view, I feel that in modern society we can and should at least cut down on our reliance on animals. At the very least we can eat less meat(which is healthier) and we do not need to wear far. In some case though, like medicine, we should use animals for testing if it can save human lives, but only these are no other options.

In a netshell, we can and should make an effort to exploit animals less. Of course, it is not realistic to change out habits overnight, but it seems that doing so is part of our evolution. We should be aware of our past, but always look forward.

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27 human astronaut arrive on the Moon

It is hard to believe it was less than half a century ago that mankind journeyed past the earth`s atmosphere, into space and landed on that moon. Since that day, and leading up to the decision to try it, lots of money and energy has been spent on space exploration but the results, some say, have not been overly impressive. While it might seem like a waste of money, its value is perhaps greater than most realise.

First of all, we need to acknowledeg that the teachnology developed to make space travel possible also trickles down into our daily lives. The technology in automobile, airplanes, personal computers and even our clother, all have been advanced because of money spent on the space programme.

A second, but often-overlooked point, is the symbolic important of our going to the moon. Since that day we first stepped foot on the moon, humanity has been filled with belief that anything is possible; that only limits we have are the limits of our imagination. Surely the significance of such events cannot be overlooked.

However it is understandable how much programmes might seem like a waste of resourcs. For example, we have no shortage of sickness, wars and other social problems that have been fixed, so why explore other worlds? But it is clear that we cannot wait until the world is "perfect" to push the limits.

In a nutshell, humanity should continue to explore and push itself, just so long as we do so within our means. While we should continue to make this world better, we should look forward and challenge ourselves in new ways. Space travel is the ultimate challlenge.

(280 字)

28 profit-making companies or governmental health care

It is said that human being are the only animal that is aware it will one day die. Given such knowledge, we are in a unique position to decide how we live, which in ture affects how long we live. But when we do get sick, should we be in the hands of for-profit companies or government? I think ideally it should be some conbination of both.

For-profit insurance companies have pros and cons. On the one hand, because they want to make money, they might not agree to all the expensive treatments a sick person wants and needs. On the other hand, individuals wiil be motivated to stay healty and take care of themselves so they do not have to pay such high insurance rates.

Government-run healthcare is also a mixed bag. One advantage is that it ensure all people, regardless of income, have at least some basic medical coverage. Though the disadvantage is that individuals have no incentive to take care of their health. After all, if they eat poorly or smoke and get sick, it is not they that have to pay for it.

It is clear that the ideal choice would be a conbination of both private and public health insurance. This way everyone can have basic coverage, but if people have the resources to buy private insurance they are free to do so and it does not palce too big a burden on government.

In a netshell, by conbining the benefits of both systems we can achieve health care that is complete and fair. This is important because in any socety both government and individual have responsibilities. When it comes to health, we all have a part to play.

(280 字)

29 cars increase and road systeam government or usr pay

Urbanisation is global trend, but as mor people move to cities greater demands are placed on infrastucture. An obvious example of challenges posed by ever-expanding cities is the demand placed on road system. While it is debatable who should pay for all of this, I believe that the government should shoulder most of cost.

First of all, when we talk about using "government money" to pay for something, it is importent to remember where that money comes from. Goverments pay for infrastucture projects with public money that comes mostly from tax dollars that we all contribute, so government money is really out money.

In addition, government also hava a responsibility to plan, build and maintain city infrastructure. They are elected or appointed to work for the public good. And by creating more efficient roads, they will be encouraging investment and trade in their cities, which in the long-term, will bring in capital as well as increase the profit of their city.

To consider it from another angle, however, a pay-for-use system is not entirely unreasonalbe. Not everyone use roads, so why should the burden be shared equally? And some people would also say that by placing the cost on drivers directly, government could essentially encourage public transport alternatives. But such arguments seem less than convicing and would be hard to carry out.

In a nutshell, only government has the means to finance and implement a public roads system, which is done with taxpayer money anyhow. Moreover, by forcing government to work within a budget, we can ensure more efficient city planning and encourage green alternatives so that our cities do not end up being one big freeway.

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30 housing shortages in big cities only government solve this problem
Nowadays in big cities all over the world is not uncommon to hear people complain about the cost of housing. It seems that real estate markets are often out of control and comsumers have no say in the matter. As housing is a basic need, governments need to step in to protect consumer rights and make sure the markets are fair.

Let us begin by considering the current financial crisis in America. This was partly caused by a real estate bubble. When housing prices go up, people think it is a quick way to get rich and they borrow more money than they should. When the prices fall, they owe more than the house is worth.

Also consider that in any city there are many people with low and medium incomes. How can such people be expected to buy expensive real estate when their salaries are not all high? It is clear that governments should step in and set reasonable limits on prices so that not only the super rich can afford to live in cities.

If governments do not act, the consequences could be severe. If the trend continues then eventually people will stop moving to cities or only the rich will live there and both of these are unrealistic. It takes all types of people to make up a city and all people deserve affordable housing.

In a netshell, the responsibility resets with government to place reasonable controls on the real esate market. Housing should be a basic human right, like food and water, but if government does not act soon, it will be a privilege for the rich. What a shame that would be!

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31 money on armament or money on reduce poverty

Every country spends some money on self-defense and its military; it is only natural. But the important consideration is how much money should be spent? Some people think that countries should spend less on the military and more helping to reduce the gap between rich and poor. I agree with the view that each country needs to pay attention to both and find the proper balance.

Every country need to maintain its borders and protect its people. This seems like a no-brainer. Naturally, some countries which are gergraphically large and share borders with many conuntries will need to spend more on its limitary budget, while others can spend less. We should also remember that the military not only can be used in self-defense, but also is important in domestic emergencies and natural disasters.

This is not to say that we should neglect other important social issues. For a country to be stable and balanced, governments should also do what it can bridge the gap between rich and poor as well as investing in other social programmes. Sometimes the biggest threat is not from other countries, but from soical inequality. Government must take a balanced approach to spending its funds.

In fact, there are many countries which do a good job for balancing spending on social programmes and self-defense, like many European countries for example. Another possibility to consider is for countries to from an alliance so they can share the cose of self-defense. By doing so, they will have more to spend on other areas.

In a nutshell, each country must strike a balance between dealing with international and domestic threats. Hopefully one day we will live in a more peaceful time and we will not need to spend anything on self-defense. Until then, we should aim for a reasonable middle ground.

32 international aid misused by the local government

We live in an age of "haves" and "have-notes", both individuals and collectively. But what kind of obligation and responsibility do countries have to one another? It is clear that this question becomes even harder to answer when considering that not all contries want to aid ot will use it wisely. Ultimately, I feel that wealthy nations should do what they can, not only to give aid, but to make sure that it gets used properly.

The first reason for this is that everyone has a obligation to others. If we see someone heart in the street, we help them; the same is true for countries. Those in a position of opportunity should help the less fortunate, because ultimately, everyone`s interest is connected. What affects one country can affect other countries eventually.

Of course, some people think it is not necessary to help out; that each countries is responsible for its own destiny. Such people often point out that practically it is hard to guarantee that financial aid really gets to those who need it. Certainly, in some nations, corrupt officials have shamelessly misused money from other countries to maintain their own power.

But I believe we should work toward giving aid and making more of an effort to make sure it is used properly. In fact, we have the United Nations and other organisations and I am sure that they can be counted on as fair and neutral in handing such matters. Regardless, it seems fair that if money is given, there is some oversight.

In a nutshell, the international community has an obligation to helping struggling nations, but also has a right to make sure that money is used well. By doing so, not only can the world develop more evenly, but it can also help build friendship and goodwill between nations. This is critical in a global age.

33 unemployment offer only primary education

When access to education should be universal and affordable, the reality is that it often is out of reach for many. High unemployment in some countries or regions may even make some feel that it is a waste of time. While situations and circumstances may vary, in general we should do our part to make sure that as many people finish high school and university as possible.

First of all, we must consider the economics of a proper education. With limited education one can perhaps find odd jobs at an earlier age, but their long-term income and opportunities will be limited. Compare that with someone who completes school. While graduates may have trouble finding work at first, once they do, they have a better chance of keeping their jobs and earning more in the future and thus hava a better quality of life.

Secondly, educated people do a lot to create jobs. Most entrepreneurs and business, people who create employment, themselves received education. These are people who create growth and opportunity in society, conversely, those withous education can onyl struggle to look after themselves.

Some people would say that by not investing in secondary education when the outlook is bad, governments can save money. This may be true in the short term but it leaves the long-term problem of an undereducated and underdeveloped society. Surey this is not a responsible solution.

In the final anlysis, it often takes short-term sacrifica and investment and investment to achieve long term prosperity. Governments must not take shortcuts when it comes to ensuring everyone receives a proper secondary education. This is the surest way to create a better future for everone.

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