Ctrl + N 查找類
Ctrl + Shift + N 查找文件(包括類)
Ctrl + Shift + F 查找包含輸入字符的文件
雙擊Shift Search Everywhere
Ctrl + Shift + L 格式化代碼
Ctrl + I Implement methods
Ctrl + G Go to line
Ctrl + Alt + B Go to implementation(s)
Ctrl + Alt + V Extract Variable
Ctrl + Alt + M Extract Method
Ctrl + O Override methods
Ctrl + Alt + T Surround with… (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized, etc.)
Ctrl + Shift + J Smart line join 兩行拼接成一行
Alt + Right/Left Go to next/previous editor tab
F12 Go back to previous tool window
Ctrl + E Recent files popup
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Navigate to last edit location
Ctrl + Shift + B Go to type declaration
Ctrl + ] / [ Move to code block end/start
Ctrl + F12 File structure popup
Ctrl + Alt + F Extract Field
Ctrl + Alt + C Extract Constant
Alt + Shift + C View recent changes
Ctrl + J Insert Live Template
Ctrl + Alt + S Open Settings dialog
Ctrl + Tab Switch between tabs and tool window