“我深信那在你們心里動(dòng)了善工的,必成全這工,直到耶穌基督的日子吩屹。 我為你們眾人有這樣的意念跪另,原是應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)模灰蚰銈兂T谖倚睦锩核眩瑹o論我是在捆鎖之中免绿,是辯明證實(shí)福音的時(shí)候,你們都與我一同得恩擦盾。 我體會(huì)基督耶穌的心腸嘲驾,切切地想念你們眾人;這是 神可以給我作見證的迹卢【嘁”(腓立比書 1:6-8 )
Philippians 1:6-8 I am confident. Paul talks about the confidence he has, not in himself, but the confidence in the master architect who has begun a good work in those who have been with Christ from the beginning. His confidence is in seeing the good work begun in these new believers by God. Can you see God's good work in yourself? Some of us must have been selfish before Christ found us, self-centred, making excuses for bad behaviour, unrighteous in our actions. When Christ found us, there was a work that he started to overthrow this evil work that sin had laid. Paul is confident that he who began will complete this work until we are perfect in Christ. Formed not as an instrument for sin, but made for his purpose. Do you possess this confidence in your maker, or here in this case, our re-maker? Are we willing to let him take the reins of our life so that he can remake us. To start to say 'yes' to him rather than hinder his work in our lives or those around us. remake us so that we are no longer slaves to sin. Today let us allow him to take us to that first step of a new work. What are you most afraid of Jesus to start a work in you. If you have been unloving, or selfish,? or have a weakness for a certain sin, today is the day to say Jesus I take that first step for change. I reject that part of my life, I allow you to change that area of my life and remake it in your image. This is my choice because I am confident in you that you can change me.