原文:3 Easy Fat Loss Tricks for Busy People
Losing fat can be complicated. From trying to calculate complicated calorie needs to lose weight, to going to the gym endlessly, to trying every fake fat burning supplement ever created.
It can be exhausting– but it doesn’t have to be.
The goal in life is not to become obsessed with counting every calorie and spending all your off time– your “you” time– at the gym just to lose some unwanted body fat. Otherwise, you’ll end up being unable to enjoy life in general and the mental and emotional impact of that will be extremely difficult to reverse. After all, what’s the point of losing weight if you’re not happy?
Instead of following a strict diet and obsessively watching what you’re eating, you can incorporate a few simple changes to your diet. The best part is that these changes aren’t like what you’ve tried before. They aren’t one of those crash dieting or juicing fads, which are extremely unsafe for your physical health.
The tips you’ll read about here aren’t only effective but also safe and healthy. The idea is to promote your physical health while helping you get rid of excess fat easily. Here are three extremely easy fat loss tricks you can start implementing today to see your body fat start decreasing this week.
Higher protein diets are shown to be effective in long term weight loss programs. When it comes to worrying about carbs or fats or what time of the day you should eat, having a diet higher in protein takes priority over everything.
Believe it or not, I’m encouraging you to eat more food to lose more fat.
Here are some awesome effects of protein related to losing fat simply:
Protein burns more calories when digested when compared to fat and carbs combined.
Protein helps prevent losing muscle, muscle that helps you burn more calories every day.
Protein keeps you fuller longer and decreases cravings, so you’re going to end up eating less fattening foods throughout the day.
The best way to get more protein in your diet is to make sure at every meal there is some sort of protein source. From egg whites, to chicken and fish, to nuts and protein shakes, protein is easy to incorporate into your day and will greatly assist you in the fat loss process. You can simply choose the type of high-protein food you like and then include that in your daily diet. It doesn’t have to be excessive; just something you enjoy eating and also contains plenty of proteins.
You always hear your doctor harp on drinking enough water, but there may be a good reason behind that.
Staying hydrated is important for a number of bodily functions including nutrient transport. Having a higher protein intake will aid in fat loss a lot more efficiently if you are hydrated. So with the second tip, you’re actually going to make the first tip work even better.
Aside from helping your body to shed the fat, water can act as a natural appetite suppressant and curb cravings that tend to get you in trouble. Try simply having a tall glass of water when you wake up and before every meal. This will help you get full easily when you eat, while helping you remain full for a longer period of time.
You’ll be surprised at how well water helps you avoid bad foods and overeating. Remember that water is also good for your skin and for your overall health, so make sure to religiously get your daily dose.
We all know those leafy greens are healthy for us but they are an amazing fat loss aid as well.
Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to eat an entire bag of chips but eating an entire head of cauliflower (which has far less calories) is much harder? That’s because simple carbs like junk food has a very low satiety, or ability to tell your brain that it is full or satisfied, whereas fibrous carbs like vegetables have a much higher satiety. So you’re basically getting full with far less consumption when you consume vegetables.
In a world of fast food and convenient junk food, cravings and calories are extremely high.
By simply having vegetables cover 50% of your plate and pairing them with every protein meal, you can say goodbye to most cravings and hello to fat loss. Not everyone likes to have raw vegetables, but a light steam could enhance the taste while still retaining its nutritional value.
Losing fat doesn’t need to be complicated. Increase your protein intake, drink your water, and eat your vegetables. Use these three tactics to start losing fat simply without feeling overwhelmed by an overly obsessive diet.