No matter how big the issue is today, it will be a small matter tomorrow; no matter how significant the event is this year, it will be a story next year. If you encounter something that upsets you, just tell yourself: "There's nothing that serious." ——
? ? ? You know you don't always get all the things in the bag, that you selected from the menu in the delivery surface, that is life, you get what you get.
? ? ? Never be ashamed of trying, getting back up, dusting yourself off, and seeing who still wants to hang out with you afterward, and laugh about it. You should be very proud of what you've done with it.
? ? ? Then the scary news is, you're on your own now. But the cool news is, you're on your own now!
? ? ? And the end, please follow the three golden rules in our lives: Who is helping you, don't forget them. Who is trusting you, don't cheat them. Who is loving you, don't let them down.