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Application of high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC)
of food and Bioengineering, Henan University of science and technology,
Luoyang, 471003
Highperformance liquid chromatograph correlation analysis is the main separationand analysis technology in biology, chemistry and medicine. It plays anindispensable role in food inspection, scientific research, environmentalmonitoring, drug development, production and drug inspection. HPLC refers tothe theory of meteorological chromatography on the basis of the originalclassical chromatography, and the chromatographic column is filled with smallparticles in a special way. The column efficiency of chromatographic column ismuch higher than that of classical liquid chromatography. After the column isused, it can also have a high sensitivity detector, which can continuouslydetect the analyte coming out of the convection. High performance liquid chromatographis simple in operation and wide in application. It can be used for accurateanalysis of experimental articles, making the detection results more accurateand improving the detection accuracy. This paper reviews the practicalapplication of HPLC.
Keywords:HPLC;application; analysis
Highperformance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) is composed of chromatography andcontroller, injector, column pump, data processor, detector and control center.The system is mainly composed of injection system, infusion system, separationsystem, detection system and data processing system. HPLC is a kind ofchromatography analysis with high separation efficiency, fast analysis speedand automatic operation developed in 1960s [1]. HPLC is an important branch ofchromatography. Its working principle is to enter mobile phases such as singlesolvent with different polarity or mixed solvent with different proportion,buffer solution, etc. into the column with fixed phase through high-pressurepump. After the components in the column are separated according to the orderof polarity, they enter the detector for detection, so as to realize theanalysis of samples [2]. According to statistics, about 20% of known compoundscan be analyzed by gas chromatography, and about 70% ~80% can be analyzed byliquid chromatography. HPLC has a wide range of applications. It can beflexibly used in food inspection, scientific research, food and druginspection, environmental monitoring and other processes. The analysis andresearch of its application is of scientific significance.
1. Applicationof HPLC in drug identification and analysis
application of HPLC in drug identification is also an important work in the
medical industry. If the quality of drug identification cannot be guaranteed,
the whole medical industry will be seriously affected. Generally speaking,
there is little difference between the appearance of fake drugs or mixed drugs
and real drugs. It is difficult for ordinary people to identify them. However,
the performance of drugs is far behind. Therefore, the most advanced technology
must be used for identification. HPLC is a reliable method for drug
Highperformance liquid chromatograph is used to determine the content of drugs,which can ensure the accuracy of the drugs used, and is conducive to the cureof the disease. For example, the pharmaceutical composition of Chinesetraditional medicine is relatively complex. Animals, plants and minerals canall be used. Therefore, it is very difficult to promote it internationally,because it is impossible to prove what is the effective composition. Therefore,accurate measurement of the content of drugs can improve the production qualityand use value of traditional Chinese medicine. Using HPLC to determine thecontent of natural drugs can effectively ensure the application effect of drugsin China, which is not only conducive to the production of drugs, but alsoconducive to the cure of diseases.
2. Applicationof HPLC in food detection
With the development of time, people's livingstandards have improved, and Chinese people pay more and more attention to foodsafety. The instruments and corresponding methods for food safety detectionhave also attracted the attention of scientists all over the world. HPLC hasbecome the most important food detection technology because of its highsensitivity and low detection limit [4].
For example, check vitamin B1 in food. According to
the literature, Chen Chunxiao, Zhang Huimin, Zhong Yuetong and Kang Li have
used the combination of on-line derivatization technology and fluorescence
detector to determine the food method: use the on-line derivatization function
of HPLC to convert vitamin B1 in food into thiamine fluorescence, and then use
the fluorescence detector to detect its content[5]. HPLC was used flexibly in this method, and the
detection purpose was achieved quickly. Plants are rich in vitamins, especially
B vitamins, which play an important role in nutrition, food safety, health and
therapeutic effect[6]. Barbecue and other cooking technologies are loved
by food lovers at home and abroad. However, barbecue can lead to the formation
of harmful compounds, such as HCAs. Heterocyclic amine is a strong carcinogenic
and mutagenic nitrogen-containing compound, which produces protein rich food
under certain cooking conditions[7]. Charles F. manful, Natalia P and others used HPLCto analyze them, revealing the harmful substances produced by barbecue, whichis of positive significance to guide people to master barbecue and reduce thegeneration of harmful substances. HPLC plays an important role in fooddetection. It has many advantages, such as many kinds of mobile phases, highsensitivity, automation and wide application.
3. Applicationof HPLC in environmental monitoring
Green water and green mountains are golden
mountains and silver mountains. Everyone from the country to the country
attaches great importance to environmental issues. It is of course very
important to determine an instrument that can analyze and monitor environmental
problems timely and accurately. In the history, environmental pollution
disasters happened repeatedly. In 1950, a synthetic acetic acid plant in
Minamata Town, Japan, used mercuric chloride and mercuric sulfate as catalysts
in its production and discharged them into the nearby Minamata Bay at the same
time, thus entering the food pond and converting them into harmful organic
mercury compounds such as methylmercury chloride, which caused local residents
to suffer from neurological diseases. It is precisely because of the occurrence
of this famous pollution event that the concept of elemental morphological
analysis is first proposed [8-10]. Speciation analysis of elements is very important in environmental and
biological analysis, and it has become the research focus of environmental and
biological analysis. Various high-performance separation technologies, such as
high-performance liquid chromatography, GC and capillary electrophoresis (CE),
are widely used in environmental analysis[11]. The most
elements involved in the analysis of element form in environmental detection
include arsenic, selenium, mercury, chromium, etc. these studies are widely
used in the construction of national or regional evaluation system. The
traditional pollutants in water resources are mainly defined as special
elements and nutrient elements. For these elements, it is difficult to detect
and distinguish with ordinary detection instruments. The application of HPLC
can distinguish these elements in detail, and accurately detect various
substances contained in these elements in water resources[12,13]. The role
of HPLC in the detection of water resources and its future development
prospects provide a new direction for improving water resources and environment
in China[14]. From this we can see the importance of HPLC inenvironmental monitoring.
4. Applicationprospect of HPLC
It can be seen from the above that HPLC plays an
important role in drug identification and analysis, food safety detection and environmental
monitoring. At present, there are many problems in these three aspects at home
and abroad[15,16]. Therefore, the application scope of HPLC should
be further expanded to further improve the detection ability. To better meet
the requirements of detection, HPLC in the use of the process, with a certain
continuous injection ability to combine with the injection function of
automatic operation will achieve good results[17].. In the process of automatic operation, the
injection accuracy will be affected, and the injection efficiency is low. In
order to change this phenomenon, the continuous injection device and HPLC can
be used together, which can not only improve the efficiency of injection, but
also realize the automatic operation of the whole process, improve the accuracy
of injection[18]. When using high performance liquid chromatograph
for detection, the detection efficiency can be effectively guaranteed[19]. When mass spectrometer and HPLC detector are used
together, the unknown samples can be analyzed in detail in the process of
sample detection. HPLC has the function of data analysis and calculation. When
HPLC and evaluation software are used together, the function of data
calculation and analysis of HPLC can be maximized[20].
It can be seen that the application prospect ofHPLC is very broad, not only limited to the several aspects listed in thispaper, but also more application directions are waiting for development.
After continuous practice and research, HPLC hasbeen widely used. In the process of analyzing the scope of its application, wecan see the effect of HPLC in practical application. According to the testresults, we can also see that HPLC has many advantages, such as high detectionefficiency, simple operation, wide application range et al.
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