意思: ADJ 形容詞 (被…)迷住的;(對…)入迷的 If you are hooked on something, you enjoy it so much that it takes up a lot of your interest and attention.
原句: ?Of such a progression of sentences, each tugging the reader forward until he is hooked, a writer constructs that fateful unit, the"lead.”
造句: Open this book and read a few pages and you will be hooked.
意思:VERB 動詞(通常指用肘)輕推,輕碰(以引起注意)If you?nudge?someone, you push them gently, usually with your elbow, in order to draw their attention to something.
原句:Anything will do, as long as it nudges his curiosity and tugs at his sleeve.
造句:He nudged the cat off the sofa so that he could sit down.
此處的搭配是nudge his curiosity呢灶,作者是為了說明和措,一個好的開頭能夠激發(fā)讀者的閱讀興趣,促使讀者進一步讀下去助被。這邊的nudge用的特別有趣剖张,首先是把好奇心物化,輕輕地推搡一下好奇心揩环,想象一下這個情景搔弄,既輕柔又有趣,也是語言文字潛移默化影響人的魔力所在丰滑。
意思:N-COUNT 可數(shù)名詞(由故事、事件引出的)道德訓誡褒墨,寓意The moral?of a story or event is what you learn from it about how you should or should not behave.
原句:One moral of this story is that you should always collect more material than you will use.
造句:I think themoralof the story is let the audience understand.
Readers of a literary review expect its writers to start somewhat discursively, and they will stick with those writers for the pleasure of wondering where they will emerge as they move in leisurely circles toward the eventual point. But I urge you not to count on the reader to stick around. Readers want to know—very soon—what's in it for them.
文學評論性質(zhì)的讀者和普通讀者是不同的失晴,前者懂得作者的文學手法剧腻,因此更耐得下心來,把握一個個前期的細節(jié)鋪墊涂屁,等待最后“爆發(fā)”的一刻书在,這里stick with,move in leisurely circles等一些用語拆又,就顯示出了評論性讀者與作者的有趣關(guān)系儒旬;而后者卻很少會有這樣的耐性栏账,因此就需要作家在開頭和結(jié)尾處多下功夫。前些日子讀了一些James Joyce的文字栈源,老實說挡爵,作為普通讀者,我根本讀不下去甚垦,完全不知道他在講什么茶鹃,但作為一些課程task,當我花下大量時間來研究文本時艰亮,也就漸漸發(fā)現(xiàn)了作者的厲害所在闭翩,每一個詞都是一個世界,每一個偶然出現(xiàn)的事物都是貫通前后的象征……這次發(fā)現(xiàn)了文學評論性讀者與作家間這種游戲的樂趣迄埃。當然疗韵,作為一個作者,寫出好的開頭結(jié)尾是很重要的调俘,但作為讀者伶棒,學會欣賞作品,更需要好好磨練彩库。