1. Greatest common divisor
- desc
Find the greatest common divisor of two positive integers.
The integers can be large, so you need to find a clever solution.
The inputs x and y are always greater or equal to 1, so the greatest
common divisor will always be an integer that is also greater or equal to 1.
- e.g
gcd(1, 3) = 1;
gcd(60, 12) = 12;
gcd(1590771464, 1590771620) = 4;
- 遞歸解答
long long gcd(long long x, long long y) {
return y == 0 ? x : mygcd(y, x%y);
- 模板編程
template <long long V>
struct gcd {
static const long long value = V;
template <long long x, long long y>
struct gcd {
static const long long value = gcd<y, x%y>::value;
- usage
void test_gcd() {
auto v = gcd<20, 40>::value;
2. Sum of the odd digits of a number
- desc
Write a recursive function that returns the sum of the odd digits of a number.
For example, for the input number 321 the function will return 4,
and for the input 28 it will return 0.
- e.g
321 => 3 + 1 = 4
28 => 0
- 遞歸解答
int sum_odd_digits(int n) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
auto sum = 0;
auto r = n % 10;
if (r % 2 != 0) {
sum = sum + r;
return sum + sum_odd_digits(n / 10);
- 簡化遞歸寫法
int sum_odd_digits(int n) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
int digit = n % 10;
return digit % 2 * digit + sum_odd_digits(n / 10);
- 引入輔助函數(shù)
int sum_odd_digits(int n, int res) {
return n > 0 ? sum_odd_digits(n / 10, res + (n % 2 ? n % 10 : 0)) : res;
int sum_odd_digits(int n) {
return sum_odd_digits(n, 0);